X031604 Power System Transient Stability电力系统暂态稳定


Introduction of    

课程名称 (Course Name) : Power System Transient Stability
课程代码 (Course Code): X031604
学分/学时 (Credits/Credit Hours):2
开课时间 (Course Term ) :  2016 Spring
开课学院(School Providing the Course): 电子信息与电气工程学院  SEIEE
任课教师(Teacher):  Keyou Wang
课程讨论时数(Course Discussion Hours): four Hours

课程实验数(Lab Hours):  none

课程内容简介(Course Introduction):
Through the course, students learn the concept of power system rotor angle transient stability, as well as analysis methods including equal area criterion, numerical integration method, and direct energy function. Furthermore, students will also learn how to analyze the effect of renewable energy integration on transient stability. The Probabilistic transient stability and Stochastic transient stability are introduced to analyze the system with renewable energy. And students will be trained to program and do simulation for transient stability analysis. Besides rotor angle transient analysis, students will also get to know voltage transient stability.


教学大纲(Course Teaching Outline):
1. Equal area criterion
2. Time domain simulation
3. Energy function based direct methods
4. New Stability Problems: Wind, Inverter
5. Voltage Stability


课程进度计划(Course Schedule):
1)Week 1  (4 classes):Background and concept of rotor angle transient stability, the main factors to affect transients stability;equal area criterion principle and derivative; numerical integration; stability of explicit numerical integration.
2)Week 2: Explicit integration method, comparing equal area criterion with numerical integration, simulation of power system dynamic response, Partitioned solution with explicit integration, Simultaneous solution with implicit integration; transient stability affected by excitation system.
3)Week 3:Comparing between explicit and implicit integration; transient stability analysis of a large power system, transient stability by Generator Out- of- Step Protection; direct method, transient energy function, single-machine system transient stability analysis, stability region and phase plane diagram.
4)Week 4:Transient energy function method, comparing phase place diagram and equal area criterion and multi-machine energy function; RUEP, PEBS, EEAC for multi-machine system.
5)Week 5: Review of Stability theory applied to the transient energy function method, Autonomy and Nonautonomy; Transient Stability Enhancement.
6)Week 6:Comparing direct method with numerical integration method; power system transient stability affected by wind power integration.
7)Week 7: New Stability problem raised by power electronics inverters. New analysis method for transient stability.
8)Week 8:Voltage transient stability analysis, PV-QV curves, load model, enhance for voltage stability. Announce the final project.
课程考核要求(Course Assessment Requirements):
1. six homework   50%
2. discussion class: presentation and debating  15%
3. final project (final exam)  35%


参考文献(Course References):
 1.《Power System Stability and Control》 Prabha Kundur
2.《Power System Transient Stability Analysis Using the Transient Energy Function Method》A.A. Fouad, Vijay Vitttal
3.《Energy function analysis of power system transient stability 》 Liu Sheng, Wang Jing

[ 2016-01-13 ]