Recent Developments in Frequency Estimation and Compressed Sensing






详情: Recent Developments in Frequency Estimation and Compressed Sensing


Frequency estimation, the process of estimating the complex frequency components of a signal, is a classical yet important problem in signal processing and is involved in array processing, radar, sonar, communications, etc. On the other hand, compressed sensing refers to an emerging technique of estimating a sparse signal from far fewer samples and has been the most influential result in information theory and signal processing in the past decade. In this talk, we first introduce these two research areas and then move to the grid-based sparse methods for frequency estimation by applying compressed sensing. We highlight a recent class of methods for frequency estimation designated as gridless sparse methods that overcome certain limitations of the previous ones. These gridless methods in turn inspire the concept of continuous compressed sensing that broadens the scope of compressed sensing. We finally point out some future directions and conclude this talk.


