课程名称 (Course Name) : Computer Animation Design And Data Visualization
课程代码 (Course Code): CS26006
学分/学时 (Credits/Credit Hours): 3/48
开课时间 (Course Term ): Autumn
开课学院(School Providing the Course): School of Electronics, Information and Electrical Engineering
任课教师(Teacher): Bin Sheng
课程讨论时数(Course Discussion Hours):
课程实验数(Lab Hours):
课程内容简介(Course Introduction):
Computer Animation Design And Data Visualization is a course offered to graduate students of computer science related major. This course is lectured in English and the students should know the basics of programming. Computer generated animation and games is one of the most exciting and fast developing area of research and application. It has become a key technology to digital entertainment industry. Meanwhile, with the development of data warehouse technology, network technology, such as e-commerce technology, animation and data visualization technology covers a wider range of content, and further proposed the concept of data visualization. Data visualization is called a large database or data warehouse data visualization, it is the visualization technology in the field of non-spatial data, so that people are no longer limited by the relational data tables to observe and analyze the data, but also in a more intuitive the way to see the relationship between the data and its structure. The basic idea of data visualization technology is the database for each data item as a single primitive element represents a large number of data sets constitute a data image, while each attribute value data representation in the form of multi-dimensional data from different dimensions observations thus the data further observation and analysis.
In this course, students will have the knowledge of computer animation and data visualization. This course combines technology and art, introduces the history and concepts of computer animation and data visualization. In this course, students are able to grasp the basic animation creative design and data visualization principles and ideas, and to develop their individual animation creative ability, using the most commonly used computer programming language and animation supporting software, design and production of three-dimensional animation, play and train computer animation innovation and practical skills.
Data visualization is currently an important research direction in computer science, it is closely related to the big data mining and presentation technology, it is primarily the scientific study of the image data, for example, calculation or measurement data obtained from satellite transmission or CT and MRI into visible, calculated information to help people understand. Scientific visualization techniques in molecular modeling, medical imaging, earth science, space exploration, terms of computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis has been widely applied. Through this course, students are required to understand the scientific computing visualization study abroad background visual grasp basic concepts and core algorithms. The main content of study are: two-dimensional scalar field contour extraction algorithm; between fault surface reconstruction algorithms; isosurface generation and rendering algorithms; volume rendering algorithms. Students are required after completion of this course, master the basic scientific visualization algorithms and implementations, and can use the knowledge learned a comprehensive solution to practical problems. Students must complete the final large projects in order to improve the ability to visualize the integrated application of knowledge students have learned to solve practical problems.
教学大纲(Course Teaching Outline):
1. Introduction to Computer Animation
2. An Overview of the Animation Design
3. Geometrical Modeling
4. Key-Frame Animation and Geometric Morphing
5. Organization and Rendering of 3D Animation Scenes
6. Advanced Graphical Technologies in Computer Animation
7. Basic Programming Techniques in 3D Animation
8. Virtual Reality and Audio Programming in Computer Animation
9. Artificial Intelligence in Computer Animation
10. Basic Concept: Data Visualization.
11. Visualization Pipeline
12. Data Representation
13. Volume (Scalar) Visualization
14. Vector Field Visualization.
15. Information Visualization
课程进度计划(Course Schedule):
Week 1. Introduction and background. Lecture.
Week 2. An Overview of the Animation Design. Lecture.
Week 3. 3D character modeling. Lecture.
Week 4. 3D scene modeling. Lecture.
Week 5. Group animation & action design. Lecture.
Week 6. High definition animation rendering. Lecture.
Week 7. Post editing. Lecture.
Week 8. Animation creation. Lecture + Lab.
Week 9. Scientific data visualization. Lecture.
Week 10. Classification of visualization techniques. Lecture.
Week 11. Data type and data manipulation. Lecture.
Week 12. Scalar field visualization. Lecture.
Week 13. Vector filed visualization. Lecture.
Week 14. Volume rendering. Lecture.
Week 15. Information Visualization. Lecture.
Week 16. Selected research topics discussion. Lecture + discussion.
课程考核要求(Course Assessment Requirements):
Course project and presentation.
参考文献(Course References):
Data Visualization: Principles and Practice. Alexandru C. Telea. A K PETERS Limited. 2008.
Character Animation Fundamentals: Developing Skills for 2D and 3D Character Animation. Steve Roberts. Elsevier Science. 2011.
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques .Rick Parent. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers .2001.
Information visualization : perception for design. Colin Ware. Morgan Kaufmann. 2013.
预修课程(Prerequisite Course)