
学术报告会:Analysis and Control of Partially-Observed Discrete-Event Systems by Xiang Yin (University of Michigan) [16-05-23] Workshop on Hybrid Electronics for Wearable Intelligence (2016/05/21 SEIEE 3-100) [16-05-19] 5月18日学术报告会—— [16-05-16] Cancer Theranostics 学术报告会 [16-04-12] 欧洲直流电网的发展现状,及其在智能电网方面的应用 [16-04-07] 电子商务国际化与大数据智能化运营 [16-04-06] Attitude synchronization and reduced attitude formation control [16-04-06] 我和共和国的火箭事业 [16-04-06] Recent Developments in Frequency Estimation and Compressed Sensing [16-03-17] Anomaly Detection in Large Data Sets [16-03-16] 印刷低电压/低功耗有机晶体管传感器 [16-03-16] Designing Communicative Media beyond Boundaries: Transforming Academic Research Process into Entrepreneurship. [16-03-16] Monitoring and Learning Algorithms for Future Power Networks [16-03-14] Terahertz and mm-Wave Signal Generation, Synthesis and Amplification Reaching the Fundamental Limits [16-03-11] 学术报告 [16-03-09] Cross-Domain Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Cities: Addressing Mobility Challenges by Urban Systems with Urban Data [16-03-07] LASER-SUSTAINED PLASMA AND ITS ROLE IN METAL SURFACE PROCESSING [16-03-04] 行为信息学研究进展简介 [16-03-01] 自动化系毕业生在Nature上发表学术论文 [16-02-26] 麻省理工科技评论报道计算机系博士研究生郑伟龙关于情绪识别的研究工作 [16-02-18]