IEEE Pilot Class

IEEE Pilot Class

Breif Introduction:

IEEE pilot classes aim at training scientists and engineers in electrical and electronic technology and information science. Referring to MIT’s educational model, IEEE pilot classes advocate the "learning by doing" educational philosophy and the "interdiscipline, fusion, experience, independence" guiding principle, and adopt the "four systems" training model: mentoring, direction cards, entry system and the Elimination System.

Currently, IEEE pilot classes in undergraduate stage set several directions as in information and communications engineering, circuit and system, AI, algorithm, robot, control system, sensing technology and signal processing, universal calculation, real networking, smart grid, etc.). Students can choose their own interested direction, fulfill its corresponding courses, and obtain corresponding undergraduate degree (electrical engineering and automation, computer science and technology, information engineering, electronic science and technology, control science and technology, and instrument science and technology.). Students with outstanding academic performance will be recommended to enter the graduate program without entrance exam, or even have the priority to be selected as PhD candidates.


In order to guarantee the quality of teaching and to create a good environment for learning, the school adopts the following measures: 1) select experienced professors, mostly with experience abroad as teachers; 2) select the latest international or mainstream teaching materials;3) recommend students participating in study abroad/exchange programms;4) promote joint training with well-known domestic and foreign enterprises.


Undergraduate Study Plan of IEEE Pilot Class (Grade 2013, SEIEE)

For Reference Only

Sequence Number Course Code Course Name Credit Credit Hour Lecture Hour Experiment Hour Practical Training Hour Compter Operating Hour Course Design Semester Attribute Course Module Credit / Course Requirement
1 TH000  思想道德修养与法律基础(Cultivation of Ethics and Fundamentals of Law) 3 34 34 17 1 Mandatory 25
2 TH004  军事理论(Military Theory) 1 17 17 17 1 Mandatory
3 PE001  体育(1)(Physical Education I) 1 34 34 1 Mandatory
4 EN025  大学基础英语(1)(University English I) 3 68 68 1 Mandatory
5 EN026  大学基础英语(2)(University English II) 3 68 72 2 Mandatory
6 PE002  体育(2)(Physical Education II) 1 34 36 2 Mandatory
7 TH021  中国近现代史纲要(Modern Chinese History) 2 34 36 18 2 Mandatory
8 PE003  体育(3)(Physical Education III) 1 32 3 Mandatory
9 TH007  马克思主义基本原理(Basic Theory of Marxism) 3 48 34 3 Mandatory
10 TH009  形势与政策(Circumstance and Policy) 1 16 34 3 Mandatory
11 TH012  毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(Introduction to Mao Zedong's Thoughts and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics) 6 48 34 4 Mandatory
12 PE004  体育(4)(Physical Education IV) 1 32 4 Mandatory
人文学科 ( Curriculum in Humanities) 4 Mandatory 8
社会科学 (Curriculum in Social Science) 2 Mandatory
自然科学与工程技术 (Curriculum in Natural Sciences & Engineering Technologies) 2 Mandatory
1 XP000 通识教育实践活动(General Education Practice) 2 34 2 Mandatory 2
1 MA077  线性代数(B类)(Linear Algebra) 3 51 51 1 Mandatory 40
2 MA118  数学分析(C类)(1)(Mathematical Analysis I) 6 102 102 1 Mandatory
3 MA208  离散数学(A类)(Discrete Mathematics) 3 51 34 1 Mandatory
4 CS124  计算导论(Intro to Computers & Programming) 4 64 34 1 Mandatory
5 PH001  大学物理(A类)(1)(Physics I) 4 68 72 2 Mandatory
6 MA043  数学分析(C类)(2)(Mathematical Analysis II) 6 102 72 2 Mandatory
7 CS125  程序设计(Programming) 6 96 72 2 Mandatory
8 MA227  概率论与随机过程(Probability and Stochastic Process) 4 64 34 3 Mandatory
9 PH002  大学物理(A类)(2)(Physics II) 4 64 34 3 Mandatory
10 EI232  电路与电子学(Circuits and Electronics) 5 80 34 3 Optional 4 Courses at Choice
11 EE208  电类工程导论(C类)(Introduction to Engineering for Electronic Information (C) ) 4 64 34 3 Optional
12 EI330  电磁能量(Electromagnetic Energy ) 4 64 34 4 Optional
13 EI331  信号与系统(含复变函数)(Signals and Systems (incl. Functions of Complex Variables) ) 4 64 34 4 Optional
14 EI332  计算机组成(Computer Organization) 4 64 34 4 Optional
15 EI333  软件工程(Software Engineering) 4 64 34 4 Optional
16 CS221  数据结构(Data Structure) 4 64 34 4 Optional
17 EE100  电类工程导论(A类)(Introduction to Engineering for Electronic Information (A)) 4 64 72 2 Optional
18 EE101  电类工程导论(B类)(Introduction to Engineering for Electronic Information (B)) 4 64 72 2 Optional
19 ES339  通信原理(Communication Principles) 4 64 34 5 Optional at Least 3 courses from Major and at Least 1 course from Minor
20 EI336  电磁学应用 4 64 34 5 Optional
21 EI338  计算机系统工程 4 64 34 5 Optional
22 EI339  人工智能(Artificial Intelligence) 4 64 34 5 Optional
23 CS222  算法设计与分析(Design and Analysis of Algorithms) 4 64 34 5 Optional
24 EI343  控制理论(Control Theory) 4 64 5 Optional
1 EE336  电力系统基础 4 64 34 6 Optional Major: Fulfill Course Requirment of 3 Sub-Major Fields; Minor: Fulfill Course Requirment of 2 Sub-Major Fields.
2 EE439  高电压工程 4 64 34 6 Optional
3 EE339  电力电子技术(Power Electronics Technology) 4 64 34 6 Optional
4 EE352  网络系统与控制 4 64 34 6 Optional
5 EE354  机器人技术基础(Robotics Foundation) 4 64 34 6 Optional
6 EE356  数字图像处理与模式分析 4 64 34 6 Optional
7 EE357  计算机网络(Computer Networks) 4 64 34 6 Optional
8 EE359  数据挖掘技术 4 64 34 6 Optional
9 CS385  机器学习(Machine Learning) 4 64 34 6 Optional
10 IE315  数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processing) 4 64 34 6 Optional
11 EE327  无线通信原理与移动网络(Wireless Communications and Mobile Network) 4 64 34 6 Optional
12 EE362  嵌入式系统原理与应用(Principles and Applications of Embedded System) 4 64 34 6 Optional
13 EE365  微波技术与天线(Microwave and Antenna) 4 64 34 6 Optional
14 EE363  半导体物理与器件(Semiconductor Physics and Devices) 4 64 34 6 Optional
15 MI329  传感器原理(Principles of Sensor) 4 64 34 6 Optional
16 MI331  智能仪器技术 4 64 34 6 Optional
17 MI334  全球导航定位系统 4 64 34 6 Optional
18 EE315  电力系统自动化(Electrical Power System Automation) 3 48 34 7 Optional
19 EE308  电力系统继电保护(Relay Protection of Power System) 3 48 34 9 7 Optional
20 EE338  智能电网 3 48 34 7 Optional
21 EE353  网络优化 3 48 34 7 Optional
22 EE355  机器人技术与系统 3 48 34 7 Optional
23 SE342  计算机视觉(Coumputer Vision) 3 48 34 7 Optional
24 CS337  计算机图形学(Computer Graphics) 3 48 34 7 Optional
25 CS427  多核计算与并行处理(Multi-core Computing and Parallel Processing) 3 48 34 7 Optional
26 EE358  传感网络技术 3 48 34 7 Optional
27 CS433  并行与分布式程序设计(Parallel and Distributed Programming) 3 48 34 7 Optional
28 EE360  互联网与信息检索 3 48 34 7 Optional
29 EE361  移动数据管理技术及应用 3 48 34 7 Optional
30 SE305  数据库技术(Database Technology) 3 48 34 7 Optional
31 CS382  自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing) 3 48 34 7 Optional
32 CS386  数字图像处理(Digital Graphics Processing) 3 48 34 7 Optional
33 IE316  数字语音处理(Digital Phonetics Processing) 3 48 34 7 Optional
34 IE317  光纤宽带通信网络 3 48 34 7 Optional
35 IE318  计算机安全(Computer Security) 3 48 34 7 Optional
36 ES340  数字系统仿真设计(Digital System Simulation and Design) 3 48 7 Optional
37 ES335  通信基本电路原理与设计 3 48 34 7 Optional
38 ES336  大规模集成电路设计 3 48 34 7 Optional
39 ES337  射频电路设计训练 3 48 34 7 Optional
40 EE324  薄膜晶体管原理及应用(Principles and Applications of Thin Film Transistors) 3 48 34 7 Optional
41 EE323  光电子学(Optoelectronics) 3 48 34 7 Optional
42 MI330  现代光学与视觉检测 3 48 34 7 Optional
43 MI332  仪器总线与虚拟仪器(Instrument of Field Bus and Virtual Instruments) 3 48 34 7 Optional
44 MI333  误差理论与数据处理(Theory of Error and Data Processing) 3 48 34 7 Optional
45 MI335  惯性导航与组合导航 3 48 34 7 Optional
1 PH028  大学物理实验(1)(Physics Lab. I) 1 26 2 Mandatory 2
2 PH029  大学物理实验(2)(Physics Lab. II) 1 26 34 3 Mandatory
1 CS119  编程综合实践(Programming Practice) 3 51 2 Mandatory 6
2 EI335  实验室实践(Lab Practice) 3 48 4 Mandatory
1 TH010  军训(Military Training) 3 51 54 2 Mandatory 3
1 EE407  专业综合实践(Professional Practice) 3 48 7 Mandatory 3
个性化教育课程 (individualized curriculum) 10 Mandatory 10
[ 2014-07-09 ]