- Name:Lu Linji
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:2-520
- Office Phone:34204630
- Email:lulinji@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Embeded System Design;Multimedia System Desaign;Digital Imaqge/Vedio Processing
Sep.,1990-Nov. 1993, Ph.D, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Sep.,1979-July,1983, Beche, Jilin University of Technology
Work experience
Jan,,1999-Now, Dept. of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dec.,1995-Dec.,1998,Dept. of Automation, China Textile University
Aug.,1983-Aug.,1990, Institute of Lanzhou Movable Power Station and Vehicle, Ministry of Mechanical Engineering
Embeded Control System and its Applications
Multimedia System and its Applications
Digital Image/Vedio Processing and its Applications
Awards and Honors
Digital Signal Processing (For Undergraduate Students)
Multimedia Technique and Its Applications(For Graduate Students)
Distributed Compute Control System(For Graduate Students)