
当前位置: 思政工作 >  留学生International Student Service Center

【NOTICE】Student Education for SEIEE International Students

[ 2018年4月11日 ]

时间:2018-4-16 (Monday)周一 14:00——16:00

地点:SEIEE 3-200 lecture hall

会议内容:  Meeting Content

1.     上海交通大学法制教育宣传 Legal Education of SJTU

2.  留学生管理办法简介 School Rules for International Student in SJTU

备注:  此次会议非常重要!电院所有学位留学生必须参加,会议需要签到!因事不能到的需发送邮件至zzh1994414@sjtu.edu.cn向郑中豪老师说明原因。

P.S. The meeting is very important Every Degree International Student must attend the meeting.  You need to sign before the meeting. People who ask for leave need to get permission from Ms. Zheng. His email is zzh1994414@sjtu.edu.cn
