School of Software

  • Name:Beijun Shen
  • Title:Associate Prof.
  • Office:1303# Software Building
  • Office Phone:+86-21-34204130
  • Website:

Research Field

Software Engineering, Software Process, Domain Specific Language, Mining Software Repository


1997 - 2001 PH.D, Institute of Software of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Major: Software Engineering
1991 - 1994 Master of Science, East China University of Science and Technology, Major: Software Engineering
1987 - 1991 Bachelor of Science, East China University of Science and Technology
Major: Computer Software

Work experience

· Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2005-now
· Associate Professor, East China University of Science and Technology, 2001-2005
· Lecturer, East China University of Science and Technology, 1995-2001
· Assistant Professor, East China University of Science and Technology, 1994-1995


Since 2010:
· Research on Social Engineering Based on Internet Applications, supported by Key Lab of Information Network Security, Ministry of Public Security, China, 2012-2013
· Research and Development of Business Process Middleware, supported by Key Lab of Information Network Security, Ministry of Public Security, China, 2012
· Research on the Middleware for Rapid Integration of Enterprise Applications and M2M Platform, joint research project with Shanghai Telecom Company, 2010-2011
· Research on Software Operation and Maintenance Service Management Process, supported by Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies, Ministry of Education, China, 2010-2011
· Research on Trustie Application in Aerospace Control Software Processes, supported by the National High-Tech Research Development Program of China (863 program), 2009-2010
· Research on Credit Evaluation Model and Platform for Electronic Commerce, supported by Shanghai Informatization Foundation, 2009-2010
· Detecting Vulnerability in Information Security Products, supported by Key Lab of Information Network Security, Ministry of Public Security, China, 2009-2011
· Research on Custmization Technology and Quality Assurance Method for SaaS Applications, supported by the Opening Project of Shanghai Key Lab of Advanced Manufacturing Environment, 2009-2010

Awards and Honors

· SJTU Outstanding Teacher, 2013
· IBM China Outstanding Teacher, 2012
· SJTU Education Award, 2012
· SJTU Outstanding Teacher, 2010
· SJTU Outstanding Teacher, 2009
· Shanghai Education Achievement Award (second prize), 2009
· SJTU Education Achievement Award, 2008
· SJTU Outstanding Teacher, 2008
· Municipal of Education - IBM Excellent Course "Object Oriented Analysis and Design", 2008
· Municipal of Education - Microsoft Excellent Course "Introduction to Software Engineering", 2007
· SJTU Excellent Course "Object Oriented Analysis and Design", 2006
· Shanghai Excellent Course "Introduction to Software Engineering", 2005
· Shanghai Education Achievement Award (second prize), 2005
· National Outstanding Young Teacher by HuoYingDong Education Foundation, 2003


Software Engineering
Advanced Software Engineering


Since 2010:
· An End-User Domain-Specific Language for University Information Systems,International Conference on Information System and Electronic Commerce, Harbin, China, Dec 28-29, 2013
· An end-user oriented visual programming language. International Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, December. 2013
· Mining GitHub: Why Commit Stops - Exploring the Relationship between Developer’s Commit Pattern and File Version Evolution, 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Dec. 2-5, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
· Toward a Trust Evaluation Model for Shanghai E-Commerce Public Service Platform, 2013 IET/IEEE International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City, August 19~20, 2013, Shanghai, China
· Internet of Knowledge: as an Infrastructure for Smart and Sustainable Marine Economy, 2013 IET/IEEE International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City, August 19~20, 2013, Shanghai, China
· Process Component Composition for Dynamic Process Adaptation and Lazy Binding, International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA), Jan. 16~18, 2013, HongKong, China
· A Method of SNS Topic Models Extraction Based on Self-Adaptively LDA Modeling, International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA), Jan. 16~18, 2013, HongKong, China
· Mining of Contribution Characteristics in Open Source Software Based on Visual Analysis, International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA), Jan. 16~18, 2013, HongKong, China
· Method of Android Applications Permission Detection Based on Static Dataflow Analysis(in chinese), Computer Science, v40, n1, 2013
· Internet of Knowledge and Knowledge Cloud(in chinese), Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Nature Science Edition), s1, 2012
· Using DEB and XML signature for digital evidence management(in chinese), Computer Engineering, v38, n12, 2012
· Towards agile application integration with M2M platforms, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, v6, n1, pp.84-97, 2012
· Trust Model for Cloud Computing Based on SLA and User Ratings (in chinese), Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(7)
· Knowledge Cloud as a Novel Environment for Engineering Education, International Conference on Engineering Education (CEE2012), Beijing China, 26-28 October, 2012
· Compressed C4.5 Models for Software Defect Prediction, 12th International Conference on Quality Software, Xi’an, China, 27th – 29th Aug 2012
· Internet of Knowledge Plus Knowledge Cloud – A Future Education Ecosystem, International Conference on Future Computer Supported Education (FCSE), Korea, August 22-23, 2012
· Internet of Knowledge - The Soft Infrastructure for Smart Cities, 6th Shanghai International Library Forum, PP. 147-154, Shanghai, China, July 17-19, 2012
· Towards Internet of Knowledge, 8th China - Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education (CEISEE2012), PP. 41-44, Shanghai, China, 28-29 May 2012
· Research on Applications of SaaS Technology, International Conference on Computer and Management (CAMAN 2012), PP.109-112, Wuhan China, March 9-11
· A Security Access Control Model based on Roles and Tokens, International Conference on Computer and Management (CAMAN 2012), PP.1205-1208, Wuhan China, March 9-11
· Revenue Maximization Overload Policing for SaaS Applications, World Congress for Software Quality (WCSQ), Shanghai, 31 Oct. - 4 Nov. 2011
· Knowledge Cloud as a Novel Environment for Engineering Education, International Conference on Engineering Education (CEE2011), 28-30 October, 2011, Shanghai China
· Sustainable Development of Marine Economy Guided by Knowledge Cloud Services, International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing (ICNDC2011), PP.235-239, Beijing China, Sept. 21-24, 2011
· On Building Knowledge Cloud, International Workshop on Knowledge as a Service (KaaS 2011), PP.2351-2353, Nanjing, China, June 27-29, 2011
· Measuring and Improving IT Service Support Processes: A Case Study, International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies (EAST 2011), PP.28-35, 8-11 June, 2011, Beijing, China
· Software Process Discovery Using Link Analysis, International Conference on Data Storage and Data Engineering (DSDE 2011), PP.60-63, Xi'an, China, May 13-15, 2011
· Design and Implementation of Virtual Cryptographic Device System (in chinese), Computer Engineering, 37(10), 2011.5
· Building Knowledge Cloud in Smart city (in chinese), Software Industry and Engineering, 2011.3
· Research and implementation of business logic customization framework for SaaS applications (in chinese), Computer Engineering and Applications, 28(1), 2011.1
· Method of Shellcode Detection Based on Static and Dynamic Mechanism (in chinese), Computer Science, 2011.12
· Design of Service Wrapper Environment for Web Legacy System (in chinese), Computer Engineering, 37(19), 2011
· Statistics-Based Automatic Web News Text Extraction (in chinese), Computer Application and Software, 27(12), 2010
· On Java Remote Invocation Framework Based On Dynamic Proxy (in chinese), Computer Application and Software, 27(6), 2010
· Research and Implementation of Distributed Collaborative Support in IT Service Management (in chinese), Computer Engineering, 2010
· Software Project Risk Management and its Tool Based on Software Process (in chinese), Computer Engineering, 2010
· Trust Evaluation Method Handling Multi-factors for C2C E-Commerce, International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing Conference (PIC2010), Shanghai, China, Dec 10-12, 2010
· Template-based Business Logic Customization for SaaS Applications, International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing Conference (PIC2010), Shanghai, China, Dec 10-12, 2010
· Innovation Platform Design Through Knowledge Services, European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE 2010), Greece, 16-17 September 2010
· Knowledge Services for Knowledge Workers, World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2010), Corfu, Greece, Sep. 22-24, 2010, Springer-Verlag LNCS
· From Isolated Tenancy Hosted Application to Multi-tenancy: Toward a Systematic Migration Method for Web Applications, IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICSESS 2010), IEEE Press, Beijing, China, July 16~18, 2010
· Engineering Adaptive IT Service Support Processes Using Meta-modeling Technologies, International Conference on Software Process (ICSP 2010), Paderborn, Germany, July, 2010, Springer-Verlag LNCS
· On Knowledge Services for Outsourcing Professional Development, International Conference of Software Engineering for Offshore and Outsourced Development (SEAFOOD 2010), Peterhof, Russia, 17-18 June 2010, Springer LNBIP, Vol.54
· A Design Framework for Public Knowledge Service Platform, International Workshop on Knowledge as a Service (KaaS 2010), American Scholars Press, Xiamen, China, April 9-11, 2010
· Supporting Distributed Collaboration in IT Service Management, International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS 2010), Wuhan, China, March 6-7, 2010
· IT Service Support Process Meta-Modeling Based on ITIL, International Conference on Data Storage and Data Engineering (DSDE 2010), IEEE Press, India, February 9-10, 2010


· Co-Editor of IEEE Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) V3
· Advanced Level Expert of International Software Testing Qualification Board (ISTQB)
· Member of Expert Committee of Chinese Software Engineering