
Fault Tolerant Quantum Filtering and Fault Detection [17-01-05] 《上海交通大数据研究与实践》学术报告会 [16-12-13] New developments in nonlinear control design and applications: a homogeneous perspective [16-11-25] Pave the road towards building the future Internet of Things [16-11-04] 2016上海交通大学类脑计算与智能学术研讨会会议日程 [16-10-27] Bio-inspired Polarization Imagers - Making the invisible visible [16-10-17] QuantitativeResearch in JPMorgan [16-09-19] Autonomous and Human-Interactive Robots for Industrial Automation: Opportunities and Challenges [16-09-14] From Rats to Robot Navigation and Beyond by Prof. Michael Milford (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) [16-09-14] 核医学影像技术在转化医学研究中的高端解决方案 (High-end solutions for preclinical imaging: from SPECT/CT to PET/MRI) [16-07-22] 第二届纳米医学诊断试剂与医疗器械转化论坛 [16-07-22] Sliding Mode Techniques for Complex Systems [16-07-21] Secure and Scalable Data Outsourcing in the Public Cloud [16-07-21] Data-Driven Dynamic Robust Resource Allocation: Application to Efficient Transportation [16-07-18] Cyber-Physical Systems as Technological Driver for Industry 4.0 [16-06-28] 6月24日学术报告会——求学、治学与教学 [16-06-17] Controlling Human Microbiota [16-06-02] Multi-level Control of Large-Scale Systems with Applications to Road Networks [16-06-02] Crowd-sourced Mobile Video Streaming [16-05-24] Modeling, Motion Planning and Control of Bipedal Robotic Walking by Yan Gu Purdue University [16-05-24]