联系方式:Bella Ling、02161944434、bellal@marvell.com
Intern, Hardware Engineering
Job Description:
This is an entry level, hardware engineering oriented system engineer position. The engineer will be part of the vertical system engineering team composed with hardware engineering, software engineering, firmware engineering, FPGA design engineering, signal integrity engineering, and others. The IC products to work with include Ethernet PHY/NIC/Switch/SoC, high speed SerDes based PHYs, DTV front end components, PLC PHYs, and so on. System engineering team is responsible for many post silicon engineering efforts like product validation, platform development, collateral development, technical support and so on.
Job Responsibilities:
– Schematic design.
– PCB Layout review.
– Product validation using various lab. instruments in an automated test environment.
– Technical support to customers.
– Debug and improve the products.
Job Requirement:
– BS/MS in EE.
– Must have good knowledge with basic electronic circuit/logic design and data communication theories/systems.
– Must be willing to work in a multi-tasking, fast pace, team oriented working environment.
– Must be able to quickly absorb different kinds of knowledge and apply them in the works.
– Must have strong verbal and oral communication skill.
– Working experience on board level hardware design, logic/FPGA design, or software development are preferred.
– Working experience on test and measurement is highly appreciated.
– Familiarity with Ethernet and network protocols are some pluses.
Intern, FPGA Engineering
Job Description:
This is an entry level, FPGA design oriented system engineer position. The engineer
will be part of the vertical system engineering team composed with hardware engineering, software
engineering, firmware engineering, FPGA design engineering, signal integrity engineering, and others.
The IC products to work with include Ethernet/Automotive PHY/Switch SoC, high speed SerDes based
PHYs, and so on. System engineering team is responsible for many post silicon engineering efforts like
product validation, emulation tests, platform development, collateral development, technical support
and so on.
Job Requirement:
– BS or MS in EE or CS from a good university, major in logic or FPGA design. Good GPA preferred.
– Must have good knowledge with basic electronic circuit/logic design and data communication
– Must be willing to work in a multi-tasking, fast pace, team oriented working environment.
– Must be able to quickly absorb different kinds of knowledge and apply them in the works.
– Must have strong verbal and oral communication skill.
– Working experience on board level hardware design, logic/FPGA design, or software
development are preferred.
– Working experience on test and measurement is highly appreciated.
– Familiarity with Ethernet and network protocols are some pluses.
Marvell Technology Group Ltd.成立于1995年,于2000年在纳斯达克上市(NASD:MRVL),是一家全球性企业,Marvell美国总部位于加州圣克拉拉,在全球各地拥有7000多名员工。公司在中国大陆,欧洲,中国香港,印度,以色列,日本,马来西亚,新加坡,中国台湾和美国均建有国际建设中心。作为一家顶级的无晶圆厂半导体公司,公司每年售出超过十亿颗芯片。Marvell在微处理体系架构和数字信号处理方面的专业知识,极大的推动大容量存储解决方案,移动与无线技术,网络,消费电子及绿色产品等开发平台发展。同时,借助于世界一流的工程及混合信号设计能力,Marvell可为所有客户提供最关键的核心器件和模块,从而帮助其在竞争激烈的市场中立于不败之地.
Marvell 在中国的总部位于上海浦东张江科技园区,并在北京、南京、合肥、成都、深圳等地设有研发和业务运营,上海研发中心是继美国总部以外的全球第二大研发中心。目前Marvell在中国的员工总数超过1900人,其中90%是技术研发人员。随着Marvell在中国业务的不断扩大,公司计划未来几年将中国研发中心的规模进一步扩展,逐步发展成为全球最大的研发中心。
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