- Name:Mao Junfa
- Title:Professor
- Office:3-211
- Office Phone:34204727
- Email:jfmao@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Electromagnetic theory, signal/power integrity problem of integrated circuits and packaging, and design of microwave circuits.
Received the B. S. degree from the National University of Defense Technology, China, in 1985,the M. S. degree from Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1988, and the Ph.D degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 1992.
Work experience
Has been a Faculty Member in Shanghai Jiao Tong University Since 1992, a full professor since 1997, a chair professor since 2000. Was an Associate Director of the Department of Electronic Engineering from 1997 to 1999, an Associate Dean of the School of Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering from 1999 to 2005, and has been the Executive Dean of the same school since 2010. Was a visiting scholar in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,from May 1994 to May 1995, and a visiting scholar in the University of California at Berkeley, USA, from Aug. 1995 to Aug. 1996.
973, NSFC and others
Awards and Honors
Earned the National Natural Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth, China in 2000, has been a Cheung Kong Scholar of Ministry of Education, China, since 2000, a member of the Reviewing Committee of Graduate Program of the State Council, China, since 2003, an Associate Director of Microwave Society of China Institute of Electronics since 2006, a chief scientist of The National Basic Research Program (973 Program) of China since 2008, a project leader of the National Science Foundation for Creative Research Groups of China, was an Expert of the High-Tech Program of China in 2001-2004. He earned the First-Class Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education, China, in 2003, the National Natural Science Award of China in 2004, the First-Class Natural Science Award of Shanghai, in 2005, the First-Class Technology Invention Award of Ministry of Education, China, in 2007, and the National Technology Invention Award of China in 2008, the Award of Scientific and Technological Innovation of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation in 2010, the Best Paper Award of 2008 APEMC in conjunction with 19th International Zurich EMC, the honor of Excellent Young Teacher of China in 2000 and the honor of Ten Most Excellent Scientists of Shanghai in 2007.
《Modern Physics for Electronics》 for undergraduate students,
《Circuit Analysis of High-Speed Circuits》 for doctoral graduate students
1. X. C. Li, J. F. Mao, and M. Swaminathan, “Transient analysis of CMOS-gate-driven interconnects based on FDTD,” IEEE Transactions on Compuer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 574-583, April. 2011.
2. Q. T. Lai, J. F. Mao, and M. S. Zhang, “Compensation design for DC bocking multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) in high-speed applications,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 742-751, May 2011.
3. M. S. Zhang and J. F. Mao, “A new systematic method for the modeling, analysis and design of high-speed power delivery networks by using distributed port,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 2940-2951, Nov. 2010
4. B. Zhang, G. B. Xiao, J. F. Mao and Y. Wang, “Analyzing large-scale non-periodic arrays with synthetic basis functions,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol.58, no.11, pp.3576-3584. Nov. 2010.
5. H. L. Peng, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, and Y. T. Xie, “A compact single/dual-polarized broadband antenna with SUM and difference beam capabilities,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 9,pp.990-993, Nov. 2010.
6. L.S.Wu, X. L. Zhou, W.-Y. Yin, L. Zhou, and J. F. Mao, “A novel substrate integrated evanescent-mode waveguide filter with non-resonating node in low temperature co-fired ceramic,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 2654-2662, Oct.. 2010
7. C. T. Liu, J. F. Mao, “A new power-ground plane modeling method with rectangle and triangle segmentation,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 33, no. 3, pp.639-646, Aug. 2010.
8. F. Z. Kong, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, and Q. H. Liu, “Electro-thermo-mechanical characterizations of various wire bonding interconnects illuminated by an electromagnetic pulse,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 729-737, Aug. 2010.
9. L. Li, Z. F. Li, and J. F. Mao, “Compact lowpass filters with sharp and expanded stopband using stepped impedance hairpin units,” IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 310-312, June 2010
10. Q. T. Lai and J. F. Mao, “A 0.5-11 GHz CMOS low noise amplifier using dual-channel shunt technique,” IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 280-282, May 2010
11. M. Tang, J. F. Mao, “Finite-difference analysis of interconnects with frequency-dependent parameters based on equivalent circuit models,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 457-467, May 2010.
12. L. S. Wu, X. L. Zhou, W. Y. Yin, C. T. Liu, L. Zhou, J. F. Mao, and H. L. Peng, “A new type of periodically loaded half-mode substrate integrated waveguide and its applications,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 882-893, Apr. 2010.
13. Q. F. Liu, W. Y. Yin, M. Tang, P. G. Liu, J. F. Mao, and Q. H. Liu “Time-domain investigation on cable-induced transient coupling into metallic enclosures,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 953-962, Nov. 2009.
14. W. Shen, L. S. Wu, X. W. Sun, W. Y. Yin, and J. F. Mao, “Novel substrate integrated waveguide filters with mixed cross coupling (MCC),” IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters, vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 701-703, Nov. 2009.
15. G. B. Xiao, J. F. Mao, and L. Zhou, “Generalized transition matrix for a multilayered scatterer with arbitrary interfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, no. 10 (part 2), pp. 3434-3438, Oct. 2009.
16. Y. B. Shi, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, and Q. H. Liu, “Transient electrothermal analysis of multilevel interconnects in the presence of ESD pulses using the nonlinear time-domain finite-element method,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 51, no. 3 (part 2), pp. 774-783, Aug. 2009.
17. W. Shen, X. W. Sun, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, and Q. F. Wei, “A novel single-cavity dual mode substrate integrated waveguide filter with non-resonating node,” IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 368-370, June 2009.
18. Q. F. Liu, W. Y. Yin, M. F. Xue, J.-F. Mao, and Q. H. Liu, “Shielding characterization of metallic enclosures with multiple slots and a thin-wire antenna loaded: multiple oblique EMP incidences with arbitrary polarizations,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 284-292, May 2009.
19. Q. F. Liu, W. Y. Yin, J.-F. Mao, and Z. Z. Chen, “Accurate characterization. of shielding effectiveness of metallic enclosures with thin wires and thin slots,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 293-300, May 2009.
20. G.. B. Xiao, J. F. Mao, “Generalized transition matrix for arbitrarily shaped scatterers with composite structures,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 401-405, May 2009.
21. S. N. Pu, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, and Q. H. Liu, “Crosstalk prediction of single- and double-walled Carbon-nanotube (SWCNT/DWCNT) bundle interconnects,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 560-568, April 2009.
22. G. B. Xiao, J. F. Mao, and B. Yuan, “A generalized surface integral equation formulation for analysis of complex electromagnetic systems,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 701-710, March 2009.
23. B. T. Jiang, J. F. Mao, and W. Y. Yin, “An efficient ladder reflector antenna for interchip communications,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 7, pp. 777-780, Dec. 2008.
24. G. B. Xiao, J. F. Mao, and B. Yuan, “Generalized transition matrix for arbitrarily shaped scatterers or scatterer groups,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 56, Dec. 2008.
25. L. Lin, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, and K. Yang, “Performance characterization of circular silicon transformers,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 44, pp. 4684-4688, Dec. 2008
26. K. Yang, W. Y. Yin, J. L. Shi, K. Kang, J. F. Mao, and Y. P. Zhang, “A study of on-chip stacked multi-loop spiral inductors,” IEEE Transactions Electron Devices, vol. 55, pp. 3236-3245, Nov. 2008
27. M. F. Xue, W. Y. Yin, Q. F. Liu, and J. F. Mao, “Wideband pulse respones of metallic rectangular multi-stage cascaded enclosures illuminated by an EMP,” IEEE Transactions Electromagnetic Compatibility,vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 928-939, Nov. 2008.
28. H. Li, W. Y. Yin, K. Banerjee, and J. F. Mao, “Circuit modeling and performance analysis of multi-walled carbon nanotube(MWCNT) interconnects,” IEEE Transactions Electron Devices, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1328-1337, Jun. 2008.
29. J. F. Xu, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, and L. W. Li, “Thermal transient response of GaAs FETs under intentional electromagnetic interference(IEMI),” IEEE Transactions Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 340-346, May 2008.
30. W. Y. Yin, J. Y. Xie, K. Kang, J. L. Shi, J. F. Mao, and X. W. Sun, “Vertical topologies of miniature multi-spiral stacked inductors,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 475-486, Feb. 2008.
31. M. Tang and J. F. Mao, “A precise time-step integration method for transient analysis of lossy nonuniform transmission lines,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 50, pp. 166-174, Feb. 2008.
32. X. C. Li, J. F. Mao, and W. Y. Yin, “Dynamic power model of CMOS gate driving transmission lines based on fourier analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 594-600, Feb. 2008.
33. W. Y. Yin, K. Kang, and J. F. Mao, “Electromagnetic-thermal characterization of on-chip coupled (a)symmetrical interconnects,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 30, pp. 851-863, Nov. 2007.
34. L. Lin, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, and Y. Y. Wang, “New differential stacked spiral inductor on silicon with its application in VCO,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letter, vol. 17, pp. 727-729, Oct. 2007.
35. L. L. Jiang, Z. Z. Chen, and J. F. Mao, “On the numerical stability of the precise integration time-domain (PITD) method,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 17, pp. 471-473, July. 2007
36. J. L. Shi, W. Y. Yin, K. Kang, J. F. Mao, and L. W. Li, “Frequency-thermal characteristics of on-chip transformers with patterned ground shields,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 55, pp. 1-12, Jan. 2007.
37. J. F. Xu, W. Y. Yin, and J. F. Mao, “Transient thermal analysis of GaN heterojunction transistors (HFETs) for high-power applications”, IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters, vol. 17, pp. 55~57, Jan. 2007
38. H. Li, W. Y. Yin, and J. F. Mao, Comments on “Modeling of metallic carbon-nanotube interconnects for circuit simulations and a comparison with Cu interconnects for scaled technologies,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 25, pp. 3042-3044, Dec. 2006.
39. L. L. Jiang, J. F. Mao and X. L. Wu, “Symplectic finite-difference time-domain method for Maxwell equations,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, pp. 1991-1995, Aug. 2006.
40. W. Y. Yin, S. J. Lin, J. F. Mao, and L. W. Li, “Experimental characterization of hybrid temperature and frequency effects on the performance of transformers on silicon substrates, ” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, pp. 2107-2109, Aug. 2006.
41. S. J. Lin, W. Y. Yin, H. L. Liao, and J. F. Mao, “The enhancement of Q factor for patterned ground inductor at high temperature,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, pp. 1873-1875, July 2006.
42. M. Tang; J. F. Mao and X. C. Li, “Analysis of interconnects with frequency- dependent parameters by differential quadrature method,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 15, pp. 877-879, Dec. 2005.
43. X-C Li, J. F. Mao, H. Huang, and Y. Liu, “Global interconnect width and spacing optimization for latency, bandwidth and power dissipation,” IEEE Transactions on Electronics Device, vol. 52, pp. 2272-2279, Oct. 2005.
44. W. Y. Yin, X. T. Dong, J. F. Mao, and L. W. Li, “Average power handling capability of finite-ground thin-film microstrip lines over ultra-wide frequency ranges,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 15, pp. 715-717, Oct. 2005.
45. H. F. Huang, J. F. Mao, X. C. Li, and Z. F. Li, “A photonic bandgap microstrip filter based on YBCO superconducting film,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 3827-3830, Sept. 2005.
46. W. Dai, Z. F. Li, and J. F. Mao, “Parameter extraction for on-chip interconnects by double-image green’s function method combined with hierarchical algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 53, pp. 2416-2423, July 2005.
47. H.. W. Liu, Z. F. Li, X. W. Sun, and J. F. Mao, “Harmonic suppression with photonic bandgap and defected ground structure for a microstrip patch antenna,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.15, pp. 55-56, Feb. 2005.
48. X.-C. Li, Z.-F. Mao, and H.-F. Huang,“Accurate analysis of interconnect trees with distributed RLC model and moment matching,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 52,pp. 2199-2206,Sept 2004.
49. H. W. Liu, Z. F. Li, X. W. Sun, and J. F. Mao, “An improved 1-D periodic defected ground structure for microstrip line,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 14, pp. 180-182, April 2004.
50. H. F. Huang, and J.F. Mao, “The Inductance Model of Coupled High Tc Superconducting Microstrip Lines,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 14, pp. 7-12, Mar. 2004.
51. L. Y. Li and J. F. Mao, “An improved compact 2-D finite-difference frequency-domain method for guided wave structures,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 13, pp. 520-522, Dec. 2003.
52. J. X. Zhao and J. F. Mao, “Inductance Extraction for Planar Spiral Inductor by Domain Decomposition Method for Conformal Modules,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 51, pp. 1763-1766, June 2003.
53. X. P. Yang, Z. F. Li, and J. F. Mao, “Analysis of the bounces on the power/ground plane structures by planar circuit model and APA-E algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 24, pp.184-190, May 2001.
54. J. F. Mao, X. N. Qian, and Z. Y. Yuan, “Characteristic analysis of coupled HTS interconnects with two-dimensional FDTD,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 11, pp. 33-35, Jan. 2001.
55. Q. W. Xu, Z. F. Li, J. Wang and J. F. Mao, “Transient analysis of lossy interconnects by modified method of characteristics,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System (Part I), vol. 47, pp. 363-375, March 2000.
56. Y. Cao, Z. F. Li, J. F. Mao and J. F. Mao, “A PEEC with a new capacitance model for circuit simulation of interconnects and packaging structures,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 48, pp. 281-287, Feb. 2000.
57. Q. W. Xu, Z. F. Li, P. Mazumder and J. F. Mao, “Time-domain simulation of high-speed interconnect systems by a modified method of characteristics,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 48, pp. 323-327, Feb. 2000.
58. Q. W. Xu, Z. F. Li, and J. F. Mao, “Modeling of transmission lines by differential quadrature method,” IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, vol. 9, pp. 145-147, April 1999.
59. J. F. Mao, “Twofold Mur’s first-order ABC in the FDTD method,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 46, pp. 299-301, March 1998.
60. J. F. Mao and O.Wing, “Time-domain transmission matrix of lossy transmission lines,” IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, vol. 8, pp.90-92, Feb. 1998.
61. J. F. Mao and E. S. Kuh, "Fast simulation and sensitivity analysis of lossy transmission lines by the method of characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System (part I), vol. 44, pp. 391-401, May 1997.
62. J. F. Mao, O. Wing, and F. Y. Chang, "Synthesis of coupled transmission lines," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System (Part I), vol. 44, pp. 327-337, April 1997.
63. J. F. Mao, O. Wing, and F. Y. Chang, "Transmission line synthesis by the method of characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System (Part I), vol. 43, pp. 461-468, June 1996.
64. J. F. Mao and Z.-F. Li, "Waveform relaxation solution of the ABCD matrices of nonuniform transmission lines for transient analysis," IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 13, pp. 1409-1412, Nov. 199.
65. J. F. Mao and Z. F. Li, "Analysis of the time response of nonuniform multiconductor transmission lines with a method of equivalent cascaded network chain," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 40, pp. 948-954, May 1992.
66. J. F. Mao and Z. F. Li, "Analysis of the time response of multiconductor transmission lines with frequency-depend losses by the method of convolution characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 40, pp. 637-644, April 1992.