- Name:He Gufeng
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:
- Office Phone:34207045
- Email:gufenghe@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://comd.sjtu.edu.cn/?q=node/63
Research Field
Organic Optoelectronic Functional Materials and Devices, including Organic Light-Emitting Diode(OLED), Organic PhotoVoltaic(OPV) and Organic Thin Film Transistor(OTFT)
1999.9-2002.7, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D in Chemistry
1996.9-1999.7, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.S. in Chemistry
1991.9-1996.7, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), B.S. in Polymer Science and Engineering
Work experience
2010.11-present, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, Associate Professor
2006.1-2010.10, Novaled AG, Germany, Senior Scientist
2002.11-2005.12, University of Technology Dresden (TU-Dresden), Germany, Research Fellow
currently focuses on Organic Lighting-Emitting Diode
Awards and Honors
2008, Distinguished Paper on SID
Modern Physics
Display and Lighting of Organic Light-emitting Diode
has published more than 60 papers and the total citation is beyond 1100
1. Jun Liu, Xinkai Wu, Sujie Chen, Xingdong Shi, Jing Wang, Saijun Huang, Xiaojun Guo and Gufeng He*, “Low-Temperature MoO3 Film from a Facile Synthetic Route for an Efficient Anode Interfacial Layer in Organic Optoelectronic Devices”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2 (1), 158-163, 2014
2. Jing Wang, Jun Liu, Saijun Huang, Xinkai Wu, Xindong Shi, Chaoping Chen, Zhicheng Ye, Jiangang Lu, Yikai Su, Gufeng He*, and Youxuan Zheng*, “High efficiency green phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with a low roll-off at high brightness” , Organic Electronics, 14, 2854-2858, 2013
3. Jing Wang, Jun Liu, Saijun Huang, Xinkai Wu, Xindong Shi, Gufeng He*, Youxuan Zheng*, “Improved efficiency roll-off at high brightness in simplified phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes with a crossfading-host”, Organic Electronics, 14, 2682-2686, 2013
4. Jun Liu, Saijun Huang, Xingdong Shi, Xinkai Wu, Jing Wang, Gufeng He*, “Charge Separation Process in an Ultrathin Electron-Injecting Bilayer-Assisted Charge Generation Unit for Tandem Organic Light-Emitting Diodes”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (27), 13887-13893, 2013
5. S. Huang, Z. Ye*, J. Lu, Y. Su, C. Chen, and G. He*, “Position dependence of extraction efficiency in organic light-emitting diodes with photonic crystal structure”, Chinese Optics Letters, 11(6), 062302, 2013
6. J. Liu, J. Wang, S. Huang, X. Shi, X. Wu and G. He*, “A highly efficient, transparent and stable charge generation unit based on a p-doped monolayer”, Organic Electronics, 14, 1337-1343, 2013
7. J. Liu, J. Wang, S. Huang, H.-A. Chen and G. He*, “Improved efficiency of blue phosphorescence organic light-emitting diodes with irregular stepwise-doping emitting layers”, Physica Satus Solidi (a), 210(3), 489-493, 2013 (Eiditor’s Choice)
8. J. Wang, J. Liu, S. Huang and G. He*, “Enhancing the hole injection and transporting of organic light-emitting diodes by utilizing gradient doping”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 574, 129-134, 2013
9. J. Blochwitz-Nimoth, O. Langguth, S. Murano, G. He, T. Romainczyk, J. Birnstock, "PIN-OLEDs for active-matrix-display use", Journal of the Society for Information Display, 18(8), 596-605, 2010
10. G. He, C. Rothe, S. Murano, A. Werner, O. Zeika and J. Birstock, "White-stacked OLED with 38 lm/W and 100,000-hour lifetime at 1000 cd/m2 for display and lighting applications", Journal of the Society for Information Display, 17(2), 159-165, 2009 (Distinguished Paper Award on SID 2008)
11. G. He, M. Pfeiffer, K. Leo, M. Hofmann, J. Birnstock, R. Pudzich and J. Salbeck, "High-efficiency and low-voltage p-i-n electrophosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with double-emission layers", Applied Physics Letters, 85, 3911-3913, 2004
12. G. He, O. Schneider, D. S. Qin, X. Zhou, M. Pfeiffer and K. Leo, "Very high-efficiency and low voltage phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes based on a p-i-n junction", Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 5773-5777, 2004