- Name:Xiao Gaobiao
- Title:Professor
- Office:1-539
- Office Phone:34204337
- Email:gaobiaoxiao@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://cmrft.sjtu.edu.cn/newsinfo/
Research Field
Computational Electromagnetics;
Electromagnetic Scattering and Inverse Scattering;
Antenna and Propagation;
Microwave Devices
Phased Array Analysis and Calibration
1988: B.E. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China;
1991: M.E. from National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China;
2002: Ph.D from Chiba University, Chiba, Japan.
Work experience
1991-1997: Hunan University, Hunan Province, China
2002-2004: Hirel Co. Ltd., Japan;
2004-: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
1997-1999: visiting scholar in the Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University
2006.12: visiting scholar in IPS, Waseda University, Japan
Awards and Honors
(1)Recipient of the Japanese Ministry of education scholarship (1997.10-2002.3)
(2)Best Paper Prize, APMC 2014, Sendai, Japan (first paper being announced)
(3)Shanghai first class award of science and technology advancement, 2005 and 2011, respectively
For under graduate students:
Electromagnetic Waves
For post graduate students:
(1) advanced theory of electromagnetic fields
(2) computational electromagnetics
[1] Gaobiao Xiao, Junfa Mao,Advanced Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies: Semiconductor Devices, Circuits and Systems, edited by: Moumita Mukherjee(one chapter), ISBN 978-953-307-031-5, IN-TECH: Vienna, 2010.
[2] Gaobiao Xiao, Frequency Domain Generalized Transition Matrix Method,2015, in Chinese, (Sponsored by Chinese National Foundation for Science and Technology Publishing)
Journal Papers (selected)
[1] Gaobiao Xiao, Yibei Hou,“An intuitive formulation of discontinuous Galerkin surface integral equations,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.65, no.1, pp.??, Jan. 2017.
[1]Zheng Liu, Gaobiao Xiao, Lei Zhu, “Numerical de-embedding and experimental validation of propagation properties of corrugated substrate integrated waveguide,” Microw. Optic. Techn. Lett.,, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 2456-2460, Oct. 2016.
[2]Xianghong Kong, Gaobiao Xiao, “Fano resonance in high-permittivity dielectric spheres,” J. Optic. Soc. Amer. A, vol. 33, no. 4, pp.707-711, Apri. 2016.
[3]Zheng Liu, Gaobiao Xiao, Lei Zhu, “Triple-mode bandpass filters on CSRR-loaded substrate integrated waveguide cavities,” IEEE Trans. Compon., Packag. Manuf. Techn., vol.6, no.7, pp.1099-1105, July.2016.
[4]Zheng Liu, Lei Zhu, Gaobiao Xiao, “A novel microwave attenuator on multilayered substrate integrated waveguide,” IEEE Trans. Compon., Packag. Manuf. Techn., vol.6, no.7, pp.1106-1112, July.2016.
[5]Shang Xiang, Gaobiao Xiao, and Junfa Mao, “A generalized transition matrix model for open-ended cavity with complex internal structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.64, no.9, pp.3920-3930, Sept. 2016.
[6]Zheng Liu, Lei Zhu, Gaobiao Xiao, “An effective approach to de-embed the complex propagation constant of half mode SIW and its application,” IEEE Trans. Compon., Packag. Manuf. Techn., vol.6, no.1, pp.109-116, Jan.2016.
[7]X. Tian, G. Xiao and S. Xiang, “Time-domain generalized transition matrix for transient scattering analysis of arrays,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 15, pp. 238-241, Jun. 2016. (SCI收录)
[1]Yibei Hou, Gaobiao Xiao, and Jinpeng Fang, “On the properties of loop-flower basis functions,” ACES Journal, vol. 30, no. 5, pp.527-533, May 2015
[2]Gaobiao Xiao, Xuezhe Tian, Wei Luo, Jinpeng Fang,“The impulse responses and the late time stability properties of time domain integral equations,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag. vol. 9, issue 7, pp. 603-610, May 2015.
[3]Xuezhe Tian, Gaobiao Xiao,Jinpeng Fang, “Application of loop-flower basis functions in the time-domain electric field integral equation,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.63, no.3, pp.1178-1181, Mar. 2015.
[1]Gaobiao Xiao, “Applying loop-flower basis functions to analyze electromagnetic scattering problems of PEC scatterers,” Int. J. Antennas Propag., vol. 2014, Article ID 905935, 9 pages, 2014.
[2]Shang Xiang, Gaobiao Xiao and Junfa Mao, “Analyzing electromagnetic systems on electrically large platform using a GTM-PO hybrid method with synthetic basis functions”, Int. J. Antennas Propag., vol. 2014, Article ID 162421, 7 pages, 2014.
[3]Xuezhe Tian, and Gaobiao Xiao, “Time-domain augmented electric field integral equation for a robust marching on in time solver,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol.8, no.9, pp.688-694, June 2014.
[4]Xuezhe Tian, Gaobiao Xiao, and Shang Xiang, “Application of Analytical Expressions for Retarded-Time Potentials in Analyzing the Transient Scattering by Dielectric Objects,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett. , vol.13, pp.1313-1316, 2014.
[5]Zheng Liu, Gaobiao Xiao, and Shang Xiang, “New CBCPW-to-SIW Transition With Improved Bandwidth,” Microw.and optic Lett., vol.56, no. 11, pp.2731-2734, Nov.2014.
Before 2014:
[1]Lianrong Hong, Guiyu Tian, Jinpeng Fang, Gaobiao Xiao, “The behavior of MFIE and EFIE at interior resonances and its impact in MOT late time stability”, American Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications. Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 30-37, 2013.
[2]Shang Xiang, Gaobiao Xiao,Junfa Mao, “Analysis of large-scale phased antenna array with generalized transition matrix,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.61, no.11, pp.5453-5464, Nov. 2013.
[3]Shang Xiang, Gaobiao Xiao,Junfa Mao, “Analysis of large-scale phased antenna array with generalized transition matrix,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.61, no.11, pp.5453-5464, Nov. 2013.
[4]Wentao Chen, Gaobiao Xiao,Shang Xiang,and Junfa Mao, “A note on the construction of synthetic basis functions for antenna arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.60, no. 7, pp.3509-3512, Jul. 2012.
[5]Gaobiao Xiao,Luo Zhang, Yue Zhou, “Generalized Heat Transition matrix for arbitrarily-shaped thermal media and its applications to Steady state heat conduction problems in large scale systems,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, vol. 59, Issue 4, pp. 319-338, Apr. 2011 (DOI:10.1080/10407790.2011.560808).
[6]Gaobiao Xiao,Luo Zhang, Yue Zhou, Junfa Mao, “Equivalence principle for analyzing steady-state heat conduction problems,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, vol. 59, Issue 3, pp. 226-244, Mar. 2011. (DOI:10.1080/10407790. 2011. 554491).
[7]Bo Zhang, Gaobiao Xiao, Junfa Mao and Yan Wang, “Analyzing Large-Scale Non-periodic Arrays with Synthetic Basis Functions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.,vol.58,no.11, pp.3576-3584, Nov. 2010 .
[8]Gaobiao Xiao, Junfa Mao and Liang Zhou, “Generalized Transition Matrix for a Multilayered Scatterer with Arbitrary Interfaces”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.57, no. 10, pp.3434-3438, Oct. 2009.
[9]Gaobiao Xiao, Junfa Mao and Bin Yuan, “Analyzing the Shielding Effect of a Concrete Wall Reinforced with Steel Plate Using Generalized Surface Integral Equations,” IET-MAP. Vol.3 Issue 5, pp.728-735, Aug. 2009.
[10] Gaobiao Xiao, Junfa Mao, “Generalized Transition Matrix for Arbitrarily Shaped Scatterers with Composite Structures ”, IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 51, no.2, pp.401-405, May,2009.
[11]C. Chen, L. Yang, Y. Lu, G. Xiao, and Y. Zhang, “Assessment of Optical Absorption in Carbon Nanotube Photovoltaic Device by Electro magnetic Theory,” IEEE Trans. Nanotechn., vol.8 no.3, pp.303-313,May 2009.
[12]Gaobiao Xiao, Junfa Mao and Bin Yuan, “A Generalized surface integral equation formulation for analysis of complex electromagnetic systems,”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.57, no.3, pp.701-710, Mar. 2009.
[13]G. M. Yang, R. H. Jin, G. B. Xiao, C. Vittoria, V. G. Harris, and N. X. Sun,” Ultra wide band (UWB) antennas with multiresonant split-ring loops”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.57, no.1, pp.256-260, Jan. 2009.
[14]Gaobiao Xiao, Junfa Mao and Bin Yuan, “A generalized transition matrix for arbitrarily- shaped scatterers or scatterer groups,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol.56,no.12, pp.3723-3732, Dec. 2008.
[15]G. M. Yang, R..Jin, J. Geng, X. Huang, G. Xiao,:“Ultra-wideband bandpass filter with hybrid quasi-lumped elements and defected ground structure,” IET Microwav. Antennas Propagat., vol.1, Issue 3, pp.733-736, June 2007.
[16]G. M. Yang, G. B. Xiao, R. Jin, J. Geng, W. He and M. Ding, “Design of ultra-wideband bandpass filter based on defected ground structure,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. vol . 49, No. 6, pp.1374-1377, June 2007.
[17]Gaobiao Xiao, and K. Yashiro, “An improved algorithm of constructing potentials from Cauchy data and its application in synthesis of nonuniform transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol.50, no.8, pp.2025-2028, Aug. 2002.
[18]Gaobiao Xiao, and K. Yashiro, “On the design of a dual-mode ring resonator formed by nonuniform transmission lines,” Int. J. Electron.,vol.89, no.4, pp.337-345, 2002.
[19]Gaobiao Xiao, and K. Yashiro, “An efficient algorithm for solving Zakharov-Shabat inverse scattering problem,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.,vol.50, no.6, pp.807-811, June 2002.
[20]Gaobiao Xiao, and K. Yashiro, “Impedance matching for complex loads through nonuniform transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol.50, no.6, pp.1520-1525, June 2002.
[21]Gaobiao Xiao, K. Yashiro, Ning Guan and S. Ohkawa, “Application of an Inverse Problem for Symmetric Periodic Potentials,” SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing., vol. 23, no.3, pp.1042-1049, Sep. 2001.
[22]Gaobiao Xiao, K. Yashiro, Ning Guan and S. Ohkawa, “An effective method for designing nonuniformly coupled transmission-line filters,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol.49, no.6, Part 1, pp.1027-1031, June 2001.
[23]Gaobiao Xiao, K. Yashiro, Ning Guan and S. Ohkawa, “A new numerical method for synthesis of arbitrarily terminated lossless nonuniform transmission lines,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.,vol.49, no.2, pp.369-376, Feb. 2001.
Conference Papers Selected:
[1]Y. Zhao, G.B. Xiao, F. Ling, J.F Mao,“Equivalent Surface Impedance Based Mixed-Potential Integral Equation for 3-D Model of On-Chip Passive Components,” EuMW,London,2016.
[2]Y.B. Hou,G.B. Xiao, “A discontinuous Galerkin augmented electric field integral equation for low-frequency electromagnetic scattering analysis,”ISAP, Okinawa, Japan,2016.
[3]X.Z. Tian, Y.P. Chen, J.F. Lee, and G.B. Xiao, “Reverse operation self-consistent evaluation for the implementation of integral equations using constant vector basis functions,”PIERS, Shanghai, China,2016.
[4]X.H. Kong, G.B. Xiao, “Fano resonance in high permittivity cylinders ,”APEMC, Shen Zhen, China, 2016.
[5]Zh. Liu, L. Zhu, G.B. Xiao, “Propagation characteristics of corrugated substrate integrated waveguide with no metallic vias,” iWEM, Nan Jing, China, 2016.
[6]Zh. Liu, G.B. Xiao, L. Zhu, “A novel method to design triple-mode SIW filter based on the complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs),” IMS, San Francisco, California, 2016.
[7]X.Z. Tian, Y.P. Chen, J.F. Lee, G.B. Xiao, “Reverse operation self-consistent evaluation for the discontinuous Galerkin integral equation,”APSURSI, Puerto Rico, USA, 2016.
[8]Y.B. Hou, G.B. Xiao, “A non-conformal domain decomposition scheme combined with synthetic basis functions,” APSURSI, Puerto Rico, USA,2016.
[9]G.B. Xiao, Y.B. Hou,“An intuitive formulation of discontinuous Galerkin surface integral equations,” ICCEM, Guang Zhou, China,2016.
[10]Zh. Liu, L. Zhu, Q.S. Wu, G.B. Xiao, “Short-open calibration (SOC) technique to deembed the complex propagation constant of SIW,” APS& USNC/URSI,Vancouver, BC, Canada,2015.
[11]X.Z. Tian, J.F. Lee, G.B. Xiao, “Time domain discontinuous Galerkin surface integral equation method for electromagnetic scattering analysis of non-penetrable objects,” APS&USNC-URSI, Vancouver, BC, Canada,2015.
[12]Zh. Liu, G.B. Xiao,“An approximate method to predict the characteristics of SIW-based directional coupler,”APCAP, Bali, Indonesia,2015
[13]S. Xiang, C.P. Zhu, J.P. Fang, G.B. Xiao, J.F. Mao, “Application of GTM method combined with local-PO",ICCEM,Hong Kong,2015.
Before 2015:
[1]Zh. Liu, G.B. Xiao, “New Multi-Way SIW Power Dividers with High Isolution,”APMC, Sendai,Japan, 2014.(Best Paper Prize)
[2]Y. Hou, G. Xiao." Properties of the Gram Matrices Associated with Loop-flower Basis Functions", PIERS, Guangzhou,2014.
[3]X.Z. Tian, G.B. Xiao, etc, “Concise Analytical Expressions for Evaluating Time Domain Potentials in Time Domain Integral Equations,” APMC, Seoul,2013.
[4]X. Shang, G.B. Xiao, J.F. Mao, “A modified construction method of synthetic basis functions for phased antenna array”, IMS Montreal, Canada,2012.
[5]J.Ch. Xiao, G.J. Ke, G.B. Xiao, “Analysing steady-state heat conduction problems in anisotropic thermal media ”, EDAPS Hangzhou, China, 2011.
[6]G.B Xiao, Y. Zhou,etc, “Embedding Thermo Analysis in the Process of Solving Electromagnetic Problems,” APMC Yokohama, Japan,2010.