- Name:Ping Li
- Title:Professor
- Office:2-317
- Office Phone:021-34204840
- Email:liping_sh@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Sensor Technology, Energy Harvesting and Self-powered Technology, Instrumentation and Measurement, Information Acquisition and Processing.
2000.9-2003.11,Chongqing Uni., Instrumentation Science and Technology, Ph.D
1992.09-1995.06,Chongqing Uni.,Instrumentation Science and Technology, Master
1980.09-1984.07, Chongqing Uni., Radio Technology, Bachelor
Work experience
2016-Now,School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Prof.
2003.12-2016,College of Optoelectronic Eng. in Chongqing University, Prof.
2005.04-2005.12,Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Uni. of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Visiting Scholar
2004.11-2005.3, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Uni. of Notre Dame in USA, Visiting Scholar
1999.04-1999.09,Toyota Motor Groups in Japan, Visiting Researcher
1987.01-2003.11,College of Optoelectronic Engineering in Chongqing University, Assistant Prof., Lecturer, Associate Prof.
1984.07-1986.12, Dept of Electrical Engineering, North China Electric Power University,Assistant Professor
He applied and obtained 8 NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) projects which include two key projects. 3 finished NSFC projects obtained “A” results. He obtained 10 national projects and over 20 other projects. He obtained 4 provincial awards including the 2nd Prize of Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education. He author and co-authored about 400 papers (140+ SCI paper; 1400+ SCI citations). He obtained 28 authorized invention patent in China.
Partial Projects:
1. Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Piezoelectric Generator High-efficiency Energy Harvesting Circuit and Key Technology by Using Automatic Up-conversion Resonance Conjugate Matching Method, 3.59 million RMB,2016-2020.
2. Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Basic and key technologies of self powered intelligent sensor, 1.9 million RMB,2009-2012.
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Self-powered non-contact on-line monitor technology for voltage and current in electric power lines, 0.86 million RMB,2014-2017.
Awards and Honors
1. Ministry of Education: The 2nd Prize of Natural Science. (2014) (Ranking 1)
2. Chongqing: The 2nd Prize of Natural Science, (2012) (Ranking 1)
3. Chongqing: The 2nd Prize of Science and Technology, (2009) (Ranking 1)
He taught 6 undergraduate courses. He has supervised 10 doctors and over sixty master students. His Ph.D student obtained the National Excellent Doctorial Dissertation (2016) in Measurement Control and Instrumentation Field of China Instrument and Control Society(CIS). His Ph.D students obtained the Excellent Doctorial Dissertation of Chongqing City in 2015 and 2014, respectively. His Ph.D students obtained the Excellent Doctorial Dissertation of Chongqing University in 2016, 2015 and 2014, respectively. His students also won the first prize and second prize in International Sensor Competitions, and China Instrument Scholarships.
He published 140+ SCI papers (64 first author), 4 top JCR papers ( 4 first author), 24 second level JCR papers (19 first author),1400+ SCI citations.
Partial Published Paper:
1. Zhang Jiajia, Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Zhang Feng, Yang Chao, A Management Circuit with Upconversion Oscillation Technology for Electric-Field Energy Harvesting,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016, 31(8):5515-5523.
2. Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Zhang Zhiqiang, Pan Shiqiang, A High-Efficiency Management Circuit Using Multiwinding Upconversion Current Transformer for Power-Line Energy Harvesting, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2015, 62(10): 6327-6335.
3. Chen Lei , Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Zhu Yong, Theoretical analyses of nonlinear magnetoelectric response in self-biased magnetostrictive/piezoelectric laminated composites, Composite Structures ,2015,119: 685-692.
4. Chen Lei , Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Zhu Yong, Resonance magnetoelectric effect in an asymmetric magnetostrictive/piezoelectric trilayered composite structure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 646: 1032-1035.
5. Aichao Yang, Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Chao Yang, Decai Wang, Feng Zhang and Jiajia Zhang, Low-magnetic-threshold acoustic switch fabricated utilizing magnetoelastic FeNi/brass phononic crystal plate, Applied Physics Express,2015,8(9): 097201.
6. Aichao Yang, Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Chao Yang, Decai Wang, Feng Zhang and Jiajia Zhang, High-Q cross-plate phononic crystal resonator for enhanced acoustic wave localization and energy harvesting, Applied Physics Express,2015,8(5): 057101.
7. Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Wenjian Yin, and Hanzhong Wu, An up-conversion management circuit for low-frequency vibrating energy harvesting, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2014, 61(7): 3349-3358.
8. Aichao Yang, Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Significant tuning of band structures of magneto-mechanical phononic crystals using extraordinarily small magnetic fields , Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105 (1): 011904(1)-(4).
9. Zhang Jitao, Li Ping*, Wen Yumei,He Wei,Yang Aichao,Wang Decai,Yang Chao,Lu Caijiang, Giant self-biased converse magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic heterostructure with single-phase magnetostrictive materials, Applied Physics Letters,2014,105(17): 172408.
10. Yang Aichao , Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Lu Caijiang, Peng Xiao, Zhang Jitao, He Wei, Enhanced acoustic wave localization effect using coupled sonic crystal resonators, Applied Physics Letters,2014,104(15):151904(1)-(4).
11. Lu Caijiang, Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Yang Aichao, Yang Chao, Wang Decai, He Wei, Zhang Jitao, Zero-biased magnetoelectric composite Fe73. 5Cu1Nb3Si13. 5B9/Ni/Pb(Zr1-x,Ti x)O3 for current sensing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 589: 498-501.
12. Chen Lei, Li Ping*,Wen Yumei,Zhu Yong, Large self-biased effect and dual-peak magnetoelectric effect in different three-phase magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2014, 606:15-20.
13. Chen Lei, Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Zhu Yong, Magnetoelectric effects in multilayered magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composites with Fe-based nanocrystalline alloy at zero bias magnetic field, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 595: 87-91.
14. Zhang Jitao, Li Ping*,Wen Yumei,He Wei,Yang Aichao,Lu Caijiang, Packaged current-sensing device with self-biased magnetoelectric laminate for low-frequency weak-current detection, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 23(9): 095028.
15. Jitao Zhang, Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Wei He, Jin Yang, Aichao Yang, Caijiang Lu and Wenli Li,Enhanced sensitivity in magnetoelectric current-sensing devices with frequency up-conversion mechanism by modulating the magnetostrictive strain, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014,115(17): 17E505.
16. Caijiang Lu, Ping Li*,Yumen Wen,Aichao Yang,Wei He,Jitao Zhang, Enhancement of resonant magnetoelectric effect in magnetostrictive/ piezoelectric heterostructure by end bonding. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102(13): 132410(1)-(4).
17. Jitao Zhang, Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Wei He, Aichao Yang and Caijiang Lu, Giant self-biased magnetoelectric response with obvious hysteresis in layered homogeneous composites of negative magnetostrictive material Samfenol and piezoelectric ceramics, Applied Physics Letters,2013,103(20): 202902(1)-(5).
18. Aichao Yang, Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Caijiang Lu, Xiao Peng, Jitao Zhang, and Wei He, Enhanced Acoustic Energy Harvesting Using Coupled Resonance Structure of Sonic Crystal and Helmholtz Resonator, Appl. Phys. Express, 2013, 6(12): 127101(1)-(3).
19. Lei Chen, Ping Li*,Yumei Wen,Yong Zhu, Resonance magnetoelectric couplings of piezoelectric ceramic and ferromagnetic constant-elasticity alloy composites with different layer structures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 555(4), 156-160.
20. Chen Lei, Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Zhu Yong, Analysis of the low-frequency magnetoelectric performances in three-phase laminate composites with Fe-based nanocrystalline ribbon, Smart Materials and Structures, 2013, 22(11): 115031(1)-(7).
21. Li Ping*, Wen Yumei, Huang Xian, Yang Jin, Wen Jing, Qiu Jing, Zhu Yong, Yu Miao, Wide-bandwidth high-sensitivity magnetoelectric effect of magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composites under adjustable bias voltage, Sensors and Actuators A, 2013, 201: 164-171.
22. Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Chaobo Jia, and Xinshen Li, A magnetoelectric composite energy harvester and power management circuit , IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2011, 58(7): 2944-2951.
23. Lei Chen, Ping Li*, Yumei Wen ,Dong Wang, High Sensitivity magnetic sensor consisting of ferromagnetic alloy,piezoelectric ceramic and high-permeability FeCuNbSiB , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509(14): 4811-4815.
24. Lei Chen, Ping Li*, and Yumei Wen, Enhanced magnetoelectric effects in laminate composites of Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,TiO)3 with high-permeability FeCuNbSiB ribbon, Smart Materials and Structures, 2010, 19(11): 115003.
25. Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Pangang Liu, Xinshen Li, Chaobo Jia, A magnetoelectric energy harvester and management circuit for wireless sensor network , Sensors and Actuators A, 2010,151(1): 100-106.
26. Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Youhai Cai and Lian Li, Light emitting diode fault detection using p-n junction photovoltatic effect , Review of Scientific Instruments, 2009, 80(5): 055108(1)-05508(7).
27. Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, Leixiang Bian, Enhanced Magnetoelectric Effects in Composite of Piezoelectric Ceramics, Rare-earth Iron Alloys, and Ultrasonic Horn, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90(2):022503.
28. Ping Li*, Design and Fabrication of Passive Wireless Sensor Array System Using Composite Coding Resonant SAW Transducer , Meas. Sci. Tech., 2006, 17(2): 441-449.
29. Ping Li*,Yumei Wen, An Arbitrarily Distributed Tactile-sensor Array Based on a Piezoelectric Resonator, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 1999, 18(2):152-157.
30. Ping Li*, Yumei Wen, An Arbitrarily Distributed Tactile Piezoelectric Sensor Array , Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, 1998, 65(2): 141-146.