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[ 2019年2月15日 ]




应聘方式:接简历邮箱 dorothyl@nvidia.com


联系方式:dorothy; lydia、dorothyl@nvidia.com


NVIDIA 英伟达最新实习生招聘信息


“全球最佳CEO”—— 哈佛商业评论

“全球最受赞赏公司”—— 财富

“全美最环保公司”—— 新闻周刊

“全球最聪明的50家公司”—— 麻省理工科技评论

“50大最佳工作场所”—— Glassdoor



NVIDIA目前有哪些职位呢?... 1

需要如何申请呢?... 2

软件类... 2

§       深度学习/人工智能... 2

1.      Intern - Developer Technology Engineer of Machine  Learning – Shanghai 2

2.      Intern- AI Developer Technology Engineer - Beijing. 3

3.      Intern- Machine Learning Solution Engineer – Beijing. 3

§       C/C++. 4

4.      Intern - Deep Learning Performance Architect –  Shanghai 4

5.      Intern – GPU SM Arch – Shanghai 5

6.      Intern – GeForce Product Marketing Solution  Architect – Beijing. 5

7.      Intern – Software Content Engineering Intern–  Shanghai 6

§       Web/安卓... 7

8.      Intern- Web Operation Intern – Beijing. 7

9.      Intern- Android System Software Engineer – Beijing. 8

10.         Intern- Web Service Software Intern– Shenzhen. 8

§       测试类... 9

11.         Intern- CUDA Automation Triage Software Engineer–  Shanghai 9

12.         Intern- Perf Analyst Intern – Shanghai 10

硬件类... 11

§       IC Level 11

13.         Intern - Physical Design CAD Engineer - Shanghai 11

14.         Intern – ASIC Intern – Shanghai 11

15.         Intern – DFT Intern – Shanghai 12

16.         Intern – SOC ASIC Intern– Shanghai 12

其他... 13

17.         Intern – OEM Marketing Intern– Beijing. 13





或添加微信  Lydia-Ma- 咨询


§  深度学习/人工智能

1.      Intern - Developer Technology Engineer of Machine Learning Shanghai



1.   你将与世界各地最具才华的顶尖软件开发者合作,并帮助将NVIDIA的技术集成到应用程序中。

2.   你将与架构和驱动团队紧密合作,以确保当前一代GPU发挥最好的性能

3.   你将有机会影响下一代GPU架构的趋势与特性

4.   你将开发使用GPU的新技术,创建技术演示,编写白皮书,并在会议上展示你的工作。


1.   拥有深度学习/机器学习领域的扎实理论基础,熟悉GPU技术,包括神经网络、并行计算、CUDA编程和性能分析

2.   熟悉至少一项深度学习相关框架

3.   熟悉Python或C++

4.   对图像处理或图形学有一定研究

5.   每周3天以上,实习4个月以上


2.      Intern- AI Developer Technology Engineer - Beijing



1.   参与深度学习、机器学习、数据分析领域最新技术(模型/算法/编程实现/优化)的研究和开发;

2.   参与工业界实际应用的深度分析和优化,以保证该类应用在当前和未来GPU架构上的业界最佳性能;

3.   为关键客户(业界主要公司)提供最佳AI解决方案;

4.   和GPU架构团队、研究团队、应用库和开发工具团队、系统软件团队等紧密合作来影响下一代GPU架构,软件平台和编程模型的设计与开发;

5.   与世界各地的优秀同事一起助力深度学习技术在各个领域(互联网,金融,医疗等)中实际落地。


1.   顶尖大学的计算机科学相关专业的优秀硕士、博士毕业生;

2.   拥有深度学习/机器学习领域的扎实理论基础,熟悉常见的深度学习网络或机器学习算法;

3.   拥有良好的C/C++编程能力,良好的软件设计和开发能力;

1.   4.(可选)有并行计算编程基础,有CUDA C/C++编程经验更佳;

4.   良好的沟通能力、解决问题能力、时间管理能力和任务优先级管理能力。

5.   实习时间至少3个月及以上,至少3天/周


3.      Intern- Machine Learning Solution Engineer – Beijing


What you'll be doing:

·      Develop and optimize critical algorithm modules for machine learning (deep learning) solutions.

·      Cutting-edge R&D work for one of domains, Image/Video analysis, speech recognition or recommendation algorithm, based on Deep Learning technology.

·      Understand and study compute problems in machine learning (deep learning) solutions, problems such as low precision, fixed precision, network pruning, network compression, asynchronous distributed multi-node/multi-gpu training, etc.

·      Targeting some vertical domains in AI (image, video, speech, etc.), provide end-to-end solutions or prototypes.

·      Solving real-world problems with modern machine learning technologies, in manufacturing, telecommunication, finance, medical, etc.

·      Support other internal teams.

·      Backed by top research institutes collaborating with NVIDIA, digest and absorb their state-of-art research achievements. Aligning with NVIDIA’s AI strategy, acquire necessary technologies.

What we need to see:

·      Majoring in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Automation or others. Master degree or above.

·      Experience in performance analysis, performance modelling and/or performance optimization.

·      Deep understanding of computer architecture. In-depth project experience on processor architecture, including GPU, ARM, MIC, FPGA, Shenwei, etc.

·      Deep understanding of basic theory and methods of machine learning.

·      In-depth work of one or few vertical areas (including image/video processing, speech recognition, natural language understanding, recommendation algorithm, etc.).



§  C/C++

4.      Intern - Deep Learning Performance Architect Shanghai



1.     针对架构和算法特征开发汇编级或者CUDA代码

2.     优化cuBlas、cuDNN、TensorRT的核心kernel

3.     针对未来GPU架构开发原型代码,推进下一代架构的设计和优化


1.     较强的C++编程能力、算法分析和实现

2.     熟悉计算机体系结构

3.     有CUDA代码调优经验(或者SIMD等架构的调优经验)优先

4.     熟悉矩阵计算的优化和加速优先

5.     每周3天及以上,3个月及以上  


5.      Intern – GPU SM Arch – Shanghai




Multi-processor)是其强大处理能力的核心。GPU SM架构师将参与设计实现为下一代GPU提供动力的最先进的SM架构,主动解決具有挑战性的技术问题,不断优化以达到最佳效果。

1.    在对现有SM架构的研究和学习基础上参与架构设计,提出自己的构想

2.    开发性能和功能的仿真模型

3.    对性能及功能进行测试和验证

4.    在模拟器/RTL上进行调试


1.   计算机/电子相关专业本科/硕士/博士

2.   较强的C++/Perl/Shell 的知识背景及开发经历

3.   熟悉Linux开发环境,有相关经历加分

4.   对GPU架构工作有很强的兴趣

5.   实习时间至少6个月及以上,至少3天/周


6.      Intern – GeForce Product Marketing Solution Architect – Beijing


What you’ll be doing:

·      Investigate requirements and existing solutions of vary segments of market (gaming/non-gaming), analyze and evaluate if/how to utilize GPU expertly in the particular area;

·      Tune and/or prototype key applications with new GPU technologies

·      Design and develop tools to simulate and validate solutions and applications performance

What we need to see:

·      Master degree in CS/EE;

·      Strong programming skills in C /C++;

·      Strong programming skills in CUDA;

·      background of PC architecture, especially GPU;

·      understand cloud/AI basic and video/image computing technology is a plus;

·      self-driven style, good English in writing;

·      familiar with gaming industry is a plus, serious gamer is helpful;


7.      Intern – Software Content Engineering Intern– Shanghai


What you’ll be doing:

·      Add and maintain contents on NVIDIA GeForce NOW gaming platforms.

·      Gaming content data analysis, SW features debugging and services trouble-shooting.

·      Build content data analysis/management tools/systems. Design and implement new features of automation solutions for internal usages.

·      Work in a global organization with colleagues based in other regions.

What we need to see:

·      Bachelor/master undergraduates in CS/EE related majors, such as computer science and technologies, telecommunication, information management system, etc.

·      We are glad to see the applicant is a self starter on software development. You show passions on software programming. We are very happy to see you can learn new things by yourself, and resolve engineering problems independently.

·      Strong programming skills, master one or more programming languages, and deep understanding on software engineering process.

·      Programming experiences on Windows, Linux and Android operating systems.

·      Proficiency in written and spoken English.

Ways to stand out from the crowd:

·      Have deep understanding on more than two different paradigm programming languages, like object-oriented programming, functional programming, logical programming, etc.

·      Have experiences on Linux system administrations, understanding Linux system programming is a huge plus.

·      Deep knowledge on Android development, familiar with Android architectures and programming models.

·      Software development experiences in cloud environment, such as AWS, Azure and Alicloud.

·      A series gamer who is familiar with PC games and in-game graphics settings, play recent released AAA games on PC.

·      Have real world project experiences on industrial software. We are happy to know if you are familiar with agile software development, DevOps, unit testing, refactoring, etc.



§  Web/安卓

8.      Intern- Web Operation Intern – Beijing


What you’ll be doing:

·      Maintain and update website content including but not limited to banner, product image, layout, eDM in timely manner.

·      Manage requests and coordinate with various stakeholders to ensure requests are handled promptly and accurately.

·      Assist in preparation of marketing materials.

·      Provide general administration support to the team.

·      Integrate open source and third-party applications into existing systems as needed.

·      Web development support to web team desirable

What we need to see:

·      Pleasant, positive working attitude, strong sense of responsibility and detail-minded.

·      Excellent communication and interpersonal skill.

·      Good PC knowledge of Microsoft Office Tools.

·      Experience in Photoshop, Illustrator, Paint or other design related softwares is a plus.

·      Experience in PHP, HTML/HTML5, JQuery, CSS/CSS3, XML HTML and JavaScript.

·      Knowledge in PHP frameworks (Symfony) and JAVA programming is an advantage.

·      Hands on experience with CMS platforms (Drupal, WordPress, Adobe Experience Manager) is an advantage.

·      Willingness to undertake any other duties as may be required from time to time.

·      至少实习6个月,每周至少4




微信联系方式: Lydia-Ma-












      过去半个多世纪以来,人工智能一直是计算机科学家的梦想,而现在它将不再仅仅是科幻情景。在接下来的几年里,人工智能将给每一个行业带来变化。 在不久的将来,自动驾驶汽车将会减少交通拥堵、提升道路安全性。人工智能旅行社将 会通过对你偏好的了解,从而为你的家庭度假安排好每一个细节。医学仪器也会读取并理解患者的 DNA 以检测癌症的早期迹象从而尽早进行治疗。 曾几何时,发动机使人类变得更加强大并促成了第一次工业革命;而人工智能将会使人类变得更加智能并掀起下一场工业革命。 究竟是什么使得这一智能工业革命成为可能?答案是基于 GPU 的深度学习这一全新的计算模式,它让计算机能够从数据中进行学习然后编写出人类无法写出的复杂软件。

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