Title: Metamaterial-Based Micro-Electromechanical Ultra-Compact Non-Dispersive Phase Shifters
Time: 15:00,28 Nov., 2011
Location: Meeting Room 3-208 of Information Buildings (电信楼群3号楼208会议室)
Sperker: James C. M. Hwang, Professor at
Sponsors: IEEE MTT-S
Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of China for Research of Design and Electromagnetic Compatibility of High Speed Electronic Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(上海交通大学高速电子系统设计与电磁兼容教育部重点实验室)
Recent advances in metamaterials allow non-dispersive phase shifters to be realized, which will greatly simplify the operation of frequency-agile and broadband-modulated phased-array radar and communications systems. Dispersion is only natural, so the phase of a conventional true-time-delay phase shifter varies with frequency. However, by judiciously combining right-handed natural material and left-handed metamaterial with different dispersion characteristics, a phase shifter can have constant phase shift across a wide bandwidth. For example, a composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line can be formed by combining fixed inductors with variable capacitors. The CRLH transmission line can then assume right- or left-handed characteristics depending on the values of the variable capacitors. The variable capacitors can be based on micro-electromechanical (MEM) capacitive switches, which can be monolithically integrated in a CRLH transmission line to realize non-dispersive phased shifters that are light, compact, low loss, low cost, and low power consumption. The additional degrees of freedom afforded by the MEM switches also allow a slow-wave structure to be tightly wrapped around the MEM switches to further reduce the size and loss of the phase shifter while maintaining wideband impedance match. Experimental results obtained on a Ku-band phase-shifter unit cell will be used to illustrate these design principles and performance advantages.