- Name:Xiong Jian
- Title:Associate Prof.
- Office:5-407
- Office Phone:86-21-34204468
- Email:xjarrow@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
On Study of high-dimensional Dynamical Wireless Resource Optimization Theory for Cache-based Scenarios
OFDM channel estimation and ICI cancellation in LTE transmission
Parallel computing for broadband communication systems
Ph. D, Signal and Information Processing, EE Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), 2006
M.A. Physics Electronics, School of Optoelectronic Information (SOI), University of Electronic Science Technology of China (UESTC), 2002
B.A., Physics Electronics, SOI,UESTC,1999
Work experience
Visiting Scholar,Columbia University, USA, Dec. 2014~Dec. 2015;
Associate Professor,Institute of Image Communication and Network Engineering (IICNE), SJTU, Jan. 2013 ~ now;
LecturerIICNE, SJTU, 2011~2012;
Institute of Wireless Communication Technology (IWCT), SJTU, 2006~2011;
Awards and Honors
Shanghai Pujiang Program (2016)
Best Conference Paper of BMSB 2016
Best Conference Paper of CSCloud 2016
IEEE Broadcasting Technology Society 2014 Scott Helt Memorial Award (Best Transactions Paper Award 2014), 2014
The Ministry of Education Prize of P. R. China, 2014
Best Service Awards, IEEE Broadcasting Technology Society, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014,2015,2016,2017
Key Technologies of Wireless Communication and Applications, 2016
Mobile Communication, 2006~2014,2017
Broadband Video Communication, Chapter 1~2, 2012
[J1]Feng Tian, Bo Liu, Haibo Zhou, Rui Yun, Jiacheng Chen, Jian Xiong, and Lin Gui, “Caching Algorithms for Broadcasting and Multicasting in Disruption Tolerant Networks,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2016.
[J2]Wei Li, Yue Zhang, Li-ke Huang, Jin Wang, John Cosmas, Carsten Maple, Jian Xiong, "Self-IQ-Demodulation Based Compensation Scheme of Frequency-Dependent IQ Imbalance for Wideband Direct-Conversion Transmitters" , accepted for publication in IEEE trans on Broadcasting;
[J3]Wei Li, Yue Zhang, Li-ke Huang, Jian Xiong, Carsten Maple, Diode Based IQ imbalance Estimation in Direct Conversion Transmitters” , accepted for publication in Electronics Letter;
[J4]Suyue Li, Jian Xiong, Lin Gui, A Generalized Analytical Solution to Channel Estimation With Inter-symbol Interference Cancelation and Co-Channel Interference Cancelation for Single Input Single Output/Multiple Input Single Output Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcasting Systems, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol.19, Issue:1, pp:116-128, 2013;
[J5]Suyue Li, Jian Xiong, Peng Cheng, Lin Gui, and Youyun Xu, Low-complexity ICI Cancellation based on BEM for OFDM Systems over Doubly Selective Channels, IEICE transactions on communications, VOL.E96–B, NO.6 JUNE 2013,
[J6]Suyue Li, Jian Xiong, Lin GUI, Youyun XU, and Baoyu Zheng, A Novel Low-complexity Channel Estimation Approach for Single Carrier MIMO Frequency Selective Channels, IEICE transactions on communications Vol. 96, no. 1 (2013): 233-241;
[J7]Jian Xiong, Lin Gui, Huafen Liu, Peng Cheng,” On Channel Estimation and Equalization in 2x1MISO TDS-OFDM Based Terrestrial DTV Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, VOL. 58, NO. 1, Mar. 2012;
TPC co-chairs of IEEE BMSB, 2010~2018
TPC co-chairs of Sino-EU ROADiBROM Summit, 2007
Session chairs of IEEE BMSB, 2010~2012, 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017
Session chair of HPCC 2015
Session chairs of CMC2010
Finance Chair of IEEE BMSB, 2010
TPC Members of IEEE BMSB, 2010~2016
TPC Members of VTC2016Fall
TPC Members of HPCC 2015
TPC Members of Milcom 2015
TPC Members of WPMC 2014
TPC Members of CMC, 2010~2012
TPC Members of WCSP, 2010~2011
TPC Members of GlobeCom SPC, 2012
TPC Members of GlobeCom AHSN, 2010
TPC Members of IEEE ICCS, 2008
Invited Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
Invited Reviewer of IEEE Communications Letters