- Name:Kai Yu
- Title:Research Professor
- Office:SEIEE Building 3-539
- Office Phone:0086-21-34207864
- Email:kai.yu@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://speechlab.sjtu.edu.cn/~kyu
Research Field
Intelligent Speech and Language Processing, Human Machine Interaction, Machine Learning
B.Eng in Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (1994-1999)
M.Sc. in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (1999-2002)
Ph.D. in Speech Recognition, Cambridge University, U.K. (2002-2006)
Work experience
Research Associate at Cambridge University Engineering Department (2006-2010)
Senior Research Associate at Cambridge University Engineering Department (2010-2012)
Research Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2012- )
Machine Learning and Its Application to Human Machine Speech Interaction.
* Speech understanding and spoken dialogue system
Speech-based human machine interaction, end-to-end conversational dialogue system, statistical semantic analysis and robust dialogue management
* Speech recognition
Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system; acoustic modelling, language modelling and decoding algorithm; adaptation and adaptive training; robust speech recognition
* Speech synthesis
Statistical approach for speech synthesis, in particular, HMM-based speech synthesis; expressive speech synthesis
* Application of human machine interaction
Real-time interactive speech interface, multi-modal interactive system
* Government Research Project
- Spoken dialogue system for human computer interaction (NSFC excellent young researcher fund)
- Programme for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning
- 1000 Overseas Talent Plan funding
* Industry Research Project
- Dialogue Works
- Robust speech and language processing
- Short-term Speaker verification
* Overseas project collaboration
- Automatic Oral Communication Skill Evaluation. - EU Industry project
- Probabalistic Adaptive Learning And Natural Conversational Engine (PARLANCE) . - EU FP7 project
- Robust dialogue for infotainment. - EU industry project
Awards and Honors
2002 Cambridge Overseas Trust
2003 Best English conversational telephone speech transcription system in NIST LVCSR evaluation (DARPA EARS project)
2004 2nd best Mandarin conversational telephone speech transcription system in NIST LVCSR evaluation (DARPA EARS project)
2006 Best Mandarin broadcast audio transcription system in internal LVCSR evaluation of the DARPA GALE project
2010 Best paper awards (two papers) in INTERSPEECH 2010
2010 Best paper award in 2010 IEEE spoken language technology workshop
2011 Best spoken dialogue system (controlled test) in the "Let's Go" Spoken Dialogue Challenge (organized by CMU)
2012 Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning
2013 1000 Overseas Talent Plan (Young Talent)
Graduate Course:
Intelligent Speech Technology
Machine Learning - Fuandamental and Practice
Please refer to my homepage.
Senior member of IEEE, a member of ISCA and the IET.