- Name:Zhou Liang
- Title:Professor
- Office:1-502
- Office Phone:34204649
- Email:liangzhou@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Microwave and Millimeter wave Passive/active Components, RF System on Packaging, Multi-physics Modeling for EMC
2005: Ph.D., Department of Electronics, University of York, United Kingdom
Work experience
Liang Zhou is a full professor of School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His main research interests include Microwave and Millimeter wave Passive/active Components, RF system on packaging (SOP) design and modeling, EMC and High Power Microwave (HPM) protection of communication platforms, and multi-physics and its application.
Heterogeneous 3-Dimensional Integration is his first interest. He proposed several ideas of heterogeneous integration methods by incorporating active components, such as silicon, GaAs, or even GaN transistors using benzocyclobutene (BCB)-based polymer dielectric fabrication process. He also investigated some miniature RF passive components for SOP. Reliability issues of high-density devices in the system have also been examined through electro–thermal–mechanical (ETM) analysis using multi-physics methods.
Another interesting research area is investigations and demonstrations of electro-thermal or even stress breakdown of RF semiconductors caused by high power microwave pulses (intentional Electromagnetic Interference). The temperature and stress distributions and transient performance of the LDMOS FET and GaN HEMT are able to be characterized by using their own developed time-domain finite-element numerical algorithm. Further, he also developed some protection circuits and methods to evaluate the immunity of the low-noise amplifier (LNA) and help to decrease the susceptibility of the semiconductors.
Awards and Honors
1) National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars,2018
2) Humboldt Research Fellowship, by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany 2016.
3) APEMC Young Scientist Award, by 2016 organization committee of Asia Pacific Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium (APEMC), 2016
4) Okawa Research Grant, by Okawa Research Foundation (Japan), 2016
5) URSI Young Scientist Award, by International Union Radio Science, 2014
6) Best paper award, by 2014 organization committee of Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Wireless Conference (CSQRWC), 2014
7) the National Science and Technology Advancement Award, by the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 2012
8) Shanghai Science and Technology Advancement Award, by Shanghai Municipal Government, 2011
Analog Electronics for second year graduate students
RF IC for Postgraduate students
Micro/Nano Process Technology for Postgraduate students
[1] X.L. Huang, L. Zhou*, Matthias Völkel, Amelie Hagelauer, Jun-Fa Mao, and Robert Weigel, “Design of a Novel Quarter-mode Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Filter With Multiple Transmission Zeros and Higher Mode Suppressions”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2018. (Accepted)
[2] L. Huang, H. X. Zhang, L. Zhou*, and W. Y. Yin, “Time Domain Discontinuous Galerkin PMCHW Integral Equation Method with MOD Scheme for Simulating Electromagnetic Pulse Responses of Arbitrarily Shaped Dielectric Objects”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.xx , No.xx , pp.XX , . 2018. (Accepted)
[3] L. Huang, H. X. Zhang, Y. Liao, L. Zhou*, and W. Y. Yin, “Discontinuous Galerkin Method Using Laguerre Polynomials for Solving Time Domain Electric Field Integral Equation” , IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 17, Iss. 5, pp.865-868, 2018.
[4] L. Zhou*, X. Chen, H.L. Peng, W. Y. Yin, and J. F. Mao, “Experiments and Comparisons of Power to Failure for SiGe-Based Low-Noise Amplifiers under High-Power Microwave Pulses”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.60, No.5, pp.1427-1435, OCT. 2018.
[5] L. Lin, Y-J. Hua, L. Zhou*, Q. Wu, J. F. Mao, and W. Y. Yin, “Ruggedness Characterization of Bonding Wire Arrays in LDMOSFET-Based Power Amplifiers”, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 8, issue: 6, pp. 1032-1041, Jun.2018.
[6] W. Luo, Y. Liao, Z. G. Zhao, J. Wang, J- H. Jin, H. Xie, J. Y. Zhao, Q. F. Liu, L. Zhou, and W- Y. Yin, “Accurate Simulation of Shielding Effectiveness of Metallic Cabins Using an Improved Calder´on Preconditioner-Based Time-Domain Integral Equation Method”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.60 , No.5 , pp.XX , . 2018. (Accepted)
[7] W. C. Chen, P. Gao, L. Zhou, L. Shi, D. Wang, R. Hao, J. Ye, W-Y, Yin, E. P. Li, “Carrier Dynamics of Nanopillar Textured Ultrathin Si Film/PEDOT:PSS Heterojunction Solar Cell”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, Vol.8, no.3, pp.757-762, 2018.
[8] D. W. Wang, W. S. Zhao, H. Xie, J. Hu. L. Zhou, W. Chen, P. Gao, J. Ye, Y. Xu, H. Chen, E. P. Li, and W. Y. Yin, “Tunable THz Multiband Frequency-Selective Surface Based on Hybrid Metal-Graphene Structure”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol.16, No. 6, pp.1132-1137, Nov. 2017.10.1109/TNANO.2017.2749269.
[9] L. Zhou*, Z. W. San, L. Lin, S. Zhang, Z. G. Zhao, H. J. Zhou, H.G. Ma, and W –Y. Yin, “Investigation on Failure Mechanisms of GaN HEMT Caused by High-Power Microwave (HPM) Pulses,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.59, No. 3, pp.902-909, Jun. 2017.
[10] L. Zhou *, S. Zhang, W - Y. Yin, “Investigating a Thermal Breakdown Model and Experiments on a Silicon-Based Low-Noise Amplifier under High-Power Microwave Pulses,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.58, No. 2, pp.487-493, Aprl. 2016
[11] L. Lin, L. Zhou *, Y. Zhu, Y. J. Hua, J. F. Mao, W. Y. Yin, “Improvement in Cavity and Model Designs of LDMOS Power Amplifier for Suppressing Metallic Shielding Cover Effects”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.58, No. 5, pp.1617-1628, OCT. 2016
[12] B. You, L. Zhou *, L. S. Wu, Y. P. Zhang, and J. F Mao, “Theory of Reflective Phase-Shifting Surface for Generating Vortex Radio Waves”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, Vol.64. no.11, pp. 3434 – 3438, Nov. 2016.
[13] L. Zhou *, B. You and Q. Tang, “Investigation of the Propagation Characteristics of Graphene-based Rectangular Waveguides in Terahertz Band”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 15, Iss. 1, pp.1313-1316, 2016
[14] B.H. Gan, L. Zhou, Y-P. Zhang, J. F. Mao, “A Dual-Band Microstrip Antenna Using a Circular Ring and a Concentric Disk”, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol.26, no.3, pp.268-276, Mar. 2016
[15] L. Lin, L. Zhou*, R. Wang, and W. Y. Yin,“Electrothermal Effects on Performance of GaAs HBT Power Amplifier during Power Versus Time (PVT) Variation at GSM/DCS Bands”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.63, No. 6, pp.1951-1963, Jun. 2015
[16] L. Zhou*, S. Zhang, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao, “Immunity Analysis and Experimental Investigation of a Low Noise Amplifier using a Transient Voltage Suppressor Diode under Direct Current Injection of HPM Pulses”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.56, No. 6, pp.1715-1718, Dec. 2014
[17] L. Lin, W. Y. Yin, and L. Zhou*, “Study on ESD Effects on GaAs HBT Power Amplifiers for DCS/GSM Dual Band Handsets”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.56, No. 5, pp.1013-1019, Oct. 2014
[18] W. F. Zhou, L. Zhou*, L. Lin, W. Y. Yin, and J. F. Mao,“Electro-Thermal-Stress Interactions of LDMOS FET Induced by DCI Pulses”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.56, No. 5, pp.1178-1184, Oct. 2014
[19] D. D. Zhang,L. Zhou*, L. S. Wu, L. F. Qiu, W. Y. Yin, J. F. Mao,, “Novel Band-Pass Filters by using Cavity-Loaded Dielectric Resonators in a Substrate Integrated Waveguide”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp.1173-1182, May. 2014
[20] L. Zhou*, Wen-Yan. Yin, Wei-Feng. Zhou, and Liang. Lin, “Experimental Investigation and Analysis of the LDMOS FET Breakdown under HPM Pulses”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 55, No.5, pp. 909-916, OCT. 2013
[21] L. Zhou*, W. Y. Yin, J. Wang, L.S. Wu, “ Dielectric Resonators with High Q-Factor for Tunable Low Phase Noise Oscillators” , IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 3, issue: 6, pp. 1008-1015, Jun.2013