- Name:Wang Yinglin
- Title:Professor
- Office:3-422
- Office Phone:34204415
- Email:wang-yl@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Data & Knowledge Management, Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering, Enterprise Information systems
Ph. D. Pattern Recognition, 1995.2-1998.5
Dept. of Computer Science and Technology,
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, PR. China
M. Eng. Computer Applications, 1989.9-1992.2
Dept. of Computer Science and Technology,
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, PR. China
Work experience
1981.1~1989.8, Shandong Boxing First High School, Mathmatics Teacher;
1992.4~1994.12, Binyin Group Co., Director of the Information Division;
1998.5~2000.6, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Postdocate Research Fellow;
2000.7~2005.7, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Associate Professor
2005.8~ now, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Professor
Selected projects in recent years:
•“Process driven based knowledge representation, sharing and reuse in complex product design”, funded by the National High-tech R&D Program of China, 2009.6-2011.3, on going.
•“Customization and evolution for lifecycle knowledge management systems in enterprises”, funded by the Natural Science Funds of China, 2008-2010, on going.
•“Semi-automatic ontology mapping and the verification between heterogeneous ontologies”, funded by the Natural Science Funds of China, 2004-2006, finished.
• “Reconfigurable knowledge management system for enterprise innovation”, funded by the high-tech research and development program in china, 2002-2004,finished.
•“The integration framework for DFX based on agent and case based reasoning”, funded by the high-tech research and development program in china, 1998-2000, finished.
•“Mass customization oriented cooperative business and integrated design system”, key project funded by the high-tech research and development program in china, 2001-2003, finished.
•“Master Data Management Technology and Deployment Methods”, funded by the Electrical Company of Jiangsu Province, 2007-2008, finished.
Awards and Honors
•“Agile engineering in product development and agile supply chain”, the second class award of science and technology progress, granted by Government of shanghai, china 2002.
•“Mass customization oriented cooperative business and integrated design system”, the second class award of science and technology progress, granted by Government of shanghai, china 2005.
•Excellent researchers of the national high-tech project in 2001.
Machine learning
Data Mining
Data structure
Programming methodology
Abstract Algebra
Selected pubilications:
?Yinglin Wang, et al.“An Ontology-based Framework for Building Adaptable Knowledge Management Systems”, KSEM 2007: 655-660, LNCS.
?Y.L. Wang, Ontology based Proactive Design and Patterns towards the Adaptability of Knowledge Management Systems, OTM 2009. Proceedings of the OnTheMove Federated Conferences, 2009.
?Dandong Jiang, Shensheng Zhang, Yinglin Wang, \"Towards a Formalized Ontology-Based Requirements Model\", Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science), Vol. E-10(1), 2005, p34-39.
?Yinglin Wang Xijuan Liu Rongwei Ye, “Ontology Evolution Issues in Adaptable Information Management Systems”, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Pages 753-758, 2008, ISBN:978-0-7695-3395-7.
?Yinglin Wang, \"Object Lifecycle Evolution History Modeling and Reuse for Knowledge Management\", Proceedings of the 2008 IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Pages 460-466, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3354-4.
?Yinglin Wang, et al. “An optimised part-selection strategy in product reconfiguration design”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.25(3-4), p214-220, 2005. ISSN: 0268-3768.
?Y.H. Mu, Y.L. Wang, J.M. Guo, Extracting Software Functional Requirements from Free Text Documents, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology.
?Yinglin Wang, et al. “Method of Automatic Ontology Mapping through Machine Learning and Logic Mining”, High Tech Letters, Vol.10 (4), p29-34, 2004. ISSN: 1006-6748.
?Yinglin Wang, \"Flexible Workflow Participant Assignment through an Ontology-Based Approach\", BIR2008, 2008.
?Yinglin Wang, et al. “Collaborative Knowledge Management by Integrating Knowledge Modeling and Workflow Modeling”, Proc of IEEE Information reuse and Integration, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331,USA. August 2005, ISBN:0-7803-9093-8.
?Y.L. Wang, An Abstraction-Based Software Knowledge Reuse for Adaptable Knowledge and Information Systems, 2009 International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology, 2009.
?Y.L. Wang, Patterns Of Semantic-based Knowledge Organization Classification and Acquisition Processes for Product Design Enterprises, ICKM, 2009.
?S.Y. Luo, Y.L. Wang, J.M. Guo, Research on Ontology-Based Usable User Interface Layout Approach, ICIS 2009.
?R.W, Ye, Y.L. Wang, A Method to Guarantee Ontology Consistency on Property Range Changes,Proc. of NPC 2008. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, 2008
?X.W. Zhu, Y.L. Wang, A Relation Combination Model for Knowledge Maps, Proc. of International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science, ICIECS 2009.
?Pengfei Qian,Yinglin Wang, Shensheng Zhang, \" Combining rough set theory and instance selection in ontology mapping\", High Technology Letters, 2008 14(3) .
?WANG Zong-jiang, WANG Ying-lin, ZHANG Shen-sheng, DU Tao. A Parsing Graph-based Algorithm for Ontology Mapping, Journal Of Donghua University(English Edition) , 2009, 26(3).
?Xianda KE, Yinglin WANG, Framework for Ontology Evolution in Knowledge Management System, Computer Engineering, 2009, 35(1) (in Chinese).
?Qiang SUN, Yinglin WANG, Data Model Research of Complex Configured Product Based on UML, Computer Engineering, 2007, 33(14) (in Chinese).
?Jianmei Guo, Yinglin Wang, A Knowledge Supply Process Model for Business Problem Solving, Computer Applications And Software, 2009, 26(1) (in Chinese).
?R.W, Ye, Y.L. Wang, A Method to Guarantee Ontology Consistency on Property Range Changes,Proc. of NPC 2008. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, 2008, Shanghai, China.
?Yinglin Wang, Xijuan Liu, Junquan Chen. \"A Multi-Stage Strategy for Ontology Mapping Resolution\", Proc. of IEEE Information reuse and Integration, 2008.
?J.M. Guo, Y.L. Wang, X.J. Liu, H.X. Tong, A Service-oriented integration model of knowledge and business processes, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC,Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States, 2008, pp. 1674-1679.
?J.M. Guo, Y.L. Wang, Context modeling for knowledge flow, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IEEE IRI-2008, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States, 2008, pp. 330-335.
?G.L. Wu, Y.L. Wang, J.M. Guo, R.W. Ye, Context-based Integrating Model of Knowledge and Business Processes, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, SKG\08
Qianni Deng, Xugang Wang, Dehua Zang , Monitoring MPI Program Running Nodes Status for Load Balance, The 4th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2005). 2005.12
Deng Qianni , Lu Xinda, Chen Li , Li Minglu. Search by Shortcuts in P2P Scientific Collaboration System. High Tech. Letter. 2005. 3
Deng Qianni,Lu Xinda, Group Clustering Mechanism for P2P Large Scale Data Sharing Collaboration, Chinese Journal Electronics. 2005.1
Xugang Wang, Qianni Deng. VIP: a P2P communication Platform for NAT traversal, Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications in 2005 (ISPA2005)
Xugang Wang, Qianni Deng , Xinda Lu , Dehua zang An Enhanced XMPI for Load Balance In Cluster Environment, National Open Distributed and Parallel Computing Symposium in 2005.
Chen Fangrong, Deng Qianni. A Special Naming and Resolving Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Systems. SKG2005---1st International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid.
Hongbo Wan, Qianni Deng, Xinhua Lin, Xinda Lu, Minglu Li. The Design and Implementation of Service Adapter in ShanghaiGrid Core. International Workshop on Service Grid Computing and Applications (SGCA 2005)
Changxi Zheng, Guobin Shen, Shipeng Li, Qianni Deng: Joint Sender/Receiver Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Path Video Streaming Using High Rate Erasure Resilient Code. ICME 2005: 1258-1261
Kai Chen; Qianni Deng. Legitimate Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Network. Fifth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing,NGI Workshops, 2006 Page(s):129-132.
Kai X. Miao, Henning Schulzrinne, Vishal Kumar Singh, Qianni Deng: Distributed Self Fault-Diagnosis for SIP Multimedia Applications. MMNS 2007: 187-190
Qianni Deng, Hao Lv. Analyzing unstructured peer-to-peer search networks with QIL. Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2004, p 547-550
Qianni Deng. A Generic Simulator for Unstructured Decentralized P2P File Sharing Networks. Proceedings of High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA2004) Shanghai, China, August 8 th -10 th , 2004.
Qianni Deng, Xinda Lu. Grid service Framework:Supporting Multi-Models Parallel Grid Programming. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.(Science),Vol.E-9,No.1 Mar.2004. 56-59.
Li Chen, Hong Deng, Qianni Deng. A research of grid manufacturing and its application in custom artificial joint. Proceedings of International Conference of Computer Science 2004(ICCS 2004).
Chuliang Weng, Xinda Lu, Guangtao Xue, Qianni Deng, Minglu Li. A Double Auction Mechanism for Resource Allocation on Grid Computing Systems. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing(GCC2004), October 2004, Wuhan, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3251, pp. 269-276, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg.
Qianni Deng, Xinda Lu, Li Chen ,Minglu Li. A Resource Model for Large-Scale Non-Hierarchy Grid System. Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3033.669-676
Xinhua Lin, Qianni Deng, Xinda Lu Information Grid Toolkit: Infrastructure of Shanghai Information Grid. Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3032-3033
Li Chen, Hong Deng, Qianni Deng, Wu Zhenyu, A research on the framework of grid manufacturing, Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3032-3033
Chuliang Weng, Xinda Lu, Qianni Deng. Formalizing Service Publication and Discovery in Grid Computing Systems. Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3032-3033
Chuliang Weng, Xinda Lu, Qianni Deng. A Distributed Approach for Resource Pricing in Grid Environments.Proceeding of The Second International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003) LNCS3032-3033
Li Chen, Hong Deng, Qianni Deng. Framework for grid manufacturing, Tsinghua Science and Technology, v 9, n 3, June, 2004, p 327-330
Qianni Deng, Xinda Lu. GSF: A problems solving environment supporting multi-models parallel grid programming. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2003), JUN 02-04, 2003 . COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE - ICCS 2003, PT IV, PROCEEDINGS ,LNCS2660 413-419, 2003
Xinhua Lin, Yang Qi, Jing Zhao, Xinda Lu, Hong Liu, Qianni Deng. Building CFD Grid Application Platform on CGSP. Proceedings of High Performance Computing and Applications (HPCA2004) Shanghai, China, August 8 th -10 th , 2004
Xinhua Lin, Xili Sun, Xinda Lu, Qianni Deng, Minglu Li. Recent Advances in CFD Grid Application Platform.The 2004 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2004), Shanghai, China, September 15-18, 2004.
Xinhua Lin, Xinda Lu, Hong Liu, Qianni Deng, Lei Chen. Service Domain-based CFD Grid Application Platform. Proceedings of the Advances on Computer Architecture, (ACA\04)