【博士资格考试】PHD Students Qualification Examination

For doctorate students,  Intermediate assessment is called "Qualification Examination"(资格考试).

Acoording to the PHD Cultivation Procedure, PHD students  "Qualification Examination"  usually takes place in the begining of third semester. The department academic coordinator would be in charge of this.

To pass the assessment, students needs to finish all the courses requirements. For more information. please contact department academic coordinator.


1. "Qualification Examination"(综合考试) is for PHD students, it is similar to Master students' "Intermediate Assessment".

2. Don't mix"Qualification Examination"(综合考试), which should be done in the third semester, with "Disseration Internmediate Assessment" (学位论文中期考核), which should be done one year after dissertation proposal. The former targets at courses completion, and later targets at evaluation of disseration.

[ 2019-11-01 ]