- Name:Li Fang
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:3-533
- Office Phone:34205423
- Email:li-fang@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://www.cs.sjtu.edu.cn/~li-fang
Research Field
Natural Language Processing, Internet-based Information Retrieval and Extraction. Database Applications
I graduated from the department of Computer Science, Shanghai JiaoTong University with Master degree in 1988 and PhD.in Dec. 2002.
Work experience
I became an assistant teacher, a lecturer and an associate professor in the department. During the period of Feb.1993 to Dec. 1994, I was in the Konstanz University, Germany for research work on machine translation project. From Sept.1998 to Sept.2000, I was in the Technical University of Berlin, Germany for two years Ph.D studies. I have been working in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University since then.
Awards and Honors
The Principles of Database System (CS022)
The project of Database System (CS357)
The Internet-based Information Extraction Technologies (CS332)
The Database Systems for the second major students (CS316)
1. Qifeng Zhu, Fang LI. “Topic-Sentiment Mining from Multiple Text Collections” in The 15th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (CCL 2016) and the Fourth International Symposium on Natural Language Processing based on Naturally Annotated Big Data (NLP-NABD 2016) [PDF]
2. Wanqiu Kou, Fang LI, Timothy Baldwin. “Automatic Labelling of Topic Models using Word Vectors and Letter Trigram Vectors” in the Proceedings of the Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference, 2-4 Dec.2015. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
3. Sheng Zhang, Fang LI. “Opinion target and Polarity Extraction based on iterating two-stage CRF model” in the Journal of Chinese Information Processing. Vol.29, No.1 2015 [PDF]
4. Jian Zhuang, Fang LI. “Context-based Topic Evolution and Topic Relations Extraction” in the Journal of Chinese Information Processing. Vol.29, No.2 2015 [PDF]
5. Dongfang Wang, Fang LI. “Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Microblogs based on layered features” Proceeding of ICONIP 2014, Part II, LNCS 8835, pp. 361–368, 2014 [PDF]
6. Zhengyu Zhou, Fang LI. “Comparing topics from Microblog and News Media about specific events ” Journal of Chinese Information Processing , No.1,2014 [PDF]
7. Yan Ze-hua, LI fang. “Thread labeling for News Event” J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.). 2013 18(4) 418-424. (2013 Vol.18 No.4) [PDF]
Wanqiu Kou, Fang Li, “Topic Label extraction based on seeds” Journal of Chinese Information Processing vol.27,No.5,2013 [PDF]
Lingwei Zeng, Fang Li, “a classification-based approach for implicit feature identification” in M.Sun et al (Eds.) CCL-NABD 2013, LNAI 8202, pp.190-202 2013 by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.[PDF]
Xiao Zhou, Fang Li, “Mining aspects and opinions from Microblog Events” in the Journal of Computational Information System 9: 6 (2013) [PDF]
Jian Zhang, Fang Li, “LDA topic evolution based on global and local modeling” in the Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, No.11, 2012. [PDF]
Liang He, Fang Li,"Topic discovery and trend analysis in scientific literature based on topic model" in the Journal of Chinese Information Processing vol.26, No.2, 2012. [PDF]
Zhehua Yan, Fang Li, "News Thread Extraction based on Topical N-gram model with a background distribution" in the Proceeding of Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) 2011 Springer. [PDF]
Liang He, Fang Li, "Topic detection and trend analysis in scientific literatures" in the Proceeding of CNCCL-2011
Letian Wang, Fang Li "Story link detection based on event words" in the Proceeding of Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2011, Volume 6609 pp.202~211. [PDF]
Shan Bin, Fang Li "Survey of LDA-based topic evolution" in the journal of CHinese Information processing Vol.24,No.6 [PDF]
Keming Chu, Fang Li " Topic Evolution based on LDA related topic" in the journal of Shanghai JIaotong University No.11,2010 [PDF]
Letian Wang, Fang Li, "SJTULTLAB: Chunk based Candidate Selection Method for automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Scientific Articles" in the proceedings of the 5th international workshop on semantic evaluation 2010 [PDF]
Donghui Zheng, Fang Li, "Hot Topic Detection on BBS using Aging Theory" in the proceeding of international conference WISM 2009, LNCS 5854, Shanghai, China, Nov.2009. [PDF]
Yanchen Wu, Fang Li, Rie Tanaka, Toru Ishida, Automatic Creating of N-lingual Synonymous Words sets. InProceeding of 4nd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG 2008), BeiJing China, 2008
Yihong Li, Fang Li "Modeling Hierarchical user interests based on Hownet and Concept Mapping" in the proceeding of 4nd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG 2008), BeiJing China [PDF]
Fang Li, Yihong Li, Yanchen Wu, Kai Zhou, Feng Li, Xinguang Wang, "Discovery of a user interests on the Internet" in the proceeding of 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2008) held 9-12 December 2008, in Sydney, NSW, Australia [PDF]
Fang Li ,Yihong Li, Yanchen Wu, Kai Zhou, Feng Li, Xingguang Wang, Benjamin Liu, " Combining browsing behavior and page contents for finding user interests" inAutonomous Systems -- Self-Organisation, Management, and Control edited by Mahr & Sheng, published by Springer Verlag, 2008,9 [PDF]
Fang Li, Martin Mehlitz, Li Feng, Huanye Sheng, "Web page clustering and concepts mining" Proceeding of international workshop on human interaction with machines edited by Hommel and Sheng 2006 Published by Spring Verlag pp.167-173.
Kebing Liu, Fang Li, Lei Liu, Ying Han, "Embedding the Semantic Knowledge in Convolution Kernels "the proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG 2006)
Fang Li, Shuangqing Yuan, Huanye Sheng, "Iterative Mining Translations from the Web" Proceeding of international workshop on Challenges in Web Information retrieval and Integration April 8-9, 2005 Published by IEEE Computer Society.
Fang Li, Hui Shao, Huanye Sheng, "Virtual Information Center for human interaction" Proceeding of 6th international workshop on human interaction with machines edited by Hommel and Sheng, Published by Spring Verlag 2005
Local Coordinator of Erasmus Mundus LCT Master Program
Member of council (seventh session) for Chinese Information Processing Society of China, Beijing, China
Member of Shanghai Computer Society
Senior member of China Computer Federation
Member of ACM
Member of INSTICC(Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication)