课程名称 (Course Name) : Advanced Topics on Internet of Things
课程代码 (Course Code): CS28004
学分/学时 (Credits/Credit Hours):
开课时间 (Course Term ): Fall
开课学院(School Providing the Course): Computer Science
任课教师(Teacher): Dr Yanmin Zhu
课程讨论时数(Course Discussion Hours):
课程实验数(Lab Hours):
课程内容简介(Course Introduction):
The technology of Internet of things (IoT) has attracted increasing attention from both the industry and governments around the world. The Internet of things will become one of the most important infrastructures, which has a great impact on social and economic developments.
The research on Internet of things include data extraction, transmission, storage, processing and applications. This course covers advanced topics on Internet of things, including basic concepts, key technologies, and practice. The emphasis will be on latest hot research topics and progress, and discuss future research directions.
教学大纲(Course Teaching Outline):
The outline of the course is as follows.
(1) Introduction
(2) Architecture of IoT
(3) Core technologies
(4) RFID Identification and counting
(5) Localization methods
(6) Mobile Internet
(7) Security and privacy
(8) Applications
课程进度计划(Course Schedule):
The outline of the course is as follows.
(9) Introduction
(10) Architecture of IoT
(11) Core technologies
(12) RFID Identification and counting
(13) Localization methods
(14) Mobile Internet
(15) Security and privacy
(16) Applications
课程考核要求(Course Assessment Requirements):
2-3 in-class presentations, 50%.
term project and term paper, 50%.
参考文献(Course References):
Lecture notes
Latest published papers on top international conferences, such as MobiCom, MobiSys, Infocom, etc
预修课程(Prerequisite Course)