- Name:Tang Houjun
- Title:Professor
- Office:1-129
- Office Phone:34204604/54745691
- Email:hjtang@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Auto electronic; Power electronics and power drives
Ph. D. in Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan, 1997
M. S. in Jilin University of Technology, Changchun, China, 1988
B. S. in Shanding University of Technology, Zibo, China, 1982
Work experience
Associate professor, professor, School of Electronics, Information and Electrical Engineering
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Since 1998
Teaching assistant in Shandong University of Technology, 1982~1993
Automobile electronic control system, e.g. BCM (BCM——Automobile Body Electronic Control Module), ABS(Automobile anti-skid brake system) controller
AC/AC chopper voltage regulator
Contactless power transfer system, contactless electric vehicle charging device
Awards and Honors
Linear control system theory; Artificial neural network contro
[1] Fang Wan, Liu Wei, Qian Jie, Tang Hou-jun, etc. Modeling and simulation of a transcutaneous energy transmission system used in artificial organ implants. Artificial Organs. 2009, 33(12):1069-1074.
[2] Wei Liu, Houjun Tang, Wan Fang, Pengsheng Ye, Estimation of the non-measurable state variables of a transcutaneous energy transmission system for artificial human implants using extended kalman filters,Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 28, pp. 581-593, Aug 2009.
[3] Fang Wan, Tang Houjun, Liu Wei. Modeling and analyzing an inductive contactless power transfer system for artificial hearts using the generalized state space averaging method. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2007, 5(4):1412-1416.
[4] Fang Wan, Tang Hou-jun, Liu Wei. Dynamic state estimation of transcutaneous energy transmission system for artificial heart using extended kalman filters. Journal of System Simulation. 2009, 21(15):4759-4762.
[5] Wei Liu, Houjun Tang, Wan Fang, Analysis of power transfer ability and stability for voltage source inductive coupled power transfer systems, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol.6, No.7, July, 2007, p.519-523.
[6] Wei Liu, Houjun Tang, Analysis of voltage source inductive coupled power transfer systems based on zero phase angle resonant control method, Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications Conference, ICIEA 2007, p.1873-1877.