- Name:Wu Minyou
- Title:Professor
- Office:3-407
- Office Phone:34204478
- Email:wu-my@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Computer Networks and Systems
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Santa Clara University, California, December 1984.
M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Chinese Academia of Sciences, Beijing,
China, July 1981.
Work experience
2011-2013 National Science Foundation of China 360,000 Yuan
“Low-interference Wireless Ad-hoc Networks” (PI)
2010-2012 Intel Corp. $30,000
“Green Proxy for Wireless Networks” (PI)
2008-2010 National Science Foundation of China 280,000 Yuan
“Architecture and Algorithm Study for the Next Generation Wireless Grid” (PI)
2008-2010 Ministry of Education of China 100,000 Yuan
“Protocol Design and Performance of Wireless Networks based on CalRadio” (PI)
2007-2010 National 863 Plan of China 1,000,000 Yuan
“Key Technology for Distributed Multi-task Optical Grid“ (co-PI with W. Guo)
2006-2011 National 973 Plan of China 28,000,000 Yuan
“Research on Fundamental Theory and Critical Technoloies for Wireless Sensor
Networks“ (co-PI with L. Ni and etc.)
2006-2008 National Science Foundation of China 210,000 Yuan
“Theory and Applications of Mechanism Design in Strategic Distributed Systems” (PI)
2005-2006 National 863 Plan of China 500,000 Yuan
“Optical Grid: Architecture, Middleware, and Applications“ (co-PI with W. Guo)
2005 National Science Foundation of China 80,000 Yuan
“A Scalable All-Wireless Grid Structure and Study of Related Algorithms” (PI)
2000-2003 Sandia National Laboratory $35,000
“Performance Measurement, Benchmarking, Modeling, and Tuning for Cplant” (PI)
2000-2002 Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center $150,000
“Research Projects on Access Grid” (PI with T. Caudell and W. Shu)
1999 National Science Foundation $45,000
Equipment Grant, “Gigabit Network Kit” (Co-PI with W. Shu)
1998 Concurrent Computer Corporation, Inc. $110,000
Equipment Grant, “Mediahawk System” (Co-PI with R.F. DeMara and R. Eaglin)
1996-2000 National Science Foundation $242,237
“Realistic Uncheatable Benchmarks” (Co-PI with J.Y. Cai)
1996-1999 National Science Foundation $101,438
“Parallelization of Scheduling Algorithms” (PI)
1991-1994 Advanced Research Projects Agency $1,866,038
“Scalable and Portable Fortran90D-High Performance Fortran for Parallel
Computers” (Co-PI with G. Fox, A.Choudhary, and S. Ranka)
Awards and Honors
Listed in Who’s Who in America, Science and Technology, 2000–2001.
Listed in International Who’s Who of Information Technology, 1997 and 1999.
Elected a Senior member of the IEEE, 1996.
Elected a Senior member of China Computer Federation, 2007.
M.F, Guo, X. Wang and M.Y. Wu, “On the Capacity of k-MPR Wireless Networks Using
Multi-Channel Multi-Interface,” Computer Networks, to appear.
M.F, Guo, X. Wang and M.Y. Wu, “On the Capacity of k-MPR Wireless Networks,” IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 38763886, July 2009.
C. Xie, N. Ghani, Q. Liu, W. Shu, A. Gumaste, Y. Qiao, M.Y. Wu and S. Peng, “Traffic
Engineering For Ethernet over SONET/SDH (EoS): Advances and Frontiers,” IEEE Network,
pp.18–25, May/June 2009.
X. Li, W. Shu, M. Li, H.Y. Huang, P.E. Luo and M.Y. Wu, “Performance Evaluation of
Vehicle-based Mobile Sensor Networks for Traffic Monitoring,” IEEE Transaction on Vehic-
ular Technology, vol.58, no.4, pp. 1647–1653, May 2009.
J. Crichigno, W. Shu and M.Y. Wu, “Protocols and Architectures for Channel Assignment
in Wireless Mesh Networks,” Ad Hoc Networks, No. 6, pp. 1051–1077, June 2008.
H. Huang, P. Luo, M. Li, D. Li, X. Li, W. Shu, and M. Y. Wu, “Performance Evaluation of
SUVnet with Real-Time Traffic Data,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 6,
November 2007.
Y. Zhu, Y. Jin, W. Sun, W. Guo, W. Hu, W.D Zhong and M.Y. Wu, “Multicast Flow Aggregation
in IP over Optical Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
(JSAC), Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 1011–1021, June 2007.
M.Y. Wu, S.J. Ma, and W. Shu, “Scheduled Video Delivery — A Scalable On-Demand
Video Delivery Paradigm,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 179–187,
February 2006.
L. Kong, D. Jiang and M.Y. Wu, “Optimizing the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Cyber-
Physical Systems for Environment Abstraction,” ICDCS, June 2010.
M.C. Zhao, J. Lei, M.Y. Wu, Y. Liu and W. Shu, “Surface Coverage in Wireless Sensor
Networks,” Infocom, April 2009.
X. Li, W. Shu, M. Li, P.E. Luo, H. Huang and M.Y. Wu, “Traffic Data Processing in
Vehicular Sensor Networks,” ICCCN, August 2008.
H. Dai, K. Ng and M.Y. Wu, “On the Capacity of Multi-Channel Wireless Networks Using
Directional Antennas,” Infocom, April 2008.
nnel Wireless Networks Using
Directional Antennas,” Infocom, April 2008.