- Name:Zhang Congchun
- Title:Associate professor
- Office:Integrated laboratory building 2-310
- Office Phone:
- Email:zhcc@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
1)Electronic thin films sensors
2) Design, simulation and fabrication of MEMS/NEMS sensors and actuators
3)flexible MEMS/NEMS sensors(thin film Thermopile, Chip Calorimetry etc.)
Ph.D in micro-electronics and solid state electronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1998-2002; B. Sc. And M. Sc., in materials science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology in 1998, 1995 respectively
Work experience
2011-2012 Visiting Scholar in Columbia University in the City of New York
2005-present Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Associate Professor
2002-2004 Postdoctoral Researcher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1.Thin film sensors
Combined with research experience in functional materials, we propose a scheme for the in-situ preparation of thin film temperature/heat flux sensor, strain gauge, etc. on the surface of hot section components. The electrical insulation film for high temperature insulation was deposited, and the pattern transfer technique on curved surface was solved, then high-temperature sensors(temperature, heat flux, strain)was developed. This research was supported by two “973”projects。
Also, temperature/heat flux/strain sensors on flexible substrate for biomedical or environmental application was developed.
2.Study on novel bitable mechanism
In order to reduce power consumption in MEMS relays, some unique bistable features were proposed. The bistable mechanism can greatly reduce the energy consumption in electrothermal actuator and magnetic actuator because there is no holding power required to maintain its stable(open or closed)position, which can accelerate the practical application of MEMS relays. This research was supported by two “863”projects, and more than twenty papers were published in international journals by SCI indexed. An outstanding Shanghai doctoral dissertation was awarded.
3.Flexible micro fabrication process for the fabrication of 3-D suspended microstructures
For the preparation of 3-D suspended microstructures, the use of sacrificial layer (SL) is essential in MEMS applications so that the free movement can be achieved once the structure is released. However, it is difficult to fabricate multilayer metal-based microstructure. Therefore, multilayer thick metal microstructures were fabricated by the laminated positive photoresist sacrificial layer process (LPSLP) and hybrid sacrificial layer process, which extend the ability of UV-LIGA process. This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and this research achievement won Shanghai Municipal Technological Invention Award (1st rank prize) (in 2016)
Awards and Honors
Shanghai Municipal Technological Invention Award (1st rank prize). Dec 2016
Outstanding Teacher Awards in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2015, 2016
Stars Awards for Young Teacher, SJTU, 2008
Outstanding Young Teacher Awards of Shanghai, 2007, 2008
1.Micro/Nano scale Fabrication and Devices: Concepts and Applications,graduate course
2.Advanced Micro/Nano Fabrication technology, undergraduate course
Book Chapter:
"Textured BST Thin Film on Silicon Substrate: Preparation and Its Applications for High Frequency Tunable Devices", chapter in the book of “Coatings and Thin-Film Technologies” InTech Open,2018
Selected Publications:
1.Xingkai Lina, Congchun Zhanga, Shenyong Yang et.al, The impact of thermal annealing on the temperature dependent resistance behavior of Pt thin films sputtered on Si and Al2O3 substrates, Thin Solid Films,2019,685:372-378
2. Shenyong Yang, Congchun Zhang∗, Xinyue Chang, Jianze Huang et.al., Effect of heat treatment atmosphere on the piezoresistivity of indium tin oxide ceramic strain sensor, Ceramics International,2019,45:17048-17053
3.Shenyong Yang, Congchun Zhang∗, Guifu Ding etc., Effect of nitrogen doping temperature on the resistance stability of ITO thin films,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,778:90-96
4.Congchun Zhang, Jianze Huang, Juan Li et.al, Design, fabrication and characterization of high temperature thin film heat flux sensors,Microelectronic Engineering,2019,217:111128
5.Shenyong Yang, Congchun Zhang, Hong Wang et.al, AN IN-SITU PREPARED SYNCHRONOUS SELF-COMPENSATED FILM STRAIN GAGE FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE, MEMS 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 22-26, 2017
6. Shenyong Yang, Hongfang Li, Xingkai Lin, Jinyuan Yao, Zhouqing Yang, Congchun Zhang*,Hong Wang, Guifu Ding*, Effect of Al2O3/Al bilayer protective coatings on the high-temperature stability of PdCr thin film strain gages,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018,759:1-7
7. Yanlei Wang, Congchun Zhang*, Di Niu, Guifu Ding, Li Duan, High temperature sensors fabricated on Al2O3 ceramic and nickel-based superalloy substrates, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A,2016,247:75-82
8. Shenyong Yang, Hongfang Li, Xingkai Lin, Jinyuan Yao, Zhouqing Yang, Congchun Zhang*,Hong Wang, Guifu Ding*, Effect of Al2O3/Al bilayer protective coatings on the high-temperature stability of PdCr thin film strain gages,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2018),759:1-7
9. Yanlei Wang; Congchun Zhang*; Juan Li; Guifu Ding; Li Duan, Fabrication and characterization of ITO thin film resistance temperature detector, Vacuum, 2017, v140, p121-125
10. Mingming Chen, Guifu Ding, Yanmei Liu, Congchun Zhang,Characteristics of double planar micro-inductor with patterned nife thin-films for DC/DC integration, Micromachines,2017
11. Niu, Di; Wang, Qiang; Zhang Congchun*; Cheng, Ping; Wang, Yanlei; Zhang, Jiubin; Ding, Guifu; Preparation, characterization and application of high-temperature Al2O3 insulating film, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, v 271, p 318-324, APR 15, 2016
12. Junchao Gao, Franklin Li Duan, Chang Yu, Wentao Meng, Lizuo Liu, Guifu Ding, Congchun Zhang, & Ying Wang.. Electrical insulation of ceramic thin film on metallic aero-engine blade for high temperature sensor applications. Ceramics International, (2016)42(16), 19269-19275.
13. Jiubin Zhang, Ping Cheng, Congchun Zhang, Guifu Ding*, Li Duan, Jing Shao, Qiang Wang. MEMS-based platinum-platinum rhodium film temperature sensor on alumina substrate. Journal of Engineer, 2016, 9, 315-317
14. Jie Han, Ping Cheng, Hong Wang, Congchun Zhang, Jiubin Zhang, Yan Wang, Li Duan, & Guifu Ding. (2014). MEMS-based Pt film temperature sensor on an alumina substrate. Materials Letters, 125, 224-226.
15. Zhang Congchun, Yue Heng, Wang Hong, Ding Guifu, Zhao XiaoLin, Nanoporous copper films with high surface area formed by chemical dealloying from electroplated CuZn alloy, Micro and Nanosystems,Vol.8,no.1, 13-18,2016
16. Yibo Wu, Congchun Zhang, Hong Wang,Guifu Ding, Torsion/cantilever-based MEMS bistable mechanisms with different support configurations: structure design and comparison, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 2011, vol.21(4):1-14
17. Wang, Hong, Tang, Jun, Li, Guangyang, Zhang, Congchun, A study on utilizing a chloride bath to electroform MEMS devices with high aspect ratio structures, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2011, pp 1-9,
18. Guotai Congchun Zhang,Guifu Ding, Design and simulation of a novel check valve made by SU-8, Advanced Mechanical Design, Vols. 479-481 (2012) pp 2271-2274
19. Yibo Wu, Juang Wang,Chunping Congchun Zhang,Hong Wang, Guifu Ding, Modeling, microfabrication and experiments of a free-free cantilever bistable micro mechanism supported with a diamond configuration, Microsyst. Technol. 2010,16:1869
20. Yibo Wu,Guifu Ding, Congchun Zhang,Juang Wang, Shengping Mao, Hong Wang, Magnetostatic bistable MEMS switch with electrothermal actuators, Electronic Letters, 2010,46(15)
21. Y.B. Wu, C.C. Zhang*, G.F. Ding, Fabrication of Low-Stress Low-Stiffness Leveraged Cantilever Beam for Bistable Mechanism, Microelectronic Engineering, 87 (2010) 2035-2041
22. Yibo Wu, Guifu Ding, C.C. Zhang*. Design and implementation of a bistable microcantilever actuator for magnetostatic latching relay. Microelectronics J,2010,vol 4,pp:325-330
23. C.C. Zhang*, Jie Hou, Rui Rao, C.S. Yang, Effects of process parameters on the LaNiO3 thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, Thin Solid Films, 2009
24. C.C. Zhang*, J.C. Shi, C.S. Yang, G.F. Ding, Preparation of (100)-oriented LaNiO3 on Si for the textured Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 Thin Films, Applied Surface Science, 2008, 255: 2773-2776
25. C.C. Zhang*, C.S. Yang, G.F. Ding, Effects of aging on the Characteristics of TiNiPd shape memory alloy thin films, Materials Characterization, 2008, 59 (7): 957-960
26. Zhang, Cong-Chun, Yang, Chun-Sheng, Shi, Jin-Chuan, Rao, Rui, Effect of LaNiO3 interlayer on the dielectric properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin film on Si substrate, Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 14 E(2), pp 133-136, 2009
Conference Presentations in English:
1. Shenyong Yang; Congchun Zhang*; Hong Wang; Guifu Ding, An in-situ prepared synchronous self-compensated film strain gage for high temperature, 2017 30th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2017), Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 22-26, 2017
2. Yanlei Wang, Congchun Zhang, Guifu Ding, Fabrication and characterization of ITO thin film resistance temperature detector, 2016 IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC), Oct.,2016,Chengdu,Sihuan,China
3. Jianze Huang, Congchun Zhang, Guifu Ding et.al, A HIGH-SENSITIVITY MICROFLUIDIC CHIP CALORIMETER FOR BIOCHEMICAL REACTION MONITORING APPLICATIONS, IEEE Transducer 2019, Euro Sensors XXXIII, June 22-27, Berlin, Germany
4. Shenyong Yang, Congchun Zhang, Guifu Ding, IN-SITU SELF-COMPENSATED PT-ITO THIN FILM STRAIN GAGE WITH A NANO LAMINATED STRUCTURE, IEEE Transducer 2019, Euro Sensors XXXIII, June 22-27, Berlin, Germany
5.Y.B. Wu, C.C. Zhang*, G.F. Ding, VERTICALLY BIDIRECTIONAL BISTABLE MICRORELAY WITH MAGNETOSTATIC AND THERMAL ACTUATIONS, the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems(MEMS 2010) in Hong Kong S.A.R., China.
6.Yibo Wu, Guifu Ding, Hong Wang, Cong Chun Zhang,EFFICIENT SOLUTION TO SELECTIVE WET ETCHING OF ULTRA-THICK COPPER SACRIFICIAL LAYER WITH HIGH SELECTIVE ETCHING RATIO, Proceeding of 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, 2011,TRANSDUCERS'11, June5-9,2011,Beijing,China, pp.1388-1391
7.Yibo Wu, Juan Wang, Congchun Zhang and Guifu Ding. Modeling of a Bistable MEMS Mechanism with Torsion/Cantilever Beams. In Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Conf. Nano/Micro Eng. Molecular Syst., Xiamen, China, 2010
8.Yibo Wu, Guifu Ding, C.C. Zhang*et al. Laminated Photoresist Sacrificial Layer Process for 3-D Movable Suspension Microstructures. Advanced Materials Research,2010
9. X.B. Zhang, C.C. Zhang, G.F. Ding, An Electro-thermal SU-8 Cantilever Micro Actuator based on Bimorph Effect, the 5th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2010).
10.Juan Wang, Yi bo Wu, and C.C. Zhang*et al., “Design optimization of Polymeric Out-of-plane Electro-thermal Actuator ”, In Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Conf. Nano/Micro Eng. Molecular Syst., Xiamen,China, Jan., 2010.
11.Yongping Zhao, Congchun Zhang, Research and Characterization of an Absorber Layer Material-Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Sputtered on Polyimide Substrate in Material Engineering,ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING,October, 2012
12.Ruidong Wang, Congchun Zhang, Barrier and seed layers deposition in TSV using magnetron sputtering, Applied Mechanics and Materials, March 2014
Editorial board member: Micro and Nanosystems, Bentham Science
Reviewer for some journals: Sens.& Actuators A: Physical, JMM, Applied Surface Science, Thin Solid Films, Material Letters, SENSORS CONF.,INTELEC CONF., etc.