Optical Communications

1. Introduction

The state key lab of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks performs inter-disciplinary research on communications, electronics, and photonics. Some projects also require the interaction with researchers in computer engineering, automation, math, and chemistry. The state key lab was founded in 1995 and is ranked at the national level in optical communication research in China. The objective of the lab is to perform fundamental and applied research to push the forefront of the optical communications and networking technologies.

The lab conducts researches in four areas. The optical networks area includes GMPLS controlled optical network, optical packet switching network, access network, networking theory, and green communication. The optical transmission area includes high-speed (160 and 100 Gbps) transmission, free-space optical communications, radio over fiber, quantum communications and cryptography. The opto-electronics area covers passive and active components, integrated optical devices, modules and subsystems, photonic crystal, and fiber sensors. The optical signal processing area includes optical signal processing, slow light, bio-photonics, ultra-fast optics, high-speed electronics.

The lab secured a total research funding of US$4M in the past three years. Some highlighted projects include ASTN networking, test and field trial; New-generation optical network: architecture, networking and text; XXX enhancement system; Key technology and testbed of optical packet switch; Fundamental research of optical transport network. Those researches generate significant results, e.g., China’s first all-optical communication network with a field trial in Shanghai, Multicast and burst-like automatic switched optical network with a field trail in Yangtze River Delta region.

In addition to the featured results presented above, most results on fundamental research were published in Optics Letters, Optics Express, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Applied Physics Letters, IEEE J. Lightwave technology, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, IEEE J. Selected Area on Communication. Furthermore the members of the lab have been trying to show visibility in academia and industry by attending international conferences such as Optical communication Conference (OFC), European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), and The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and present invited papers. The lab has published more than 300 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers in the past three years.

The lab has been making effort to maximize its impact in academia by organizing and attending international conferences. The lab has successfully organized the Asia-Pacific Optical Communications (APOC) 2005, and is organizing the Asia Communication and Photonics (ACP) 2009 and Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2009.

The lab has built collaborations with some overseas’ research groups in USA, UK, Germany, France, Singapore, Japan, Korea, and domestic institute. The lab enrolled more than 100 graduated students, and encourages potential students with backgrounds in electrical engineering, optics, physics, computer engineering, automation, applied math and chemistry to apply for the graduate program.


2.  Faculties

Currently the state key lab employs 20 faculty and staff members consisting of 11 professors, 4 associate professors, 3 assistant professors, and 2 research staffs in this division. They are listed here:

Professor Hu Weisheng, Chen Jianping, Su Yikai, Jin Yaohui, Li Xinwan, Jiang Chun, Zeng Guihua, Fan Ge, Xiao Shilin, Dong Yi and Guo Wei;

Associated Professor Li Rongyu, Wu Guilin, Xiong Jin, Sun Weiqiang;

Assistant Professor He Guangqiang, Ye Tong, He Hao; and

Staff Zhang Ying, and Jin Lingen.

Some of the professors are introduced briefly below:

Prof. Hu Weisheng is the director (03-08) and deputy director (09-) of the state key lab. He serves as associated editor of Journal of Lightwave Technology, editor of Chinese Optics Letter, Frontier on Optoelectronics, and technical general co-chair or TPC members of ~15 international conferences, including Optical Fiber Communications 07/08, Optics East 07/08, Asia Communication and Photonics 09. He has ~250 publications, including ~20 invited presentations. He was awarded National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar, China.

Prof. Chen Jianping is the chair of the Department of Electronic Engineering and vice director of the state key lab. He has more than 40 papers published in international journals such as Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Applied Physics Letters, etc. He serves Co-Chair of IEEE International Conference on Circuits & Systems for Communications (2008), General Vice Co-Chairs of International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (2007), TPC Co-Chair of International Conference of the Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (2003), TPC member of ECOC 2006.

Prof. Su Yikai is the associate department chair of Electronic Engineering. He also serves as the chair of the IEEE ComSoc Shanghai chapter, and a faculty advisor of the SJTU OSA student chapter. He has ~170 publications in international journals and conferences, including ~30 invited conference presentations, and 8 postdeadline papers. He serves as a Topical Editor of Optics Letters, Feature editor of Applied Optics, a TPC Co-Chair of 6 international conferences, and a Technical Program Committee Member of ~30 international conferences.

Prof. Jin Yaohui is the assistant director of the state key lab. He listed in the editorial board of Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and served as TPC member in many international conferences, including Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2009/2010 and European Conference Optical Communication (ECOC) 2007/2008/2009. He served TPC co-chair of IEEE High-Speed Switching and Routing (HPSR) 2008, and Public co-chair of IEEE International symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS) 2007.

Prof. Li Xinwan is engaged in the research and education of wavelength selective switching devices and systems. He holds one US patent and 15 China patents. He has published more than 30 papers on international journals such as IEEE Communications Magazine, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Express, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, etc. He has presented 3 invited talks on international conferences such as COIN 2005. He is the Co-Chair of Shanghai Chapter of IEEE LEOS and the TPC Chair of 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications.




3. Research Highlights

3.1 All-optical Network Architecture, Testbed and Field Trial

As the pioneer researcher of all-optical network in China, we finished the first all-optical communication network testbed in 1999, and demonstrated a three-node metro optical ring in 2000, which consisted of one optical cross-connect and two optical add-drop multiplexers to provide 16 wavelengths for Shanghai IP network. In 2003, we finished a heterogeneous automatic switched optical network testbed with and without wavelength conversion.

From 2003, we led the multicast and burst-like automatic switched optical network (MB-ASON ) with GMPLS extension to support large scale TV delivery and e-Shanghai services. In 2006, we finished a field trial of MB-ASON in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing cities in the eastern China in collaboration with industry. So far the network is operating stably for grid computing and 116 HDTV/DTV channels delivery to ~30000 households and users in the three cities.

We have ~30 international conference invited presentations including in OFC and ECOC. Some of the publications are list below:

1.   Weiqiang Sun, Guowu Xie, Yaohui Jin, Wei Guo, Weisheng Hu, Xinhua Lin, Min-You Wu, Wentao Li, Rong Jiang, and Xueqin Wei, A Cross-Layer Optical Circuit Provisioning Framework for Data Intensive IP End Hosts, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, Vol.46, No.2, pp.S30-37, 2008

2.   Yi Zhu, Yaohui Jin, Weiqiang Sun, Wei Guo, Weisheng Hu, Wen-De Zhong and Min-You Wu, Multicast Flow Aggregation in IP over Optical Networks, ,IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, Vol25, Iss 5, pp.1011-1021, June 2007.

3.   Weisheng Hu, et al, Regional Multicasting Demonstration in China (invited), Workshop on Future Optical Network, OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (OFC2007), Anaheim, USA, 25-29 March, 2007

4.   Weisheng Hu, Yaohui Jin, ASON/GMPLS in China (Invited), EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATION (ECOC 2003), Rimini, Italy, Oct. 2003, We3.1.4

5.   Wei Guo, Yaohui Jin, Weiqiang Sun, Weisheng Hu, Xinhua Lin, Min-You Wu, Hong Liu, San Fu, Jun Yuan; Distributed Computing over Optical Networks (invited), OFC2008, San Diego, paper OWF1

6.   Yaohui Jin, Weisheng Hu, Weiqiang Sun, Wei Guo, et al, Large Scale Video Delivery Using Hybrid Packet/Circuit Multicasting: Experiences from Chinese Broadband Network Testbed (3TNet) (invited), ECOC 2007, Berlin, paper 4.6.1

7.   Weiqiang Sun, et al., Label Switched Path (LSP) Dynamic Provisioning Performance Metrics in Generalized MPLS Networks, draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-dppm-02.txt, IETF 2008.



3.2 Wavelength-Selective Optical Switching

The research on wavelength-selective optical switching started in the early beginning of the century. We have been using different materials and devices, such as electro-optical polymer and semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA), to implement optical wavelength-selective switches (WSS). One structure we proposed has the unique feature of digitalized selection and tuning of DWDM wavelengths. Using such WSS, we built a test bet of optical burst switching (OBS). Some key issues were studied experimentally. For example, hardware implementation of JIT (Just-In-Time) Protocol was carried out with mechanisms to control the burst loss caused by collision or loss of control packets. Factors that determine the characteristic parameter, such as off-set time, was investigated. Fast data transportation, including FTP, VoD, etc. was demonstrated. A US patent was granted (fast tunable wavelength selective optical switch, 6.868.199B2) and a European patent is in pending (resilient optical burst ring failure protecting method, apparatus and failure processing method, EP1998503).

The following are some of the recent publications.

1.   Li XW, Peng LM, Chen JP, et al. A novel fast programmable optical buffer with variable delays, 2008 CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION, Vol.1-8, Pages: 121-123, 2008

2.   Dai W, Wu GL, Chen JP, et al. Traffic tree based burst scheduling in optical burst switching network, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, Volume: 12, Issue: 8, Pages: 590-592, AUG 2008

3.   Li XW, Peng LM, Wang SB, et al. A novel kind of programmable 3(n) feed-forward optical fiber true delay line based on SOA, OPTICS EXPRESS, Volume: 15, Issue: 25, Pages: 16760-16766,DEC 10, 2007

4.   Liu T, Chen XF, Di ZY, Zhang JF, Li XW, Chen JP, et al. Tunable magneto-optical wavelength filter of long-period fiber grating with magnetic fluids, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91 (12): Art. No. 121116, SEP 17, 2007

5.   Li XW, Chen JP, Wu GL, et al. An experimental study of an optical burst switching network based on wavelength-selective optical switches, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, Pages:S3-S10, Supplement: Suppl. S, MAY 2005

6.   Li XW, Chen JP, Wu GL, et al. Digitally tunable optical filter based on DWDM thin film filters and semiconductor optical amplifiers,OPTICS EXPRESS, Volume: 13, Issue: 4, Pages: 1346-1350,FEB 21, 2005

7.   Wang YP, Chen JP, Li XW, et al. Measuring electro-optic coefficients of poled polymers using fiber-optic Mach-Zehnder interferometer, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume: 85, Issue: 21, Pages: 5102-5103,NOV 22, 2004 



3.3 Novel Scheme of Phase-Correlated Signal-Generation

We propose and demonstrate a novel phase-correlated signal-generation scheme using all-optical Kerr shutter, which performs ultra-fast polarization to phase conversion. This scheme can break the speed limitation of conventional transmitters in generating phase-modulated formats. The experimental results at ultra-high rates (160G and above) have been reported in ~20 publications including IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, OFC/ECOC postdeadlines, and nearly 10 invited presentations and conferences.

Some highlighted publications:

1.     Yikai Su, Lothar M?ller, Roland Ryf, Chongjin Xie, and Xiang Liu, “A 160-Gb/s Group-Alternating Phase CSRZ Format,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 17, No. 10, Oct. 2005, pp. 2233-2235.

2.     Yikai Su, Lothar M?ller, Chongjin Xie, Roland Ryf, Xiang Liu, Xing Wei, and Steven Cabot, “Ultra-high Speed Data Signals with Alternating and Pair-Wise Alternating Optical Phases,” JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. Invited paper, Vol. 23, No.1 2005, pp. 26-31.

3.     Yikai Su, Lothar M?ller, Roland Ryf, Xiang Liu, and Chongjin Xie, “Feasibility study of 0.8bit/s/Hz spectral-efficiency at 160 Gb/s using phase-correlated RZ signal with vestigial sideband filtering,” IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 16, No. 5, May 2004, pp. 1388-1390.

4.     Yikai Su, S. Chandrasekhar, Roland Ryf, C.R. Doerr, Lothar M?ller, Indra Widjaja et al., "A multirate upgradeable 1.6-Tb/s hierarchical OADM network," IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2004, pp. 317-319.

5.     Fangfei Liu, Yikai Su and Paul L. Voss, "Optimal Operating Conditions and Modulation Format for 160 Gb/s Signals in a Fiber Parametric Amplifier Used as a Slow-light Delay Line Element," in Proc. OFC 2007, paper OWB5



3.4 Novel Photonic Crystal Devices

With a band gap that forbids propagation of a certain frequency range of light, photonic crystals be able to control light and produce effects that are impossible with conventional optics. Our studies focus on photonic crystal based slow light waveguides, optical switches, microcavity filters, and optical amplifiers for optical communication systems and networks.

Mcrocavity filter: We presented a novel three-port channel drop filter in two-dimensional photonic crystals with two microcavities. One microcavity was used for a resonant tunneling-based channel drop filter, the other was used to realize wavelength-selective reflection feedback in the bus waveguide, which consisted of a point defect micro-cavity side-coupled to a line defect waveguide. The conditions for achieving 100% drop efficiency were derived, and the theoretical results were validated by rigorous numerical experiment. Then, we investigated optical switch. Based on two-dimensional photonic crystal with a hexagonal lattice of air holes, we proposed a novel 4×4 optical switch with high extinction ratio, short coupling length.

Slow light waveguides: We found that zero-group-velocity modes could appear in index-uniform waveguides, this would make it possible to slow down and store photonic pulse in simple straight waveguides. We also found that the photonic crystal line-defect waveguide with elliptical air holes could support dispersion-free ultraslow light modes, and that asymmetric line-defect waveguides had larger bandwidth-delay product than symmetric counterparts. We examined the nonlinear interaction between slow light and optical materials. It was shown that the signal gain was inversely proportional to the square group velocity of pump beam, but it reached saturation with further decreased group velocity. The results is important in reduction of operating power of nano-scale photonic devices.

1.    Jiang C, Ibanescu M, Joannopoulos JD, Marin Soljacic, Zero-group-velocity modes in longitudinally uniform waveguides, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93, 24, pp.241111, DEC 15, 2008

2.    Ma J, Jiang C, Hatband slow light in asymmetric line-defect photonic crystal waveguide featuring low group velocity and dispersion, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 44, 7-8, pp.763-769, JUL-AUG 2008.

3.   Xiao Hong Jiang, Chun Jiang, “A proposal for enhanced parametric amplification in periodic superstructure fiber”, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Vol. 20, No. 9, May 1, P718 – 720, 2008.

4.    Wang FH, Ma J, Jiang C, Dispersionless slow wave in novel 2-D photonic crystal line defect waveguides, IEEE/OSA JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 26(9-12), pp. 1381-1386, MAY-JUN 2008.

5.   Qu Y, Ren HL, Jiang C, A novel design of 2-d photonic crystal directional coupler with high extinction ratio and short coupling length, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 43 , 11-12, pp.974-981, NOV-DEC 2007.

6.   Ren HL, Jiang C, Hu WS, Photonic crystal channel drop filter with a wavelength-selective reflection micro-cavity, OPTICS EXPRESS 14, 6, pp.2446-2458, MAR 20, 2006.



3.5 Quantum Optical Communication

We have engaged in the investigation on quantum optical communication since 1996. Three topics have been involved, including the quantum cryptography and quantum private communication, quantum network, and physical fundamental for quantum optical communication. We have published 2 books and more than 100 papers in the peer journals, and hold 1 US patent and 10 China patents.

We investigated firstly the quantum signature and the quantum identity authentication, and proposed a quantum signature algorithm and a quantum identity verification scheme. Using continuous variables quantum optical signals, we have experimentally implemented the quantum key distribution in passive optical network (PON). In addition, a secure quantum voice encryption system has been implemented experimentally. In this system the voice may be encrypted and decryption using pure quantum ways with high security.

We presented a universal protocol for continuous-variable graph-state teleportation. A mathematical model is established to determine an arbitrary graph state’s properties, including the possibility of teleportation and the relevant analytical criteria. By investigating the properties of several fundamental graph-state types, we identify a general strategy for optimizing excess noise due to finite squeezing. As an application, a general scheme for teleportation between two arbitrary parties on a two-dimensional square lattice cluster state is given, along with a cheaper yet equivalent optimization for fixed source-target teleportation. Finally, a universal way to distill bipartite entanglement from a graph-state entanglement network is presented based on the equivalence between teleportation and entanglement distillation.

1.   Guihua Zeng, Quantum private communication, Springer-Verlag press, 2009.

2.   Guihua Zeng and Moonho Lee, "A Generalized Reverse Block Jacket Transform", IEEE TRANSACTION ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I: Regular Papers, Vol.55, No.6, 1589-1600, 2008.

3.   Zhu Chen, Moon Ho Lee and Guihua Zeng, "Fast Cocyclic Jacket Transform", IEEE TRANSACTION ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol.56, No. 5, 2143-2148, 2008.

4.   Lijie Ren, Guangqiang He and Guihua Zeng, "Universal teleportation via continuous-variable graph states", PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 78, 042302, 2008.

5.   Guangqiang He, Jun Zhu, Guihua Zeng, Quantum secure communication using CV EPR correlations, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, A73, 012314, 2006.

6.   Guihua Zeng, "Reply to “Comment on ‘Arbitrated quantum-signature scheme", PHYSICAL REVIEW A, A Vol.78, 016301, 2008.

7.   Guihua Zeng, Yuan Li, Ying Guo and Moonho Lee, "Stabilizer quantum codes over the Clifford algebra", JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, Vol.41, 145304, 2008.




[ 2011-09-07 ]