- Name:Qiao Yu
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:#2-433 SEIEE Buildings
- Office Phone:34207884
- Email:qiaoyu@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Image Processing,Machine Learning,Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition,Signal Processing, Data Mining
Ph. D. ,National University of Singapore,2004
M. Eng. ,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,1997
B. Eng.,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,1991
Work experience
2010 – present,Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Principal Investigator of
1) National Natural Science Foundation of China (61375048, 2014.1-2017.12)
2) Fund of Joint Research Center for Aerospace Advanced Technology (2016.1-2017.12)
3) Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Innovation Fund (2017.1-2018.12)
Awards and Honors
“Certificate of Merit” in The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 2005
"Intelligent information processing" for undergraduate students
"Computational Intelligence" for Master and Ph. D
"Intelligent instrument" for Master of Engineering
Published 1 book "Medical Image Analysis and 3D reconstruction", 3 regular papers in journal of "Pattern Recognition" as first author with Google citation 172, and more than 40 SCI journal papers and conference papers, such as ICIP, ICASSP, ICONIP etc..