Electronic Engineering

  • Name:Pan Li
  • Title:Professor
  • Office:1-107
  • Office Phone:34205415
  • Email:panli@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Website:

Research Field

Policy based Network Security Management; Cloud and System Security; Social Network Analysis


Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D. EE, 2002
Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications, M.S., CS, 1999
Xidian University, B.A., EE, 1996

Work experience


Awards and Honors

1. Program of Shanghai Subject Chief Scientist, 2013
2. Foundation for the Talents in Shanghai, China, 2008
3. Shanghai Rising-Star Program for Young Scientists, China, 2007
4. Second Prize for the Advancement of Science and Technology, Shanghai Government, China, 2004


“Thinking and Approach of Programming”, Undergraduate Course, 2003~present
“Computer Networks”, Graduate Course, 2011~present

