- Name:ZHENG Yi
- Title:Associate Prof.
- Office:2-307
- Office Phone:34208653
- Email:yizheng@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:yi.sjtu.edu.cn
Research Field
Distributed Model Predictive control
Estimation of Distributed System
Modeling, Control and Optimization of Industrial Processes
Modeling, Control and Optimization of CPS
Modeling and Control of Distributed Generation System, Smart Grid
2006.3-2010.5 Ph.D, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
2003.9-2006.3 ME., Shanghai University
1996.9-2000.8 BS., Xi’an Jiao Tong University
Work experience
2013.10- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Teacher
2014.06-2015.05 University of Alberta, PostDoc
2010.07-2012.05 General Electrical Co. Ltd.,GRC, Research Engineer
2000.08-2003.06 Shanghai Petrochemical Co. Ltd., Process Engineer
Awards and Honors
CAA Award of Natural Science(First Class, 2/5)2016
Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Shanghai Municipality Award, China 2012
Best Poster Paper Award, WCICA2012
Top 10 excellent papers in Automation Fields Award, 2009
System Identification
Adaptive Control
Book Chapter: Yi Zheng, Shaoyuan Li, Coordinated Flexible Distributed Model Predictive Control, In Model Predictive Control: Theory, Practices and Future Challenges” Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-63463-859-3
Book: Shaoyuan Li, Yi ZHENG. Predictive Control For Plant-wide Systems, John Wiley & Sons Publisher, 2015, ISBN: 97814505,9781405123
Yi Zheng, Shaoyuan Li, et.al, Distributed Model Predictive Control for On-connected Microgrid Power Management, IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology. 2017
Yi Zheng, Shaoyuan Li, et. al. Networked Coordination-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control for Large-Scale System, IEEE Trans . Control Systems Technology. 2013, 21, 991-998.
Yi Zheng, Shaoyuan Li, et. al. Hot-rolled strip laminar cooling process plant-wide temperature monitoring and control, Control Engineering Practice, , 2013, 21, 23-30
Shaoyuan Li, Yi Zheng, Zongli Lin. Impacted-Region Optimization for Distributed Model Predictive Control Systems with Constraints, IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering,2014.
Yi. Zheng, Shaoyuan Li, et. al. Horizon-Varying Model Predictive Control for Accelerated and Controlled Cooling Process, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics. 2011, 58, 329-336.
Yi Zheng, Shaoyuan Li, et. al. Distributed Model Predictive Control over Network Information Exchange for Large-scale Systems, Control Engineering Practice. 2011, 19, 757-769.
Yi. Zheng, Shaoyuan Li, et. al. An Approach to Model Building for Accelerated Cooling Process Using Instance-Based Learning, Expert System with Applications. 2010, 37, 5364-5371.
Yi Zheng, Shaoyuan Li, et. al. Distributed Model Predictive Control for Plant-Wide Hot-Rolled Strip Laminar Cooling Process, Journal of Process Control. 2009, 19, 1427-1437
Shaoyuan Li, Yi Zheng, et.al. Steady-State Target Calculation for Constrained Predictive Control Systems Based on Goal Programming. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2008, 4, 265-275.