Jiaolong Team Wins International Robot Hands-On Competition

ESUN ROBOT ASSOCIATION hosted the sixth International Robot Hands-On Competition,IRHOCS2014 held at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park last December 23-24 in 2014. The representive Jiaolong Team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University won first prize.



12 well-known universities including representatives from Taiwan, Mainland China, Japan, and other countries joined the basketball robot competition.  After a fierce preliminaries, semifinals and finals, the“Jiaolong Team”won first place, with National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan University and Xiamen University ranking the second, third and fourth respectively.


The game required the robots to have flexible movement, perform a quick search and catch a basketball in the basketball court and pass this to the team member and make a basket shot. In order to have the game as close to the real one, robots are forced to capture the basketball using anthropomorphic obstacles on the court.


Teacher Wang Jingchuan from the Automation Department of SEIEE led Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s “Jiaolong Team” and the team members were undergraduates Guo Heng, Zou Jinpei, Sun Yiping from SEIEE. Observation was done by Sheng Yiyao from Tsinghua University.



[ 2015-01-14 ]