2018 Computational Neuroscience Winter School



This short course provides a three-days long introduction to the field of computational neuroscience. Theoretical studies of brain functions have focused on the information processing properties of individual neurons, neural circuits and networks systems. Computational neuroscience seeks to study these functions as revealed by neurophysiological experiments through computational means, and, as such, is high interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary. Our program brings together experimentalist, modelers, and theoreticians to illustrate the diverse approaches and disciplines that make up computational neuroscience.

The 2018 short course is sponsored by the Chinese Society for Neuroscience (Committee on Computational Neuroscience and Neural Engineering),the SJTU Institute of Natural Sciences, and the SJTU Zhiyuan College.


December 10 ~ 12, 2018


Room 601, Pao Yue-Kong Library, Minhang Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Application and Registration

Please register online. Apply Online

Preference is given to, but not limited to, applicants with a basic understanding of ordinary differential equations and probability and a working knowledge of Matlab.

No registration fee. Participants should cover their own lodging and meals.

Program Committee


  • John Rinzel, New York University
  • Xiaojing Wang, New York University
  • Quan Wen, University of Science and Technology of China
  • Dezhong Yao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
  • Xiaohui Zhang, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University


Date Time Speaker & Short Bio
Dec 10 08:55-09:00 Opening Remarking & Group photo
09:00-10:20 Dezhong Yao
10:40-12:00 Dezhong Yao
14:00-15:20 Quan Wen
15:40-17:00 Quan Wen
Dec 11 09:00-10:20 Xiaojing Wang
10:40-12:00 Xiaojing Wang
Dec 12 09:00-10:20 John Rinzel
10:40-12:00 John Rinzel
14:00-15:20 Xiaohui Zhang
15:40-17:00 Xiaohui Zhang

Contact Us

June Yu

Directions to INS
