- Name:Yang Genke
- Title:Professor
- Office:2-411
- Office Phone:34204304
- Email:gkyang@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Intelligent Algorithms; The System Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning; Advanced Production Scheduling system for hybrid manufacturing processes.
09/95 - 09/98, Phd. System Engineering, Xi’an Jiao Tong University;
09/84 - 07/87, Master, Applied mathematics, Southwest University;
09/80 - 07/84, Bachelor, Applied Mathematics, Shan Xi University
Work experience
Aug./02 – Professor , Dept. Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Nov./00 –Aug./02, Associate professor , Dept. Automation, SJTU;
Oct./87 –Nov./98, Associate professor, Lecture, Dept. Computing Science and Automation Eng., Taiyuan Science & Technology University
Self-organize based evolutionary analysis and control on the structure and dynamics of supply chain ; Studies on optimal algorithm and coordinative control for processing sequence based upon variable processing property; Study on de-noising algorithms for processing speech data; Modeling and Algorithm Analysis for Speech Recognition
Awards and Honors
2009 National Teaching Achievement Award
2002 ShanXi Science and Technology Progress Award
most welcome teacher award
Computer Control technology;Discrete Event System;Operational Research;Optimal Control
1) Hengyun Lu, Genke Yang, A combined algorithm to the 2D lattice model for protein folding. Int. J. Modelling, Identification and Control. 2009accepted In press
2) Jiang JQ, Dress AWM, Yang GK, A spectral clustering-based framework for detecting community structures in complex networks, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, 2009, V22,N9, pp:1479-1482, 2009
3) Yang Genke,Chen Yuwang, DaiBo, Self-organizing optimization and its applications in systems engineering 系统工程理论与实践, 28(SUPPL.), pp 142-147, 2008(Scopus).
4) SunKai,Yang Genke, Solving cost-driven flowshop scheduling problem by a hybrid scatter search. Journal of Computational Information Systems , 2009 5(1): 259-267
5) Yao Jiong,Yang Genke,Pan ChangChun. 基于状态集分解的一类车间计划调度算法. 系统仿真学报. 2009, 19(2)
6) Zhu Yi,Yang Genke,Pan ChangChun. 基于阈值深度优先策略求解ATSP的混合分支定界算法. 上海交通大学学报. 2008,42(10)pp.1665-1668
7) Pan ChangChun,Yang Genke. 带最小批量约束的计划问题研究及其拉格朗日松弛算法. 控制理论与应用, 2009, 26(2):133-138
8) Lu HengYun,Yang Genke Extremal optimization for protein folding simulations on the laice, Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2009,57(12): 1855-1861
9) Pan ChangChun,Yang Genke A method of solving a large-scale rolling batch scheduling problem in steel production using a variant of column generation. Computer & Industrial Engineering 2009,56:165-178.
10) Chen AiLing,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming "Production scheduling optimization algorithm for the hot rolling processes", International Journal of Production Research, 2008, Volume 46, Issue 7 April pages 1955 - 1973.
11) Guo, XP; Yang, GK; Wu, ZM A hybrid self-adjusted memetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization ADVANCES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 卷: 3789 页: 663-672 出版年: 2005
12) SunKai,Yang Genke Solving cost-driven job-shop scheduling problem by hybrid scatter search method, International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control 2008, Shanghai China.
13) SunKai,Yang Genke A Hybrid scatter search with extremal optimization for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem Lecture note in computer science, ICIC2008
14) Hengyun Lu, Genke Yang, Lam Fat Yeung: Extremal Optimization for the Protein Structure Alignment BIBM BIBM 2009: 15-19
15) Pan ChangChun,Yang GenkeYueng L.F.. Machine Performance and Products Coupling Model and Methodology for Rolling Batch Scheduling Problem. International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, 2008, Shanghai China.
16) SunKai,Yang Genke, 基于成本的flowshop调度优化模型及其算法研究 系统仿真学报 2008,录用
17) Lu HengYun, Yang Genke 改进的蚁群算法求解蛋白质折叠问题. 计算机工程与设计 2009,录用
18) 宋晔,Yang Genke, 基于分支定界和神经网络的实时调度策略, 计算机仿真 2007.
19) SunKai,Yang Genke Hybird AIS-EO algorithm for permutation flowshop scheduling problem, Journal of shanghai university(English version). Accepted,2007
20) 陈泯蓉,Yang Genke,吕勇哉 Population-Based Extremal Optimization with Adaptive Levy Mutation for Constrained Optimization, CIS 2006, LNAI 4456, pp. 144–155, 2007.
21) 陈泯蓉,Yang Genke,吕勇哉 Multiobjective extremal optimization with applications to engineering design, J ZheJiang Univ Sci A 2007(12):1905-1911.
22) SunKai, Yang Genke A new hybrid optimization algorithm for a cost-driven flowshop scheduling problem International journal of agile manufacturing, Vol.10, Issue 1,2007.
23) Chen Yuwang,Yang Genke, An effective hybrid evolutionary algorithm for combinatorial scheduling solutions International journal of agile manufacturing 2007, 10(2)
24) Chen Yuwang,Yang Genke "Hybrid evolution algorithm with married of genetic algorithm and extremal optimization for production scheduling" The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing technology 卷: 36 期: 9-10 页: 959-968 出版年: APR 2008
25) 陈泯荣,吕勇哉,Yang Genke Multiobjective optimization using population-based extremal optimization Neural Comput & Apple, 2008, 17(2): 101-109
26) Pan ChangChun,Yang Genke "Prize-Collecting Steiner 最小树的混合Lagrange-Scatter算法" 控制与决策, 2007, 22(12):1341-1346
27) Lu HengYunYang Genke Extremal optimization for protein folding simulations on the Lattice the 2nd int. conference on Bio-Inspried Computing: theories and applications BIC-TA 2007
28) SunKai,Yang Genke, An effective hybrid optimization algorithm for the flow shop scheduling problem, Proceeding of the 2006 IEEE internatonal Conference on information acquisition Aug 20-23,2006, Weihai, China.
29) 郭秀萍,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming 一种基于模拟退火的多目标Memetic算法 信息与控制 2007,vol.36, No.1, pp.29-32
30) 郭秀萍,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming "A Hybrid Adaptive Multi-objective Memetic Algorithm for 0/1 Knapsack Problem", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, Vol 3809, pp. 176 – 185.
31) 郭秀萍,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming "A Hybrid Fine-Tuned Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithm", IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2006,Vol.E89-A, No.3, pp.790-79
32) Chen AiLing,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming "轧制计划的优化模型及其算法的应用研究", 系统仿真学报, 2006,18(9): 2484-2487
33) Chen AiLing,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming "基于混合离散免疫算法的轧制计划编排", 控制与决策, 2007,22(6),pp.716-720
34) Wei, SZ; Ye, ZX; Yang, GK Optimal portfolio selection with threshold in stochastic market INNOVATIONS IN HYBRID INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 2007, 44: 439-445
35) Chen AiLing,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming "An Evolutionary Hybrid Model for the Prediction of Flow Stress of Steel", LNCS 3973, 2006, pp. 885-890.
36) Chen AiLing,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming "An Effective Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem", Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SCIENCE), 2006, E-11(1): 50-55
37) Chen AiLing,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming "LS-SVM Based on Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization with Simulated Annealing", LNCS 3959, 2006, pp. 99-107. (SCI/EI Source)
38) Feng Zhenjun,Yang Genke 炼钢连铸调度的启发式和线性规划俩步算法 冶金自动化学报 29(4):18-22, 2005
39) Zhang Wei, Wu Zhiming,Yang Genke "Genetic programming modeling on chaotic time series", 电子学 2005, 33(4): 748-751
40) Bai Tao, Wu Zhiming, Yang Genke, "Jitter-dependent optimal bandwidth scheduling for CAN-based networked control systems (NCSs) " 系统仿真学报, 2005,17(5):1115-1119
41) Bai Tao, Wu Zhiming, Yang Genke, "Flexible fuzzy priority scheduling of CAN bus”, Asian Journal of Control, 2005, 7(4): 401-413
42) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming.. "减链约束多处理器任务在三处理器中的调度",自动化学报,2004, 30(4): 583-587
43) Bai Tao, Wu Zhiming, Yang Genke. "网络化控制系统的带宽配置新策略",自动化学报, 2004, 30(6): 962-967
44) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming, “控制模态转移型系统的稳定切换”, 自动化学报, 2002年12月,28(1) : 108-112
45) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming,多服务器排队网络的规则行为, 自动化学报, 2002年12月,28(6),943-948
46) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “具有重置时间切换服务系统的动态稳定性”,自动化学报,2001,27(2):258-261。
47) Yang Genke, 曾建潮,孙国基. “TCPN的变迁若规则特有的调度可达决策区域及算法”,自动化学报,1999, 25(4): 345-347。
48) Bai Tang, Wu zhiming, Yang Genke. "Flexible fuzzy priority scheduling of CAN bus”, Asian Journal of Control, 2005, 发表,已校样
49) Wei Zhang, Zhiming Wu, Genke Yang. Chaotic network attractor in packet traffic series, Computer Physics Communication. 2004, 161: 129-142. (SCI & EI)
50) Zhang WD, Xi YG, Yang GK, et al, Design PID controllers for desired time-domain or frequency-domain response, ISA T 41 (4): 511-520, 2002
51) Zhang Wei,Wu Zhiming,Yang Genke. 遗传算法中的自相似现象,控制与决策,2004 vol. 16(5), p. 506-509. (EI)
52) Bai Tao, Yang Genke. "网络化控制系统的抖动算法",控制与决策, 2004, 19(4): 397-401
53) Bai Tao, Yang Genke. "网络化控制系统", 控制理论和应用, 2004, 21(4): 584-590
54) Chen Yuwang, Yang Genke. 混合flowshop的调度仿真系统及其算法分析,系统仿真学报,2004,10,2161-2164
55) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. 周期实时任务在多处理器下的可调度条件,上海交通大学学报,2004,38(9):1597-1600
56) Xia, Weijun, Wu, Zhiming; Yang, Genke, Applying particle swarm optimization to job-shop scheduling problem, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), v 17, n 3, 2004, p 437-441(EI)
57) Cao MuLiang,Wu Zhiming,Yang Genke. 一类新型的模块化高级Petri网——π-网, 上海交通大学学报, 2004,38(1), 52-58
58) Cao MuLiang,Wu Zhiming,Yang Genke. 一类新型的模块化高级Petri网, 系统仿真学报2003, 1, 1-6
59) Zhu Kui, Yang Genke. 单间车间生产调度系统设计,计算机应用,2003,12,283-286
60) Zhou Ting, Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming, 一种基于Linux的NAS文件系统设计, 计算机应用, 2003, 23(6), 92-95,
61) Zhou Ting, Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming, 附网存储设备的软件系统的研究与实现,计算机工程与应用,2003,39,114-117
62) Chen Yun, Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming, RAID系统中RAID级别的具体实现算法, 微型电脑应用, 2003, 19(6), 51-54,
63) Zhen Ya, Yang Genke, “基于CYM53C8XX的RAMDISK实现”, 微型电脑应用,2002年,18(9):18-21
64) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “延迟敏感型业务的带宽在线优化”,通讯学报, 2001,22(8): 29-33。
65) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “串行网络中ABR业务的流量控制和缓存设计”,通讯学报, 2001,22(1): 18-23
66) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “敏捷供应链的生产销售模型”,信息与控制,2001,30(2): 164-168
67) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “基于动态联盟供应链的敏捷生产规划”,上海交通大学学报,2001,35(2): 0309-0312。
68) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “三个BUFFER切换到达系统的混合系统建模和控制”,上海交通大学学报, 2001, 35(2):0264-0267 。
69) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “ABR业务的小抖动缓存性能”, 计算机研究与发展, July,2001,38(suppl.):96-100。
70) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “实现多媒体自适应同步的混合Petri网方法”, 计算机研究与发展,July,2001,38(suppl.):232-237。
71) Yang Genke, Wu zhiming. “Stabilization of unstable periodic orbit for a chaotic system”, System and Control Letter, 1999, 38(1): 21-26
72) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. "线性切换系统的周期性和平稳性分析”,系统工程理论与实践,1999年,19(7):12-16。
73) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “混合控制系统的Petri网层次模型的规范设计”,信息与控制,1999, 28(5): 472-477。
74) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “热轧生产线的静态最优节奏和动态调整控制”,计算机科学,1999,26: 97-111。
75) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “中厚板热轧生产线的节奏优化”;上海交通大学学报,1999,33(11): 1414-1417。
76) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “混合系统的PETRI网模型的混合滑动模控制”,上海交通大学学报, 1999,33(11): 1341-1344。
77) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “TCPN状态可达可调度决策空间算法”,计算机学报,1998,21(1):34-39;EI收录。
78) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “离散、连续和混合Petri网的一致性描述与推广”,系统工程学报,1998,(4): 。
79) Yang Genke, Wu Zhiming. “一类混合控制系统的Petri网模型与综合”,系统工程理论与实践,1998年,18(11):81-86;EI收录。
80) Yang Genke, Zhiming Wu, Ceyda Oguz “A branch and bound approach for earliness and tardiness penalty problem with distict due dates”, Proc. of the 4th world congress on intelligent control and automation, 371-377, Jun.10-14, 2002.
81) Wei Zhang, Genke Yang, Zhiming Wu. Genetic programming-based modeling on chaotic time series . The 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. On Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2004), Shanghai, 26-29 August,2004, 2347-2352. (EI)
82) Wei Zhang, Genke Yang, Zhiming Wu. The simulation and analysis of phase transition in computer network. The 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. On Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2004), Shanghai, 26-29 August,2004, 2842-2847. (EI)
83) Wei Zhang, Zhiming Wu, Genke Yang. A multi-connection model on phase transition in computer networks, IEEE. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC2004), 2347-2352, (EI)
84) Xia, Weijun, Wu, Zhiming; Yang, Genke, A new hybrid optimization algorithm for the job-shop scheduling problem, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, v 6, Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference (AAC), 2004, p 5552-5557(EI)
85) Chen Yun,Yang Genke, “The Applications of Two-Level Cathe in RAID System”, Proceedings of the 4th world congress on intelligent control and automation, 1328-1331, June 10-14, 2002