- Name:Zhu Qili
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:
- Office Phone:
- Email:kzhu@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Programming languages, data processing, database systems
National University of Singapore, B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering (1999)
National University of Singapore, Ph.D in Computer Science (2005)
Work experience
Research Fellow, National University of Singapore (2005)
Software Design Engineer, Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA (2005-2007)
Postdoctoral Researcher & Lecturer, Princeton University (2007-2009)
Distinguished Research Fellow (PhD Advisor) (2009 - )
Awards and Honors
Singapore Ministry of Education Scholarship
Dr. Goh Keng Swee Scholarship
2nd Prize in Singapore Press Holdings AsiaOne Webpage Design Context
Dean\s Graduate Award 2004
Microsoft \"Ship-It!\"
Microsoft Research Asia Young Faculty Visiting Program
2010-2011 Fall: Windows Internals
Kenny Q. Zhu, Kathleen Fisher and David Walker.
Incremental Learning of System Log Formats
In ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review. Volume 44, Issue 1, Jan, 2010.
Kenny Q. Zhu, Daniel S. Dantas, Kathleen Fisher, Limin Jia, Yitzhak Mandelbaum, Vivek Pai and David Walker. Language Support for Processing Distributed Ad Hoc Data.
In the Proceedings of 11th International ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP 2009. PDF
Qian Xi, Kathleen Fisher, David Walker and Kenny Q. Zhu.
Ad Hoc Data and the Token Ambiguity Problem
In the Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, PADL 2009. PDF
Kathleen Fisher, David Walker and Kenny Q. Zhu*.
LearnPADS: Automatic Tool Generation From Ad Hoc Data.
In the Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 2008, pp 1299--1302 . PDF
Kathleen Fisher, David Walker, Kenny Q. Zhu* and Peter White.
From Dirt to Shovels: Fully Automatic Tool Generation From Ad Hoc Data.
In the Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT POPL 2008, pp 421-434. PDF
David Burke, Kathleen Fisher, David Walker, Peter White and Kenny Q. Zhu*.
Towards 1-click tool generation with PADS.
ICML workshop on Challenges and Applications of Grammar Induction, 2007.
Joxan Jaffar, Roland H.C. Yap and Kenny Q. Zhu*.
Generalized Committed Choice
In Proceedings of Coordination 2007. PDF
Joxan Jaffar, Roland H.C. Yap and Kenny Q. Zhu*.
Indexing of Dynamic Abstract Regions
In the Proceedings of 22nd Intl Conf on Data Engineering, ICDE 2006. PDF
Joxan Jaffar, Roland H.C. Yap and Kenny Q. Zhu*.
Coordination of Many Agents.
In the Proceedings of 21st Intl Conf on Logic Programming, ICLP 2005. PDF
Joxan Jaffar, Andrew E. Santosa, Roland H.C. Yap and Kenny Q. Zhu*.
Scalable Distributed Depth-First Search with Greedy Work Stealing.
In the Proceedings of 16th Intl Conf on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Boca Raton, (ICTAI 2004). pp.98--103. PDF
Kenny Q. Zhu and Ziwei Liu.
Population diversity in permutation-based genetic algorithm.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Machine Learning, ECML 2004, Pisa, Italy. Springer. pp.537--547. PDF.
Kenny Q. Zhu and Ziwei Liu.
Empirical study of population diversity in permutation-based genetic algorithm.
In Proceedings of GECCO 2004 (2), Seattle, USA. pp. 420-421. Springer. PDF.
Kenny Q. Zhu.
A Diversity-controlling Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2003) pp.176--183.. PDF.
Kenny Q. Zhu and Andrew E. Santosa.
A Meeting Scheduling System Based on Open Constraint Programming.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Advance Informations System Engineering, CAiSE 2002, Toronto, Canada. pp.792--794. Springer. PS.
Kenny Q. Zhu, Wee-Yeh Tan, Andrew Santosa and Roland Yap.
Reactive Web Agents with OCP.
ISADS2001, Dallas, Texas. Long PS short ps
K.C. Tan, L.H. Lee and Kenny Q. Zhu.
Heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows.
6th International Symposium on Aritificial Intelligence and Mathematics(AMAI 2000).
Kenny Q. Zhu, Kar-Loon Ong.
A Reactive Method for Real Time Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems.
12th ICTAI 2000, Vancouver, Canada. long, short
Kathleen Fisher, David Walker, Kenny Q. Zhu* and Peter White.
From Dirt to Shovels: Fully Automatic Tool Generation From Ad Hoc Data.
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp 421-434. PDF
K. C. Tan, L. H. Lee, Q. L. Zhu and K. Ou.
Heuristic methods for vehicle routing problem with time windows.
Artificial Intelligent in Engineering (2001) pp. 281-295. Elsevier. PDF