- Name:Lu Hongtao
- Title:Professor
- Office:3-430
- Office Phone:34204879
- Email:lu-ht@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Information Hiding, Complex Networks
B.S. degree in Mathematics from Sichuan normal university, Chengdu, in 1987.
M.S. degree in Mathematics from Sichuan normal university, Chengdu, in 1990.
Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Southeast university, Nanjing, in 1997
Work experience
1990-1993, lecture, the department of mathematics, Chuxiong normal university, Yunnan province, China.
1997-1999, post doctoral fellow, the department of computer science, Fudan university, Shanghai, China.
1999-2001, associate professor, the department of computer science and engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong university, Shanghai, China.
2001 to present, professor, the department of computer science and engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong university, Shanghai, China.
2001,2002,2004,2005, visiting scholar in City University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, RIKEN (Japan)
1.\tInvestigation of watermarking for tamperproof of web pages based on pattern recognition techniques, NSFC project.\r
2.\tStability and pattern formation in delayed neural networks. SRFDP (the Special Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education) project. \r
3.\tNCET -05( Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University) project.\r
4.\tStudies on some typical complex networks in information science. Shanghai Shuguang Program
Awards and Honors
Best paper award ACCV2009
New Century Excellent Talent Program, by Ministry of Education of China, 2005
Shanghai Shuguang (Dawn) Scholar, 2003
Excellent paper award for young researchers from Shanghai Science Association, 2003
DSICRETE MATHEMATICS for undergraduate students
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE for undergraduate students
DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING for graduate students
Journal papers:
Neural Networks and Chaos
1.\tXiangjun Wu, Hongtao Lu, Shilei Shen, Synchronization of a new fractional-order hyperchaotic system. Physics Letters A, 373(2009)2329-2337.
2.\tHongtao Lu, Guanrong Chen, “Global synchronization in an array of linearly coupled delayed neural networks with an arbitrary coupling matrix,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol.16, no.11, pp.3357-3368, 2006.
3.\tHongtao Lu and Shun-ichi Amari, “Global exponential stability of multitime scale competitive neural networks with nonsmooth functions,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.17, no.5, pp.1152-1164, Sep. 2006.
4.\tHongtao Lu and C.A. Leeuven, “Synchronization of chaotic neural networks via output or state coupling,” Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 30(2006)166-176.
5.\tHongtao Lu and Guanrong Chen, “Global exponential convergence of multi-time scale neural networks,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol.52, no.11, pp.761-765, November, 2005.
6.\tHongtao Lu, “Global exponential stability analysis of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol.52, no.9, pp.476-479, August, 2005.
7.\tHongtao Lu,“Comments on ‘A Generalized LMI-Based Approach to the Global Asymptotic Stability of Delayed Cellular Neural Networks’”,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.16, no.3, pp.778-779, May, 2005.
8.\tHongtao Lu, Ruiming Shen and Fulai Chung, “Global exponential convergence of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with time delays,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.16, no.6, pp.1694-1696, November, 2005.
9.\tHongtao Lu, Ruiming Shen, and Fu-Lai Chung, “Absolute exponential stability of a class of recurrent neural networks with multiple and variable delays,” Theoretical Computer Science, 344(2005)103-119.
10.\tHongtaoLu and XinzhenYu,Local bifurcations in delayed chaos anticontrol systems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 181(2005)188-199.
11.\tHongtao Lu and Zhenya He, “Global exponential stability of delayed competitive neural networks with different time scales,” Neural Networks, 18(2005)243-250.
12.\tHongtao Lu, “Absolute exponential stability analysis of delayed neural networks,” Physics Letters A, 336(2005)133-140.
13.\tHongtao Lu, Zhenya He and Fulai Chung, “Some sufficient conditions for exponential stability of delayed neural networks”. Neural Networks, vol.17, pp.537-544, 2004。
14.\tHongtao Lu and K. S. Tang, “Chaotic Phase Shift Keying in Delayed Chaotic Anticontrol Systems”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,vol.12, no.5, 1017-1028, 2002.
15.\tHongtao Lu, “Chaotic attractors in delayed neural networks”. Physics Letters A, 298(2002)109-116.
16.\tHongtao Lu “Stability criteria for delayed neural networks”, Physical Review E, vol.64,051901-1-051901-13,2001.
17.\tHongtao Lu, “On stability of nonlinear continuous-time neural networks with delays”. Neural Networks, vol. 13, 1135-1143, 2000.
18.\tHongtao Lu, Yongbao He and Zhenya He, “A chaotic generator: Analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a cellular neuron with delay”. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, no. 2, pp.178-181,1998.
19.\tHongtao Lu, Zhenya He, “Chaotic Behavior in First-Order Autonomous Continuous-Time Systems with Delay”. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol.43, no. 8, pp.700-702, 1996.
20.\tHongtao Lu, Zhenya He, \"Synchronization of chaotic systems based on system partition approaches\". Physics Letters A,vol.219, pp.271-276, 1996.
1.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Fu-Lai Chung, “Feature based robust watermarking using image normalization”, Computers and Electrical Engineering,36(2010)2-18.
2.\tWei Lu, Wei Sun and Hongtao Lu, “Robust watermarking based on DWT and nonnegative matrix factorization”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 35(2009)183-188.
3.\tQijun Zhao, Hongtao Lu, “PCA-based web page watermarking,” Pattern Recognition, 40 (2007) 1334-1341.
4.\tWei Lu, Fu-Lai Chung, Hongtao Lu and Kup-Sze Choi, Detecting Fake Images Using Watermarks and Support Vector Machines. Computer Standard and Interface,30(2008)132-136.
5.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Fu-Lai Chung, “Novel robust image watermarking using difference correlation detector,” Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol. 29, no.1, pp.132-137, Jan. 2007.
6.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Fu-Lai Chung, “Robust digital image watermarking based on subsampling,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 181, no.2, pp.886-893, Oct., 2006.
7.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Fu-Lai Chung, “Feature based watermarking using template match,” Applied mathematics and computation 177(1):377-386, Jun. 2006.
8.\tWei Lu, Fu-Lai Chung and Hongtao Lu, “Blind fake image detection scheme using SVD,” IEICE Trans. Communications, vol. E89-B, no. 5, pp.1726-1728, May, 2006.
9.\tRonghua Yao, Qijun Zhao, and Hongtao Lu, \"A Novel Watermark Algorithm for Integrity Protection of XML Documents,\" International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 6, no. 2B, February 2006, pp. 202-207
10.\tQijun Zhao, Hongtao Lu, “A PCA-based watermarking scheme for tamper-proof of web pages,” Pattern recognition, 38(2005)1321-1323.
11.\tZhao Qijun, Lu Hongtao, Jiang Xiaohua, “Web page watermarking for tamper-proof,” Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, vol.E-10, no.3, pp.280-284, Sep., 2005.
12.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Fu-Lai Chung, “Attacking subsampling-based watermarking,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E88-A, no.11, pp.3239-3240, 2005.
13.\tRuiming Shen, Yonggang Fu and Hongtao Lu, “A Novel Image Watermarking Scheme based on Support Vector Regression,” Journal of systems and software, vol. 78, no.1, pp.1-8, Oct., 2005.
14.\tHongtao Lu, Ruiming Shen and Fu-lai Chung, “A fragile watermarking scheme for image authentication,” Electronics Letters,vol.39, no.12, pp.898-900,2003.
15.\tY.Fu, R.Shen and H.Lu, “Watermarking scheme based on support vector machine for colour images,” Electronics Letters, vol.40, no.16, pp.986-987,2004.
Pattern Recognition:
1.\tQijun Zhao, David Zhang, L. Zhang and Hongtao Lu ,“Evolutionary Discriminant Feature Extraction with Application to Face Recognition,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, accepted.
2.\tQijun Zhao, Hongtao Lu and David Zhang, “A fast evolutionary pursuit algorithm based on linearly combining vectors,” Pattern recognition, 39(2006) 310-312.
3.\tBai Hu, Hongtao Lu, “Satellite interference locating method based on support vector regression,” International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol.6, no.11, pp.185-189, 2006.
Complex Networks:
1. Darong Lai, Hongtao Lu, Mario Lauria, Digeo Di Bernardo and Christine Nardini, Mania: a gene network reverse algorithm for compounds mode-of-action and genes interactions inference. Advances in complex systems, to appear.
2.\tXiangjun Wu, Hongtao Lu, Robust adaptive projective synchronization of the general complex dynamical network. Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real world applications, to appear.
3.\tGang Yu, Xianpeng Wang and Hongtao Lu, Efficient routing strategy on scale-free network. Modern physics letters B, Vol. 23, No. 11 (2009)1377-1389.
4.\tXianpeng Wang, Gang Yu and Hongtao Lu, A local information-based routing strategy on the scale-free network. Modern physics letters B, Vol. 23, No. 10 (2009)1291-1301.
5.\tDarong Lai, Hongtao Lu, Indenification of community structure in complex networks using affinity propagation clustering method. Modern physics letters B, Vol. 22, No. 16 (2008) 1547-1566.
6.\tXutao Wang, Guanrong Chen and Hongtao Lu, A very fast algorithm for detecting community structures in complex networks. Physica A, Vol. 384, Issue 2, pp. 667-674, 15 October 2007.
7.\tXutao Wang, Hongtao Lu, and Guanrong Chen, The Modeling of Weighted Complex Networks. Modern Physics Letters B,vol.21, No.16, pp.2813-2820, 2007.
8.\tXuan Guo, Hongtao Lu, Traffic Congestion Analysis in Complex Networks Based on Various Routing Strategies. Modern Physics Letters B, Vol.21, No.15, pp.929-939, 2007.
Conferences papers
Neural Networks and Chaos
1.\tHongtao Lu, Zhizhou Zhang and Lin He, “Convergence analysis of genetic regulatory networks based on nonlinear measure,” ISNN2005, LNCS 3496, pp.247-252, 2005.
1.\tPeng Sun, Hongtao Lu, Two efficient fragile web watermarking schemes, Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security(IAS2009), vol. 2, pp.326-329, August 18-20, Xi’an China, 2009.
2.\tPeng Sun, Hongtao Lu, An efficient web page watermarking scheme. 2009 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology(ICCSST2009), pp.163-167, 2009.
3.\tLiu, Xiangyang, Lu, Hongtao,Fragile Watermarking Schemes for Tamperproof Web Pages. ISNN 2008, Part II, LNCS 5264, pp 552-559, 2008.
4.\tWei Lu, Wei Sun, Ji-wu Huang, Hongtao Lu, Digital image forensics using statistical features and neural network classifier. the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008,2831-2934.
5.\tWei Lu, Wei Sun, and Hongtao Lu, Blind Image Watermark Analysis Using Feature Fusion and Neural Network Classifie. International Symposium on Neural Networks 2008,LNCS 5264:237-242.
6.\tWei Lu and Hongtao Lu,Content Dependent Image Watermarking using Chaos and Robust Hash. 2007International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS2007).
7.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Fu-lai Chung, “Robust image watermarking using RBF neural network,” LNCS 3972, pp.623-628, 2006. ( ISNN2006)
8.\tWei Lu, Fu-lai Chung and Hongtao Lu, “Image fakery and neural network-based detection,” LNCS 3972, pp.610-615, 2006. (ISNN2006)
9.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Fu-lai Chung, “Chaos-based spread spectrum robust watermarking in DWT domain,” Proc. of the fourth international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, Guangzhou, vol.9, pp. 5308-5313, 2005.
10.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Fu-lai Chung, “Subsampling-based Robust Watermarking Using Neural Network Detector”. ISNN2005, LNCS 3497, pp.801-806, 2005.
11.\tYonggang Fu, Ruiming Shen, Hongtao Lu and Xusheng Lei, “SVR-based oblivious watermarking scheme,” ISNN2005, LNCS 3497, pp.789-794, 2005.
12.\tWei Lu, Hongtao Lu and Ruiming Shen, “Color Image Watermarking Based on Neural Networks”. Proc. of ISNN2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3174: 651-656 2004.
13.\tYonggang Fu, Ruimin Shen, Hongtao Lu, “Optimal watermark detection based on support vector machines”. Proc. of ISNN2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3173: 552-557 2004.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1.\tWei He, Takayoshi, Hongtao Lu, and Shihong Lao, “SURF tracking,” the twelfth International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV2009, 计算机视觉顶级会议,录用率12%), Kyoto, Japan,Sep.29—Oct.2, 2009..
2.\tXiangyang Liu, Hongtao Lu and Daqiang Zhang, “Head Pose Estimation based on Manifold Embedding and Distance Matric Learning”, Ninth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2009), Xi’an, China, Sep. 23-27, 2009. (荣获Best paper award) (Oral, Oral录取率5%)
3.\tXiangyang Liu, Hongtao Lu and Heng Luo, “Smooth Multi-Manifold Embedding for Robust Identity-Independent Head Pose Estimation,” The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP2009), 66-73, Munster, Germany, Sep. 2nd-4th, 2009.
4.\tXiangyang Liu, Hongtao Lu and Heng Luo, “A New Representation Method of Head Images for Head Pose Estimation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2009), Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 7-11, 2009.
5.\tGang Yu, HongtaoLu, Illumination Invariant Object Tracking with Incremental Subspace Learning, The 5th International Conference on Image and Graphics(ICIG2009), Xi’an, Nov.20-23, 2009.
6.\tGangYu, Zhiwei Hu and Hongtao Lu, Robust Incremental Subspace Learning for Object Tracking. 16th International Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP2009, Part I, LNCS 5863, pp.819-828..
7.\tTianwen Zhao, Qijun Zhao, Hongtao Lu and David Zhang, “Bagging Evolutionary Feature Extraction Algorithm for Classification,” The 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC’07).
8.\tQijun Zhao, David Zhang and Hongtao Lu, “ A direct evolutionary feature extraction algorithm for classifying high dimensional data,” AAAI’06, pp.561-566,2006.
9.\tQijun Zhao, Hongtao Lu, and David Zhang, “Parsimonious Feature Extraction based on Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Machines,” LNCS 3971, pp.1387-1393, Part 1, 2006.
10.\tQijun Zhao and Hongtao Lu, “GA-driven LDA in KPCA Space for Facial Expression Recognition,” ICNC2005, LNCS 3611, 2005, pp. 28-36
11.\tQijun Zhao, David Zhang, and Hongtao Lu, “Supervised LLE in ICA Space for Facial Expression Recognition,” ICNN&B2005, vol. 3, pp. 1970-1975
Complex Networks:
1. Darong Lai, Hongtao Lu, Mario Lauria, Digeo Di Bernardo and Christine Nardini, Mania: a gene network reverse algorithm for compounds mode-of-action and genes interactions inference. Advances in complex systems, Complex2009.
1. Hongjun Liu, Qingsheng Ren, and Hongtao Lu, Estimating vigilance in driving simulation based on detection of light drowsiness. Accepted by international conference on bioinformatics 2010, pp. 131-134,Valencia, Spain.
2. Tian Ouyang, Hongtao Lu, Vigilance Analysis Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform of EEG Signals.
Qianni Deng, Xugang Wang, Dehua Zang , Monitoring MPI Program Running Nodes Status for Load Balance, The 4th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2005). 2005.12
Deng Qianni , Lu Xinda, Chen Li , Li Minglu. Search by Shortcuts in P2P Scientific Collaboration System. High Tech. Letter. 2005. 3
Deng Qianni,Lu Xinda, Group Clustering Mechanism for P2P Large Scale Data Sharing Collaboration, Chinese Journal Electronics. 2005.1
Xugang Wang, Qianni Deng. VIP: a P2P communication Platform for NAT traversal, Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications in 2005 (ISPA2005)
Xugang Wang, Qianni Deng , Xinda Lu , Dehua zang An Enhanced XMPI for Load Balance In Cluster Environment, National Open Distributed and Parallel Computing Symposium in 2005.
Chen Fangrong, Deng Qianni. A Special Naming and Resolving Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Systems. SKG2005---1st International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid.
Hongbo Wan, Qianni Deng, Xinhua Lin, Xinda Lu, Minglu Li. The Design and Implementation of Service Adapter in ShanghaiGrid Core. International Workshop on Service Grid Computing and Applications (SGCA 2005)
Changxi Zheng, Guobin Shen, Shipeng Li, Qianni Deng: Joint Sender/Receiver Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Path Video Streaming Using High Rate Erasure Resilient Code. ICME 2005: 1258-1261
Kai Chen; Qianni Deng. Legitimate Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Network. Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing,NGI Workshops, 2006 Page(s):129-132.
Kai X. Miao, Henning Schulzrinne, Vishal Kumar Singh, Qianni Deng: Distributed Self Fault-Diagnosis for SIP Multimedia Applications. MMNS 2007: 187-190
Qianni Deng, Hao Lv. Analyzing unstructured peer-to-peer search networks with QIL. Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2004, p 547-550
Qianni Deng. A Generic Simulator for Unstructured Decentralized P2P File Sharing Networks. Proceedings of High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA2004) Shanghai, China, August 8 th -10 th , 2004.
Qianni Deng, Xinda Lu. Grid service Framework:Supporting Multi-Models Parallel Grid Programming. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.(Science),Vol.E-9,No.1 Mar.2004. 56-59.
Li Chen, Hong Deng, Qianni Deng. A research of grid manufacturing and its application in custom artificial joint. Proceedings of International Conference of Computer Science 2004(ICCS 2004).
Chuliang Weng, Xinda Lu, Guangtao Xue, Qianni Deng, Minglu Li. A Double Auction Mechanism for Resource Allocation on Grid Computing Systems. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing(GCC2004), October 2004, Wuhan, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3251, pp. 269-276, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg.
Qianni Deng, Xinda Lu, Li Chen ,Minglu Li. A Resource Model for Large-Scale Non-Hierarchy Grid System. Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3033.669-676
Xinhua Lin, Qianni Deng, Xinda Lu Information Grid Toolkit: Infrastructure of Shanghai Information Grid. Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3032-3033
Li Chen, Hong Deng, Qianni Deng, Wu Zhenyu, A research on the framework of grid manufacturing, Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3032-3033
Chuliang Weng, Xinda Lu, Qianni Deng. Formalizing Service Publication and Discovery in Grid Computing Systems. Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3032-3033
Chuliang Weng, Xinda Lu, Qianni Deng. A Distributed Approach for Resource Pricing in Grid Environments.Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3032-3033
Li Chen, Hong Deng, Qianni Deng. Framework for grid manufacturing, Tsinghua Science and Technology, v 9, n 3, June, 2004, p 327-330
Qianni Deng, Xinda Lu. GSF: A problems solving environment supporting multi-models parallel grid programming. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2003), JUN 02-04, 2003 . COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - ICCS 2003, PT IV, PROCEEDINGS ,LNCS2660 413-419, 2003
Xinhua Lin, Yang Qi, Jing Zhao, Xinda Lu, Hong Liu, Qianni Deng. Building CFD Grid Application Platform on CGSP. Proceedings of High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA2004) Shanghai, China, August 8 th -10 th , 2004
Xinhua Lin, Xili Sun, Xinda Lu, Qianni Deng, Minglu Li. Recent Advances in CFD Grid Application Platform.The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2004), Shanghai, China, September 15-18, 2004.
Xinhua Lin, Xinda Lu, Hong Liu, Qianni Deng, Lei Chen. Service Domain-based CFD Grid Application Platform. Proceedings of the Advances on Computer Architecture, (ACA\04)