【Dual Doctoral】SJTU-NCTU Dual Dcotoral Degree Program

Cooperative Universities: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China   VS  Taiwan National Chauo Tung University, China

Application Deadline:

Spring Semester(from February to June): November 30th

Fall Semester(from September to January): April 30th

Application Materials:

a) A proposed study programme, to be completed in consultation with the Exchange
Coordinator at the host university.
b) An official university transcript.
c) A completed application form.
d) Additional information as may be required.

Return completed materials to:

Jun Ma

Office of International Affairs

SEIEE Building 3, Room No. 108,

School of Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

800 Dong Chuan Rd,

Shanghai, 200240, P.R.China National Chiao Tung University

[ 2014-03-31 ]