X033524 Statistical Learning and Inference 统计学习与推理


课程名称 (Course Name) Statistical Learning and Inference

课程代码 (Course Code):   X033524

学分/学时 (Credits/Credit Hours) 3/54

开课时间 (Course Term )  Autumn

开课学院(School Providing the Course:  Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering

任课教师(Teacher:  Zhang Liqing

课程讨论时数(Course Discussion Hours:  6

课程实验数(Lab Hours:   16

课程内容简介(Course Introduction):

Statistical Learning and Inference focuses on the statistical features of machine learning and inference. This course introduces basic theory and methods for extracting rules, structures and patterns in large scale data, requiring students to master system modeling, parameter identification and model inference based on statistical models. The statistical learning methods are applicable to broad areas such as data mining, artificial intelligence and natural language processing. The course features to provide project practice on large scale data to master capability of solving large scale practical problems through modeling and learning.

The course is suitable for the master degree students working on intelligent information processing, pattern recognition, data mining and bioinformatics.

教学大纲(Course Teaching Outline):

1 绪论  Introduction 1学时

2 有指导学习概述 Overview of Supervised Learning    3学时

3 回归的线性方法  (Linear Method for Regression ) 4学时

4 分类的线性方法  (Linear Method for Classification)  4学时

5 基展开与正则化  (Basis Expansion and Regularization )4学时

6 核方法 (Kernel Methods )           4学时

7 模型评估与选择  (Model Assessment and Selection ) 4学时

8 模型推理和平均  (Model Inference and Averaging) 4学时

9 加法模型、树和相关方法  (Additive Model, Tree and Related Methods ) 4学时

10 提升和加法树 (Boosting and Additive Trees)   4学时

课程进度计划(Course Schedule):

Week 1:

1 Introduction

2 Overview of Supervised Learning 

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Variable Types and Terminology

2.3 Two Simple Approaches to Prediction: Least Squares and Nearest Neighbors

2.4 Statistical Decision Theory 

2.5 Local Methods in High Dimensions

2.6 Statistical Models, Supervised Learning and Function Approximation

Week 2

2.7 Structured Regression Models 

2.8 Classes of Restricted Estimators 

2.9 Model Selection and the Bias–Variance Tradeoff 

3 Linear Methods for Regression 41

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Linear Regression Models and Least Squares

3.3 Multiple Regression from Simple Univariate Regression

3.4 Subset Selection and Coefficient Shrinkage 

Week 3

4 Linear Methods for Classification 79

4.1 Introduction 

4.2 Linear Regression of an Indicator Matrix

4.3 Linear Discriminant Analysis 

4.4 Logistic Regression

Week 4

4.5 Separating Hyperplanes 

5 Basis Expansions and Regularization

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Piecewise Polynomials and Splines 

5.3 Filtering and Feature Extraction 

5.4 Smoothing Splines 

5.5 Automatic Selection of the Smoothing Parameters 

Week 5

5.6 Nonparametric Logistic Regression 

5.7 Multidimensional Splines 

5.8 Regularization and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

5.9 Wavelet Smoothing

Week 6

6 Kernel Methods 

6.1 One-Dimensional Kernel Smoothers 

6.2 Selecting the Width of the Kernel 

6.3 Local Regression in IRp

6.4 Structured Local Regression Models in IRp

6.5 Local Likelihood and Other Models

Week 7

6.6 Kernel Density Estimation and Classification 

6.7 Radial Basis Functions and Kernels 

6.8 Mixture Models for Density Estimation and Classification

7 Model Assessment and Selection 

7.1 Introduction 

7.2 Bias, Variance and Model Complexity

7.3 The Bias–Variance Decomposition 

Week 8

7.4 Optimism of the Training Error Rate

7.5 Estimates of In-Sample Prediction Error

7.6 The Effective Number of Parameters

7.7 The Bayesian Approach and BIC

7.8 Minimum Description Length 

7.9 Vapnik–Chernovenkis Dimension 

7.10 Cross-Validation 

7.11 Bootstrap Methods 

Week 9

8 Model Inference and Averaging 

8.1 Introduction 

8.2 The Bootstrap and Maximum Likelihood Methods

8.3 Bayesian Methods

8.4 Relationship Between the Bootstrap and Bayesian Inference

8.5 The EM Algorithm 

Week 10

8.6 MCMC for Sampling from the Posterior

8.7 Bagging 

8.8 Model Averaging and Stacking 

9 Additive Models, Trees, and Related Methods 

9.1 Generalized Additive Models 

Week 11

9.2 Tree-Based Methods 

9.3 PRIM—Bump Hunting 

9.4 MARS: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines 

9.5 HierarchicalMixtures of Experts

9.6 Missing Data 

Week 12

12 Support Vector Machines and Flexible Discriminants 

12.1 Introduction

12.2 The Support Vector Classifier 

12.3 Support Vector Machines

12.4 Generalizing Linear Discriminant Analysis

12.5 Flexible Discriminant Analysis 

Week 13

12.6 Penalized Discriminant Analysis

12.7 Mixture Discriminant Analysis

13 Prototype Methods and Nearest-Neighbors 

13.1 Introduction 

13.2 Prototype Methods 

13.3 k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers

13.4 Adaptive Nearest-Neighbor Methods

Week 14

14 Unsupervised Learning 

14.1 Introduction 

14.2 Association Rules

14.3 Cluster Analysis 

Week 15

14.4 Self-Organizing Maps 

14.5 Principal Components, Curves and Surfaces 

14.6 Independent Component Analysis and Exploratory Projection Pursuit

14.7 Multidimensional Scaling


Week 16


课程考核要求(Course Assessment Requirements)

Students will be graded on their understanding of the course as reflected in their performance on the homework, class participation, examinations, and projects as follows (approximately):

Homework 20% + Projects 40% + Final Exams 40%

参考文献(Course References)

1. Elements of Statistical Learning, Second Edition, Hastie T., R. Tibshirani, and J. Fiedman, Springer, 2009

2. The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory Vapnik, V., Springer-Verlag, New York. 1996

预修课程(Prerequisite Course:

Matrix Theory; Optimization Method; Probability and Statistics 

[ 2015-11-26 ]