C034704 Theory and technology for network information security 网络信息安全理论与技术


课程名称 (Course Name) Theory and technology for network information security

课程代码 (Course Code): C034704

学分/学时 (Credits/Credit Hours) 2/36

开课时间 (Course Term ) 秋季

开课学院(School Providing the Course:  电子信息与电气工程学院

任课教师(Teacher:  李生红

课程讨论时数(Course Discussion Hours:  6

课程实验数(Lab Hours:   0

课程内容简介(Course Introduction):

This course is intended as an introduction to the topic of network information security. It covers the related various important aspects about network information security, including network security concepts, cryptography, access control, malicious code, intrusion detection, firewall, security management and audit, security protocols and standards, and so on. By studying the course, the students are expected to have a basic understanding of network and information security theory and the corresponding technologies.

教学大纲(Course Teaching Outline):

The course contents consist of 8 parts, as follows:

Part 1: Overview: network security concepts, security threats/attacks/assets, security functional requirements, security architecture for open systems, computer and network security trends, etc.

Part 2: Cryptographic: symmetric and non- symmetric encryption, Public Key Infrastructure, hash functions, digital signatures and key management, etc.

Part 3: User Authentication and Access Control: authentication theory and various authentication methods such as password-based authentication, access control principles and various access control methods such as RBAC.

Part 4: Malicious Codes: the concept of malicious codes, malicious codes history, various typical malicious codes such as macro viruses/worms/hacker/Trojans/e-mail viruses, malicious code countermeasures, etc.

Part 5: Intrusion Detection: intruders, intrusion detection principles, host-based intrusion detection, distributed host-based intrusion detection, network-based intrusion detection, distributed adaptive intrusion detection, etc.

Part 6: Firewall: the need for firewalls, firewall characteristics, types of firewalls, firewall policies, firewall systems, unified threat management, etc.

Part 7: Security Management and Audit: security management concepts, organizational context and security policy, security controls or safeguards, security audit, etc.

Part 8: Internet Security Protocols and Standards: secure E-mail and S/MIME, secure sockets layer (SSL), HTTPS, IPSEC, transport layer security (TLS), etc.

课程进度计划(Course Schedule):

Week 1: The content of Part 1

Week 2: The content of Part 2

Week 3: The content of Part 3

Week 4: The content of Part 4

Week 5: The content of Part 5

Week 6: The content of Part 6

Week 7: The content of Part 7

Week 8: The content of Part 8

课程考核要求(Course Assessment Requirements)

Final grades will be based on a raw numerical score obtained by weighting grades on assignments according to the table below.





Final paper


参考文献(Course References)

William Stallings, Lawrie Brown, Computer Security: Principles and Practice, second edition, Prentice Hall, 2011

William Stallings,  Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards , forth edition, Prentice Hall, 2011

预修课程(Prerequisite Course

[ 2015-11-26 ]